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Thanks for the email Hooglebug, I have to save for the damn thing now, I know there will be some lead-time on actually getting the thing.

:) Damn cars, girlfriends, trips to uurope with work and weed.

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in terms of acoustics you certainly can by changing the bracing and thickness of the wood. as for semi hollow solid bodies im not sure there'd be that much of a noticeable difference. tho there also might be. im so helpful hehe

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heh, well at first (i'm always thinking about basses) I was thinking about making huge sustain, but then I think it'd just make the bass feed back? My acoustic bass goes nuts when I plug it into my bass rig and turn up, and my semi-hollow guitar was never much better.

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just spoke with fedex as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere ... seems that they have all the info anyway. hopefully tomorrow.



i see you used three pieces of wood for that guitar body - is there an advantage of using one piece? i recall reading something about sound transfer, but i don't know if that was true or not.

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That one looks pretty cool - how are you finding it?


It's honestly the best and finest guitar I've ever played. I love everything about it, especially the feel of it. It's just a superb, well built guitar. All of my other guitars are being neglected because I use this one 90% of the time. :)

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At dest sort facility



Well, it's out of customs, and that's the last stop from the looks of things.


still says by 10:30 AM, so hopefully it'll be here in under three hours. :awesome:


Pics and review to come....

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I'm excited for you James! Hope it arrives safe!


Yeah it should get here fine - it's been sent in a flight case. Plus the guitar looks incredibly well built anyway. Just waiting for fedex to update so I can watch the door...


Are you still going to do those tele(s) this year with necks from hooglebug?

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ok, first, my own picture of it (which is inevitable)






Now, for the guitar itself...




I was intending to make this review short, but .. I can't.


the whole thing screams quality. neck feels great, absolutely no fret buzz either. it was pretty much in tune when I got it! the finish has a few minor flaws, but that's expected for a handmade guitar. the mansons do as well. the entire guitar is built like a tank from what i can tell - it's heavier than my les paul actually!


the sound is AMAZING. especially in the middle position. the miracle man sounds great, even coil tapped. neck pickup has a lot of punch to it.


as for the setup, the action is basically how i like it and as i said, no fret buzz at all. feels great with 11's. (what brand was used btw?)


it looks a hell of a lot better in real life too. the finish is a little darker i'd say.


being the picky bastard i am....i'd give it a 10. i've only given it maybe 15 minutes of play time, but i can't fault it.


and as i mentioned before, customer support is amazing.


it's an amazing guitar - anyone considering having a guitar built by him...DO IT!

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Guhhhh Im GASing like fuck for one of those DC Deco shaped guitars, with two HB sized pups, or a HB + P90 combo, But a flat top rather than an archtop... I would love you fo evaaa


If only i had the money :LOL:


Edit: wait not "archtop", but the convex top like on james' haha

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