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It was these comments which wound me up...


It isn't real photography unless it's analogue.


Same thing with tape vs digital. Digital recording allows you to be lazy as a musician.


My girlfriend is a photographer (pretty hip right?) and she switched to digital to save her money. The digital body was more expensive, but she's saved the difference twice over by not paying for developing film.


Now, I might not know what i'm talking about, but as I understand it, when you're trying to capture "action shots" EG guitarist jumping about at a gig, because he's constantly moving, your focus point is too, and unless you're some sort of god-like photography-robot-genius you'll need more than one attempt to get the shot you're after, because you can't predict what he's going to do. With film, this would waste a load of shots.


...but like i say I might not know what i'm on about.


With music i just... yeh you can fix mistakes, so what. You need a good performance to record in the first place.

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Ah I get what youre on about Chedda. My apologies if I came across as a nob.


To be honest, I think at the end of the day it comes down to what your subjects are going to be. I suppose a lot of the photographers on this board are going to be photographing bands etc, in which case a DSLR is always going to be the most sensible option. But as for myself, I'm more of a street/snapshot photographer. A lot of my photographs are of single notable moments, friends, views etc. and so in my case, I can get away with a manual film SLR. Obviously I could do all of that with a DSLR, but it would lack the look and vibe that I'm going for, if that makes any sense at all.


And it will most likely get expensive for me in the long run, but thats why I try to make sure that every shot I take is worth the 20 or so pence that its going to cost me. It kinda forces me to pick my shots carefully so that nothing is wasted.


But for the record, I'm neither loaded nor a hipster. Just a photography hobbyist.

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When you're taking photos of dead birds and stuff like that they don't really move so you can get the shot first try, and film captures the emotion much better :thumbsup:

Obviously I could do all of that with a DSLR, but it would lack the look and vibe that I'm going for, if that makes any sense at all.


Well that makes total sense. Likewise I wish I could afford a tape machine for my studio

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You could shoot those scenes too with a point and shoot :chuckle:


I think your pictures in general have as difference from mine that yours are usually stills (be it a street or a posed pictures), where mine are usually taken in motion. The latter requires loads of shots so it's more sensible to have it this way :) Doesn't mean I'm against analogue, it's just very impractical. It also doesn't mean I don't try to make my shots count. As all the pics I take need sorting etc it would be stupid to just go and shoot and hope there's something good in there :chuckle:

Last gig I could shoot 45 minutes, and took only a bit more than 200 pictures (incl. burst shots). About 20/30 are setting up / compensating for a shitty lighting dude... then there's a few of the support act (about 30) and then there's 150 of the main band. I narrow that down to about 30 pictures and then I start processing. The 170 I didn't use were not left because they were necessarily carelessly shot pictures and the other 30 were 'lucky shots', they were just not right or others were simply better.


It comes down to this: difference in purpose and style, so definitely not comparable.

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That's a bit sexy. And it sounds amazing.


Yeah, I think I finally understand what the controls do as well. Did you play the orange one with the black pickguard?


Interested in the neck plate? £109.95 + shipping


/ebay logic

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I have to say the MAs are growing on me more and more. I wasn't particularly sold on them at first, but having played a couple of them now, the more I look at them the more they grow on me. Fine fine guitars.

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Yeah, I think I finally understand what the controls do as well. Did you play the orange one with the black pickguard?


Interested in the neck plate? £109.95 + shipping


/ebay logic


I've paypal'd you the monies already.


I think I played yours, James!

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Isn't the colour the 20th anniversary bit? The neckplates are standard now I believe.


20th anniversary MAs and signature guitars only


I've paypal'd you the monies already.


I think I played yours, James!


Haha are you sure? They had 20 red ones I think, but I don't know ... I did ask for these pickups though (they would've come stock with the BKPs I think)

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20th anniversary MAs and signature guitars only


Hmmm...Is that so...I know we were talking about trying to get something suitable for the custom, but I don't know if that would have the logo on or not...I did ask for it...We'll see what happens...Loooooooong way away yet...I haven't heard back from them since I had the deposit transfer confirmed anyway...No point worry about it at this point...They'll be ages yet! :chuckle:

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Hmmm...Is that so...I know we were talking about trying to get something suitable for the custom, but I don't know if that would have the logo on or not...I did ask for it...We'll see what happens...Loooooooong way away yet...I haven't heard back from them since I had the deposit transfer confirmed anyway...No point worry about it at this point...They'll be ages yet! :chuckle:


don't get a neck plate - get a contoured neck joint with countersunk bolts like the RG has...that would make sense, wouldn't it? :erm:


I got a contoured neck joint on mine. Should look a bit like this







that should give you an idea anyway. there aren't any pictures of the rest of the back of that one.

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I think we came to the agreement of just doing a normal neck joint. I don't play in a way that I'd need one of those anyway, so it would be unnecessary. Tim did show me the options, but it would just be more hassle than it's worth.

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Just to keep it on topic, James! And what's that black guitar? Is it that Manson Stelth thing? needs more custom hardware and sustainer


Yeah. I was considering asking for a neck pickup when it was having work done a while back, but decided against it. I guess mainly because there's not much room left.


And that is the custom hardware I think, but just spray painted black (not the same as the black custom hardware on the sunburnt)

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