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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. What do Mansons do about the finish where they route out a larger cavity for the sustainiac or Fernandes??


    The extra bit in the cavity is painted black, but it doesn't look the same as the paint Cort use in the factory. The finish on the outside doesn't look any different though.

  2. I saw a couple of those, are they the "Escort Lead" models? Not tried them out before, but the AC30C really caught my fancy when I got a chance to play one!


    I must invest in a FF soon, I was looking at the updated model; the Fat Fuzz Factory, adds a sub-switch for really low-end oscillation. Looks interesting!


    Yeah it's the lead model. Mine probably needs serviced by now though :facepalm:


    You must! Apart from not working too well with whammies and sustainers they sound great.

  3. Primarily I'm after the really biting, fuzzy as F riff tone Matt has. Obviously impossible to achieve dead on without a full rig and a sound tech on your pay roll but hey a man can try. Tried for a while to try and find a good example of that tone from a live vid, best I could find was probably the SS outro at the HAARP Wembley gig but I'm sure I've seen better examples of it.


    I'm fairly certain at this point I want to get an AC30. Whether it lends to that tone or not I'm not sure but I've played one a couple of times in a store and just love the sound from it. I will certainly second guess myself again at some point but I bet I'll end up with one soon. My only other problem is the pedals that I want to run into it, the choice is just confusing to me.


    Pretty sure Matt said he uses an AC30 for the basic sound then adds other amps to it (cant remember where I read this though) so you'll probably get it to sound close enough.


    I get pretty close to that sort of tone with a fuzz factory and a Vox Escort 50 if that's any help

  4. For sale:


    MXR Blue Box - £60 posted in the UK. No idea how much posting anywhere else would cost.

    Boss LS-2 - £65. Same postage as above.



    Both pedals are in perfect condition (only had them a few months). Velcro on the bottom but it'll come off without leaving a mark. Got all the boxes & instructions etc for both.

  5. It's mostly just me I think :chuckle: I don't really see many other people requesting it.


    If they have to play a ballad-y guitar song though, I can't of many better. It certainly beats out stuff like Guiding Light, Aftermath, Unintended, Madness and Blackout for me.


    Invincible needs to come back. That solo :facemelt:


    Stockholm Syndrome + riffs into Psycho would be a good way to end the main part of the set.

  6. The only reason I was considering a Manson at all is because I know the build quality would be good, whereas I might have to deal with sharp fret ends/ bad neck if I opt for the cheaper Cort. I know QC issues are prevalent in some American made guitars, therefore I'm not sure if I'm expecting too much to want the MBC-1 to be perfectly playable right out of the box? I'd love to hear people's experiences with the Corts and how much adjustments they needed to make before they could play with their guitars :D


    There aren't any sharp fret ends on mine, and the neck feels really good.


    Didn't take any adjustment to have mine playable, although it was set up by Mansons so I'm not sure how it'd be straight from Cort. Wouldn't take much more than setting the action probably. Neck relief on mine needs adjusted a little bit now, but that'd happen with most guitars depending where you are.

  7. Looks like he switches the sustainer on before the solo which would be a bit pointless if it's mimed. But then you don't need the sustainer on to play it...


    Don't really get why the solo wouldn't be played live. Sure he's made a few mistakes in it before but he's also played way more difficult stuff while singing too. That riff definitely seems like a backing track though :facepalm:

  8. *Drones*

    1) Reapers

    2) Drill Sergeant + Psycho

    3) Dead Inside (no guitar)

    4) Plug In Baby

    *Isolated System*

    5) The Handler

    6) Interlude + Hysteria

    7) Supermassive Black Hole

    8) Prelude + Starlight

    9) Apocalypse Please

    *Munich Jam*

    10) Madness

    11) Undisclosed Desires

    12) JFK + Revolt

    13) Time Is Running Out

    14) Uprising (no guitar)

    15) The Globalist + Drones


    16) Mercy

    17) Man With A Tired Intro + Knights Of Cydonia


    Drones twice and no Matt playing guitar for DI or Uprising... hmm...


    The little bit of the Globalist I heard sounded good though.

  9. I've not heard of him using any Fender combos (unless they're referring to the hot rod from the showbiz era?) but in the making of, there was the ampeg head (V2 or V4 it seems), the diezel, and I'm sure I saw that really old Marshall JTM 45


    It says the Fenders were only used for the first part of The Globalist. Can kind of see one in the Instagram video with the telecaster.

  10. Later on in the article he says they used a 1959 Marshall, a VH4, some '60s Vox amps, a modified Ampeg V4 with Mills Acoustic cabinets, and some old Fender combos for recording.


    Did someone here buy one of the turkish distortion pedals, and if so is it any good?



    Were there any amps seen in the instagram pics?

    Don't think so, but there was that Roland one that appeared as a wallpaper on .mu. Isn't mentioned in the sos thing though.

  11. go on


    or is it too late now?




    Another song I wish I saw/need to see. They probably would've played it too if I asked them that time before their gig :$ felt like I was asking for too much after a picture and autographs though




    The tickets for near the stage are sold out, but there's some left for further away I think. I'll probably just wait for Biffy's next tour now

  12. Hi! Glad you liked it!

    By the way...

    I don't have a guitar like yours, just a LP with sustainiac installed and a FF in a stompbox.

    I do have the same problem with weak sustain with the FF on. Did you solved the issue or asked the guys at Manson's?

    Or perhaps you found some tips or causes for the problem somewhere?


    Or maybe someone has/had similar issue?




    Not solved it yet, though I haven't really tried to.


    Does the sustainiac run the pickups through a preamp?


    FF doesn't like anything in front of it.


    I think it does, but I'm not certain.

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