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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. I hope its red glitter personally. I have a personal stigma against P90's, but that's just me. an XY pad would be neat as fuck, but I don't have any MIDI toys to pair it with :(


    What's wrong with P90s?


    Can't see there being an XY pad model, probably going to be a delorean looking one. Or a left handed mbc-1.

  2. What's a well-built, reasonably-priced dual humbucker guitar? I kinda want one to fit the MBK-1 pickups :rolleyes:


    I'm drooling over the Fender FMT HH Tele's, but swapping the good SD pickups for MBK-1's seems like a waste :stunned:


    The FMT teles are pretty nice. I was going to buy one, but then the mbc-1 was announced.




    I had the BKP nailbomb and mississippi queen in it and it sounded pretty good, though the pickups did cost more than the guitar. :facepalm: the electronics were complete garbage and it wouldn't fit CTS pots though, but other than that, the guitar itself definitely had a lot of potential for upgrades etc


    Needs more output jacks



  3. Why would you want that as opposed to the button? I've found the button far easier to use and less chance of breakage - though I suppose I play Buckethead songs far too often.


    I can see if you wanted a simple mute toggle if you don't do the stuttering effects and stuff.


    Pretty much what sidious911 said. Plus it's more matthew.


    Nope, but I'd keep the kill button. I don't think the toggles were meant to take so much abuse - the one in my MB-1 is pretty noisy now, and I've got another that needed to be pulled apart and the contacts bent back. Still doesn't work properly, so it'll be replaced when it goes back to Mansons next month.


    Maybe I need to play less RATM songs, I don't know.




    It doesn't actually need a wrench - it has the pinwheel adjust at the bottom of the neck, so just as long as you have something to turn that (which it does include from what I remember - it's just a long metal bit)


    That probably explains why the switch on my Epiphone Dot is a bit temperamental. But can a kill button bulls on parade?!


    Thank you! When I'm home I'll take some measurements :happy:


    Does the guitar come with its own truss rod wrench?


    Mine came with the long bit of metal too, and 3 allen (or hex) keys for some reason.

  4. Pretty sure asking for shaft shots is against forum rules! :LOL:




    I can PM you the links if you want to. I've been staking out ebay :$


    So apparently the machinehead buttons for the Cort and Gotoh tuners have different fits for the shafts. Meaning that if I buy ones for the Cort, I'll be stuck with those tuners forever. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


    Anyone free enough to take the buttons off from their Cort tuners and measure/ take pictures of the shaft for me? :rolleyes: I'm wondering if they're the same size as Schaller or Grover shafts - there has to be some standard they're copied from, right?


    The cort tuner shaft is about 4mm diameter... :$


    Has anyone replaced the kill button with a 3 way toggle switch on theirs?

  5. I wouldn't consider the blue box a proper octave pedal really.


    And yeah, I was doing that up until a few days ago. It sounds pretty good with the right fuzz after it as well - I'm using this at the moment:




    Wish it had a tone control though. I plan to put the GE-7 after it, which should help.


    And yeah, we'll have to sort something out next year. I imagine £15 including shipping is fair if you're sending to someone in the same country, or £20 if it's in a different country.


    Only thing is that it'll be fairly easy to guess who sent what. Unless we can all send the packages to one person, who can then send them out (which I'd be willing to do, as long as there's some way that we all can split shipping costs evenly)


    This is getting a bit confusing, but I suppose we have some time to plan...


    Yeah, suppose it isn't really an octave pedal.


    Think I might get another fuzz pedal that works better with the other stuff on my board. I love the fuzz factory, but it is kind of annoying at times.


    The shipping costs might get a bit silly if we sent everything to you to then send out :LOL:. But yeah it'd probably be easy to tell who got who.

  6. Which one was that?


    I use mine with distortion and fuzz. Not at the same time though :vomit: I still need to try the built in distortion feature, but I much prefer my valve amp distortion from op amps




    I've got an idea. We should do K&T secret santa next year, assuming enough people want to participate.


    I can keep my OC-3 for that, but no one needs to know it's the equivalent to receiving coal. They could even sell it if they want - I don't know if there are many old guys in the UK that want to sound like CKY, but you never know.


    Blue box. I didn't realise how quiet it is before I bought it.


    I use the OC-3 with my distortron usually. Only used the built in distortion for a few minutes and it didn't sound amazing or anything.


    Secret santa is a good idea, I'm up for that.

  7. You'll have to tell me if it can QOTSA




    So that's like the equivalent of buying yourself coal for christmas


    To be honest, I didn't even consider the OC-2 as the OC-3 was cheaper. I figured it was just because the OC-2 was discontinued, but it does sound better to me




    And I haven't tried a fuzz factory with mine yet. Sounds alright with a fuzz before it, not so much with one after it.


    :LOL: Seems to be the coal of octave pedals


    I didn't even think of looking for an OC-2 either, but it does sound a bit better. Plus last time I bought an octave pedal without trying it first I was slightly disappointed.


    Haven't used mine with the FF much, mostly use it with distortion cause it sounds much nicer.

  8. Merry Christmas K&T!


    An OC-3 is the kind of pedal you get from santa for being naughty all year




    Aw :( Bought myself that for xmas :LOL:


    Didn't someone else on here recently admit they were naughty as well? It was either nerd herd or Macaroon - I recall they were talking about their kaoss pad not playing nice with it or something.


    I regret getting rid of my micro POG, but I think I'll get the nano POG if I replace the OC-3, since it can be powered on standard 9v



    Yeah it was me, I think Macaroon said he already had one but it didn't like fuzz or something. The kaoss pad is gone though :ohmy:

  9. I see you Feeling Good and raise you Unsustainable.


    Nah I know what you mean. I've seen reapers twice now, so what I mean by that is that I'm not too bothered about them swapping it out. I only mention feeling good as I've not yet seen it live, obviously there would be preferable options!


    Still not seen new born :(


    Yeah, that'd probably be worse.


    I wouldn't mind seeing Feeling Good, just that instead of Reapers would be an awful let down. Apparently the sets will be better for the European shows, if the tour thread's anything to go by.


    Aaaand to stay slightly on topic, I finally got my fuzz factory to work with the sustainiac.

  10. That's okay then. Just be wary. The line between insulting and not insulting #TheBru is hazier than a Glaswegian's sight after a night on the tonic.


    Brilliant :LOL:


    Feeling Good/Globalist instead of Reapers... Hmmm.


    I've seen Reapers and it was great, I've still not seen Feeling Good live so I don't know if I'd be bothered if they swapped them out in Glasgow come April time. I'm still not a fan of the Globalist, I'd rather they spent 10 minutes of set time in earlier albums, but wouldn't we all?.


    Playing Feeling Good instead would be the most disappointing swap possible. I really want to see Reapers again since I hadn't heard it before first time I saw it

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