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  • 2 weeks later...

the back is nice and shiny.




but its coming off. which is a bastard. the reason its taken so long to get to this point is this:


when i came to put the final few coats on i had run out of clear coat. when i went to get some more, the place i get it from wasnt stocking what i used to get anymore, so i got what they had. its the same stuff, just made by a different company. so shock horror it reacted. not much, but enough, it was like tiny tiny crazing. when it was cured i flatted it off and it went away, only to come back again when i polished it up. iv been flatting and polishing and flatting and polishing and its still there.


you cant really see it but you can see what look like pores coming through in this pic, but thats the crazing




its not easy to see in the pics, and from a distance it looks nice. but as soon as you get it in the light its all you can see. so unfortunately its coming off. but, better to go through this and have it look perfect than leave it as it is

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  • 2 weeks later...
well its red again. the burst is going on tomorrow so i might take a pic or two then. for some reason, even though the figuring is more noticeable in person this time, it just wont show up in pics. hmm.


almost forgot about you :pope:


cant wait to see this one finished!

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we were wrong. the rapture did happen. im in hell, refinishing the same guitar over and over and over again.



i sprayed the burst on and let it dry. went to scrape off the edges for the faux binding, and the whole lot started flaking off. brilliant.


so its not red anymore. again. more sanding tomorrow. woo.

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you're telling me!!!!!!!



so in my bored lonely (sob sob) evenings and nights i've decided to make some wallpapers and have a download section on my site. so, any requests?


go out and meet a girl, seriously! socialise! your work will be better if you are happier.

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