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Today, I visited this forum so I found that it's very intersted for me.. there are many topics available here so I like this so much.....

I hope that you will read care fully and tell me more benifits about this .........



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looks great


so is that what the flame should basically look like when its done? and also, what finish were we doing for the back of the neck? i can't find the spec list, but i think it was the same type of finish the body has (can't remember what it's called), but clear rather than blue

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yeah its just all acrylic urethane all over. its still soaking into the wood at this stage so once it starts building up it will look deeper and such, but basically yes like that.


a thing to take notice of - this finish does react like nitro to rubber. a guitar i did three years ago for this guy, he put it on a rubber stand and his strap had rubber on it and the finish marked. so if you do have it on a stand put some cloth over the rubber bits. and on that one the finish checked and crazed like nitro does too, although thats the only one that its done it on for some reason.

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yeah its just all acrylic urethane all over. its still soaking into the wood at this stage so once it starts building up it will look deeper and such, but basically yes like that.


a thing to take notice of - this finish does react like nitro to rubber. a guitar i did three years ago for this guy, he put it on a rubber stand and his strap had rubber on it and the finish marked. so if you do have it on a stand put some cloth over the rubber bits. and on that one the finish checked and crazed like nitro does too, although thats the only one that its done it on for some reason.


that's interesting - do you think the finish on this one will end up checking after a short period of time? (though it wouldn't be a huge problem - it's just fake relic-ing that i hate haha). generally mine are in their case when i'm not using them. so if anything, it would be temperature or humidity that would cause this (it's fairly cool most of the time and i'm trying to keep it humid as well)

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i have no idea. like i said thats the only one its happened to that i know of and iv always used the same finish. if it happens it happens, cant control it. and hell, people pay hundreds to get a finish like that hehe


just keep it away from rubber!

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This thing is going to be an absolute beast. Did you end up modifying the neck profile at all? I remember you were going to try changing it a little since it was on the chunky side


Oh, and is it on the weighty side? I know it's chambered (although, not quite what gibson does). Just wondering really - not a problem as my LP is a solid slab of mahogany and maple, so I'm used to it.



As for the stand, mine has some sort of foam material....that should be fine yes? It doesn't say anything about being nitro safe, but the mansons which I think are nitro haven't shown any damage and they've spent some time on that stand.

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i dont know - if its foam rubber then it might be a problem. might be an idea just to put some cloth over it anyway just in case.


yes i did take a little off the neck. its about 59 les paul thickness now but shaped more to a v so doesnt feel as chunky.


as for weight, i dont know. i'll have to weigh it. i would imagine it would be around the 8-9lb mark

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sounds good. that neck profile should be fine from how you describe it - if it's anything like the 59 LP reissue i have, i shouldn't have an issue with it. that guitar definitely has a chunky neck compared to your average LP.


looking forward to seeing this and sam's guitar done

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