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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Looking at the "artist impression" picture I have with one of the MB guitars, it does look a bit small on me... but I probably look like Niel compared to you and #dickmovedom



    Are you Josh Homme? If yes, it's a coincidence, if no, then it's not a coincidence.


    I think.


    I haven't got the special secret toan.

  2. Deffo reckon I'm gonne get an MBC1 some day. Trying to think what mods I'd want done to it


    Would most likely swap the pickups and would definitely get ali knobs. With a signature Muse guitar you've gotta get the sustainer right, although that's a fair bit of work. Suppose could also change bridge and tuners if I was desperate to go full Bellamy


    I reckon it'd look really small on me. So used to seeing those shaped guitars on Bellamy whose a right shorty, whereas I'm around 6foot4


    Sustainer and a new brdige are good mods. I'm about the same height and it looks a bit small. Not ridiculously tiny though.


    Or tune to C standard. Close enough?


    My biggest guitar is in C standard. Coincidence?

  3. Good thing my AC30 isn't working properly, otherwise I'd have to make a 15 second clip on my iPhone 6 to make the G.A.S. even worse.


    And just having a look, and I think I follow most people from here as well, but not quite half.


    Got a bit startled by the amount of likes and followers I got when I made that video of the new born kaoss pad intro. Had to have been linked on one of those foreign speaking Facebook fan pages...



    Half was a wee bit on an exaggeration :LOL:. Think I missed that kaoss pad one when you posted it, but it seems you're #instafamous


    Eek, sorry. It's good for you in the long run ;)



  4. Another pedal that was used is the custom made turkish pedal from istanbul (machsonic thrust drive)


    In the demo videos I've seen, it really doesn't sound good at all, but remember he was running it into an ampeg V4B. Not only is that a bass amp, but it has some extreme midrange shaping options.


    Is that the wooden one someone on here (was it you?) bought a while ago and it turned out to be pretty useless?

  5. As for Matt's distortion sound are you sure he doesn't used the Fuzz Head more widely? It seems to appear so much in limited pictures and videos of his setup and I feel like I can get it to sound like Knights, basic chords like PIB/Mercy and even like Handler/Psycho on the D string. I've also seen a fair few covers on YouTube sound really similar to Matt using it too.


    Not sure about the fuzz head, but http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/oct15/articles/inside-track-1015.htm is decent for knowing which fuzz pedals are on drones. Interesting that he used a colour box.

  6. Thanks chaps.


    Well sir having purchased an AC30C2 recently I can not recommend it highly enough. Its master volume makes it good to get a nice dirty tone at low volumes. But its a strictly 12 noon-7pm kinda amp in a bedroom environment :LOL:


    The tone is absolutely beautiful, and I'm yet to properly crank it outside the house other than when I was testing it from the seller. One thing is for sure though, if you ever need to it could blow the roof off most small venues. I'm very very glad I bought it, even in a bedroom setting for now.


    Nice. I'll probably go for the AC15 to increase the 7 hour bedroom playing time :LOL:


    I would recommend the AC15C1 also, although I have to admit humbuckers make mine break up a little too early for my liking, single coils are a lot nicer I think.


    The almost breaking up sort of sound is kind of what I'm after, so that sounds ideal.

  7. Need a bit of advice about amps.


    I'm probably going to buy a valve amp at some point this year (finally). Fancy either a Vox AC30C2 or an AC15C2. Don't need anything crazy loud since I only play at bedroom volume or at small gigs. I usually have my amps set up so they sound a tiny bit dirty but still fairly clean, so would the AC15 be better? But it'll compress more easily (less headroom?) than the AC30 so might end up sounding a bit less chimey if it's fairly loud won't it?


    Hope my slightly confused rambling makes sense here...

  8. I've always wondered what was making that laser-ish kind of noise towards the end of Stockholm Syndrome at Earls Court (2nd night I believe) Could it be Matt's little ribbon controller thing on his 007?


    For the outro? Sounds like he'd fiddled with the delay time etc. on the echo pro.

  9. Oaft. Talk me through it. Half chicken? Piri Piri chips? Maybe even a bit of cheeky creamy mash?


    The big question, did you pay for bottomless drinks or get a water glass and try and snake some Fanta?


    Butterfly burger with piri chips and garlic bread. What's a vegetable?


    Didn't even know that could be done, but it seems far too cheeky to accomplish :ninja:

  10. Nobody came up with a definite ID yet but there are a few comments https://www.reddit.com/r/Guitar/comments/4g9644/question_id_this_guitar_played_by_matt_bellamy


    They really seem to think it's a Cort of some sort but no proper ID yet.


    Not to worry, there's an expert on the case


    It's a Manson DL-1 Signature customized by Matt Bellamy.


    Literally 5 seconds in google. http://equipboard.com/items/manson-dl-1-signature-electric-guitar

    EDIT Whoops. Spoke too soon. Different headstock.

  11. Orange guitar




    Can anyone remember if there were any more deets about the white guitar on that fobbedoff.net page (or whatever it was called)? Probably nothing we don't already know on there though. I've spent far too long on Google today tying to find out what it is but got nothing... again.


    K&T will be complete if we ever find out what it is.

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