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Coldplay, Muse, Damon Albarn asked to write London 2012 Olympics anthem


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In this case though, the Olympics is a much more credible project to work on than Twilight :p I would have preferred to see Muse work with Queen for this however

That would be quite awesome wouldn't it?

Tbh I think muse would put on the better show, coldplay don't appeal to me as being big showmen.


I'd prefer Coldplay to do it tbh. As much as I'd love for Muse to do it, I can't help feeling that they'd be straining to write the song rather than it coming naturally, and we might end up with some real cheesy song.


Not to say Coldplay wouldn't come out with a cheesy song, but they can pull off cheesy better


If Muse were running a portion of the ceremonies, it would be quite an epic show. But not sure how Matt could write for something like that. I think the organizers would have to wait to see what comes out while its in his mind, and pick a song rather than have him write one for them. But who knows? It's quite an inspirational thing, so it could be done a little easier than other situations (I think anyway). It would be interesting to see if they truly will have anything to do with this.

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Not too sure whether any of the 3 would write a song to order though. I mean, Matt had already written NSC before, hadn't he? And just decided to give it to Tw*****t? This^ is a bit like writing an elaborate jingle...but being told what to write surely goes against the Rock creativity ethic...


They already do that for a living pretty much. :p

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They already do that for a living pretty much. :p


Do they really? In interviews they never really stop going on about how they write what they want to write


Also, would be cool if they re-worked Butterflies & Hurricanes for the performance, with the lyrics fitting and all

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Do they really? In interviews they never really stop going on about how they write what they want to write


Also, would be cool if they re-worked Butterflies & Hurricanes for the performance, with the lyrics fitting and all


Look at what happened to The Klaxons when they were actually honest about how labels work (ie. An album being shelved as it didn't fit what the label viewed the band as being, as they wanted pop songs).


Muse will be left to do what they like, but may be pushed towards certain things or they are aware of what the label expects them to do and need to write music within that and all that sort of thing and labels will have the power to make sure bands aren't doing anything they don't want them to, such as the above, plus the cost of an album that has been shelved will be added onto the next one as it won't count as part of the contract agreement.


Not to forget, modern music is very business orientated, bands in the 60's and 70's were releasing albums every 6 months or something stupid with any old crap on it, bands these days it's every 2/3 years as they go through the whole marketing process to make they get every last penny out of it, then repeat.

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What's dull about Uprising? It's a brilliant song. Let me guess: "omg uprising is played on radio shit muse goin mainztream i cant listne to that"?

Read his post again before making generalisations.


And that someone would prefer Coldplay because Muse are mainstream is just hilarious.

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If Matt re-edited the lyrics to "Butterflies & Hurricanes" to take out all the references to a worldwide conflict, he'd be left with:


"Best, you've got to be the best

You've got to change the world

And use this chance to be heard

Your time is now"



I'm sure the Olympic committee would eat that shit up. :p

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