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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Looks like I spoke too soon for madness being played :LOL::D


    Brilliant gig again, even though the set last night was better. Was pretty cool to sit one night and stand the next. The confetti during mercy is so impressive when you're standing. Plus the bagpipe jam was cool as fuck.


    Got high fived by the band and Glen gave me a plectrum. Win.

  2. What were the three songs? I imagine one was citizen erased.


    Any idea if he played that new one? Or were you watching the show through your iPhone 5S as well?


    Yup, citizen erased was one. The other two were take a bow & assassin.


    The new bomber? Looked like the metal one during bliss and knights. Didn't watch through my phone - not even an iPhone 6S camera is that good :LOL:

  3. Just back in the hotel after the gig...up there with one of the best I've seen ( 7th time) buzzing we got bliss CE SSE and TAB, band seemed really up from it aswell. Lol sorry when matt was n the wrong mic right in front of me. Onyx downside is though was the variation in sound quality. At times you couldn't hear the guitar over the drums, the guitar over the bass etc etc but all in all fantastic gig and great setlist


    The sound way up in the 3rd level of seats was good all night. Only problem with it was the slide guitar in The Globalist being a bit quiet. And the cunts behind me wouldn't shut up during it :mad:

  4. That was absolutely brilliant. CE, Map and TAB in the same set has made me very happy.


    Was a wee bit awkward when people started clapping just before the piano in CE as if it was the end of the song though :chuckle:


    Weird approach to things here at the SECC. They wouldn't let me round to the other half of the standing area - cut me off at the piano section. "different types of ticket" apparently. This wasn't an issue in London. Has it happened anywhere else? Not annoyed, just curious I guess.


    We're you In the standing bit with no seats behind it? I want to try to get there tomorrow night cause the band leaves down that side.


    I think that theory about them dressing up as the riot police before the gig may be true now.

  5. Not weird for those of the politically left wing. Thunderbirds as the heroic side of the American imperialistic project (exploring the world, and then space). But Drones as the dark underbelly of the American imperialist project.


    I thought the Globalist was about blowing everything up, which is why they fly the dildrone about during it. Loads of destruction etc is kind of the opposite of Thunderbirds.


    Is TAB still being played? Hoping to get it on Sunday or Monday.

  6. I play a harmonic on the 7th fret of the G string and put the whammy (set to +1) up really quickly then let it down slower, if that makes sense. It's not spot on but close-ish.

  7. Yes. Someday you won't be lucky and the ringing won't go away.

    Anytime something is loud enough to make your ears ring after is dangerous.


    Yeah, thanks. I usually wear them for standing, but though sitting might be quieter. Might as well take them with me.

  8. I've never actually bothered to learn mercy apart from the distorted bit.


    I'm interested to know how to get that sound in the bridge. It's some heavy modulation.


    Sounds like a flanger or some phaser. Guessing it's something on the axe fx.

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