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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. I know mate. Were you around when the actual incident happened? I think that was around the time T2L was released, so I'm guessing not.


    Shame the thread is gone now, but maybe I can dig up some quotes from it


    on topic:




    Nah, I hadn't joined by then. I lurked occasionally for years before that though so might have seen it, but can't really remember. Was it general gear & tab 2 or something?



    Is there a noticable sound difference between the DT and 5's octave down setting? Because I can't seem to get that nice, smooth "drop" sound when MB does the bend into the verse build up. I'm assuming the electronic synth ping you hear during the chorus is also attributed to the DT's octave down yes?


    As far as I know the DT and 5 are the same on the whammy side, but the 5 has the switch for glitchyness. The drop side on the DT sounds a little bit better than the whammy side though.

  2. The synth preset is really tough to control. Matt's got his set very tight but I can't seem to get mine to do that when using the Octave effect with it as well, it tends to give off a lot of random squeals. Back to the tweaking board i suppose!


    Does it sound really glitchy? I got close-ish to that sound with a fuzz factory, phase 90 and OC-3 lump of coal, but it sounds a bit all over the place.

  3. And go to both shows. If you go to only one, you know they'll play something special at the other one


    Yeah haha. Should make up for missing the past few album tours. Well, not quite, but still.


    Was I the only one who felt sad when they attacked the dildrone :ninja: it's such a graceful creature just let it go it's own way :D


    Not too sure what to make of the dildrone. It looks like someone tried to copy thunderbird 2 but fucked it up quite a bit :LOL:

  4. I have wondered about that and not posted for fear of being flamed.


    Has anybody else noticed that the two matt blacks that manson previewed on facebook before the phsyco tour appeared to have a push/pull pot for the tone? You can see him doing something on the controls during some of the outro riffs. Is it possible there is an onboard filter/fuzz? The one in that ended up in the enhanced experience looked a lot like it had a push/pull that was pulled out.


    Not sure about a push/pull tone pot, but he's probably doing something with the sustainer switches.

  5. I've had mine for a good 5 or 6 years now and I have 2 blue ones and a tiny metal one. Must be an update to the board. I found their site, and I would link to it, but my work computer won't let me go to the sustainiac site, so I'm going to describe it.


    With the 10 pin connector on the right, 8 pin on the left. The trimpot on the bottom right (near the 10 pin) is neck pickup volume. Trimpot on the bottom left near the orange wire is sustainer gain. Trimpot on the top left near the white and violet wires is the harmonic mode gain.


    Thanks for this! Got rid of the squealing.

  6. I guess there's only one way to find out.


    The show yesterday was very good, but... I don't know. It just feels like it was missing something (probably new born or stockholm syndrome)


    That said, I'm looking forward to the one tomorrow... :nerd:




    That seems to happen no matter what height they're set at - I'm pretty sure every sustainer guitar I have is like that. I have no idea why.


    and not sure, I think there's also a (really) little trim pot as well, so there might actually be three of them


    Ah. Was a bit puzzling since the strings don't actually touch it at all.


    One of the blue ones is for the level of the pickup sound, the other blue one is for the level of the sustainer "regular" mode, and the little tiny one is for harmonic mode.


    I can't see a tiny one on the circuit board, but there are 3 blue ones. Guessing harmonic intensity is the one nearest the wider connector...?

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