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A few people who atleast are familiar with the ocean state.

Speaking of running in Rhode Island, Im on the track team at Providence College, and you are absolutely right about some of trails and areas we have in RI. There is a massive running community right outside of the Brown Campus that takes advantage of the downtown areas as well. Also, their is another large contingency of runners in the south county area. Naragansett especially with loads of beaches and coastline make it a solid place. As far as the show here at providence college, you guys missed a good one. Literally under 300 people, just a gym with a make shift stage. The best part was, that didn't phase the boys at all, they rocked that gym like it was a bigger gig than woodstock, when they easily could have just sat back and not taken it seriously. Anyone that is interested, Bright eyes and straylight run are coming to providence college for a show sometime this spring. If anyone is interested, PM me and ill get you the details when they are available. Also, when are we gonna hear if and when Muse will come back to tour the US? If anyone hears of any shows anywhere close to New England please let me know

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A few people who atleast are familiar with the ocean state.

Speaking of running in Rhode Island, Im on the track team at Providence College, and you are absolutely right about some of trails and areas we have in RI. There is a massive running community right outside of the Brown Campus that takes advantage of the downtown areas as well. Also, their is another large contingency of runners in the south county area. Naragansett especially with loads of beaches and coastline make it a solid place. As far as the show here at providence college, you guys missed a good one. Literally under 300 people, just a gym with a make shift stage. The best part was, that didn't phase the boys at all, they rocked that gym like it was a bigger gig than woodstock, when they easily could have just sat back and not taken it seriously. Anyone that is interested, Bright eyes and straylight run are coming to providence college for a show sometime this spring. If anyone is interested, PM me and ill get you the details when they are available. Also, when are we gonna hear if and when Muse will come back to tour the US? If anyone hears of any shows anywhere close to New England please let me know


i use to be in track too :D I ran the 100 and 200m dash -- it's not too late to join track again, though i'm fumbling around with that decision. have you been to Newport?


sounds like you had a great time at the concert -- i'm not sure when they'll tour the U.S., though we'll probably hear something around the time their album comes out..or even sooner: when their first single comes out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. :)


Yeah I'm not too thrilled about that- especially since they've been doing pretty damn well over here since Absolution. I'll probably just end up ordering the Japanese version like I did last time- it comes out sooner and it has an extra track. I feel bad about not helping their US sales, but sometimes they don't make it easy.

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i know. thats what sucks. you would think warner would understand that too, but who knows what they're thinking anyways...


the deal could be that since all american releases come out on tuesdays, and since the day after july 3 is the 4th of july, not too many people will be out shopping. so maybe they're delaying it for a week so that it won't have to share it's thunder with a major holiday. either that or they're picking out a tuesday that doesn't have another major band release so that they're the big one coming out. i can see possible reasons for the delay, but if it's not a good one, i'll be super pissed.

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Hard to understand the reasons behind Warner's strategy both on the new album and the Abso dvd release which we are still waiting for...even south america, where they've never been to, has it already. But on the up side according to that mtv article Dom is quoted saying they'll probably do a US TOUR THIS FALL !!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Who the heck is that? :confused:


it's just a random boy i found while browsing around the internet. boredom, heh :)


maybe they'll play Austin City Limits..... (it's in september)


reunion anyone???? :D


oh yeah -- count me in on that one! Still no word on their release date in the US, eh? I'm guessing it would probably be the July 4th or 5th, though that is just an assumption

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hard to understand the reasons behind Warner's strategy both on the new album and the Abso dvd release which we are still waiting for...even south america, where they've never been to, has it already. But on the up side according to that mtv article Dom is quoted saying they'll probably do a US TOUR THIS FALL !!! :)



Whoo-hoo! I'll probably have to skip class!

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