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Muse albums and planets


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There message on Plug in Baby is scrambled at best but I thought it was originally about the interaction with virtual reality. Then it sort of went into being about the loss of individualism in a larger network, plugging the organic into the inorganic, etc. It is a tough fit since Muse themselves always seem to give different answers but there's definitely enough out there in their responses to indicate some sort of connection to the original intent.


It is one of the songs that hasn't had a standard (or an as well known) interpretation though. So that's always going to be up in the air.

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I believe Black Holes and Revelations is actually themed after Mars but that's fairly common knowledge. But yeah, the rest are likely coincidental. Though if the new album is called Rings (or something alone those lines) I'm totally coming back to this. :LOL:

or maybe "Ice Particles and Dust"? :p

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I do like the idea. It is very interesting. We know Matt loves space and conspiracies. The only part of the theory I have to disagree with is The Resistance. I'm not saying your theory couldn't be true. But if it is I don't think The Resistance is part of this pattern. The themes of the album don't particularly fit. Sure Exogenesis has quite a bit to do with space, and life forms traveling to start a new world. (Incredibly simplified version, personally the Symphony always seemed ripped from the ideas behind Scientology to me.) Also, Matt has discussed several different inspirations for the album, most of which were books like 1984 and others of a similar theme. As for the Cover Art, except for the man standing on the path, that image is pulled right from a book by Carl Sagan. Which Matt probably read. I do love your theory though. If it's true, here's my addition to how it happened. Showbiz probably just happened that way. Then when they were taking mushrooms and recording Origin of Symmetry, they saw a link to Mercury like you said and ran with the idea through Black Holes and Revelations. Psychedelics do that kind of shit. I'm glad you shared this. Hope my addition doesn't meet ridicule. Generally things I say do. :LOL:

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I idea that The Resistance wouldn't be included has actually dawned on me before since it's probably the most difficult fit. All of this requires some stretch of the imagination but obviously that one is the biggest shot in the dark.


By all means, if people want to contribute to this lunacy I totally approve. :D

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This is kinda like



Origin of Symmetry


Black Holes & Revelations


The Resistance





ABOUT MARS PHASE could also be OTUBA RAMS HAPSE, which has the exact same meaning.

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Best interview with Muse I've ever seen is one from Japan right after OoS came out. Pretty sure Matt was on mushrooms. What you should do Saint is send this information to a Chicago or LA radio station so when they interview Muse it comes up and we can hear Matt and Dom's stunned silence. :LOL:

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Best interview with Muse I've ever seen is one from Japan right after OoS came out. Pretty sure Matt was on mushrooms. What you should do Saint is send this information to a Chicago or LA radio station so when they interview Muse it comes up and we can hear Matt and Dom's stunned silence. :LOL:



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ABOUT MARS PHASE could also be OTUBA RAMS HAPSE, which has the exact same meaning.

ahhaahha, maybe that's the title of the next album and will talk about "the phase of computers Read Acces Memories and watever you want an 'OTUBA' to be"

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Best interview with Muse I've ever seen is one from Japan right after OoS came out. Pretty sure Matt was on mushrooms. What you should do Saint is send this information to a Chicago or LA radio station so when they interview Muse it comes up and we can hear Matt and Dom's stunned silence. :LOL:


I think I'm a bit too lazy for that. Someone else can give it a go though.

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