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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Good to know.

    I'd always heard if the sustainer battery dies, you lose the guitar until it's replaced. Show's what the people at shitty guitar shops know. :chuckle:

    Never owned a guitar with one to experience it.


    Matt used the pie as hair gel, so it would have been an odd rest of the gig.


    At one of my gigs, he was having a major hair malfunction (the spiked up sides were collapsing down and looking like a pair of wings,) and he was using the downtime to go under and fix his hair. Looked pristine again after IS. :chuckle:


    The sustainer pickup won't work with a dead battery (for sustain or as a normal pickup), but the bridge one still works. With a guitar wired like that anyway, it might be different depending on the electronics etc.


    Yeah, pie hair gel wouldn't be a great look for the whole gig :LOL:

  2. Accidentally chipped my MBCs finish near the output jack :facepalm: Not sure if there's a way to repair this, but I don't think I'll bother.


    Could be worse though... remember that time Bs trashed his MB-1?


    I thought you'd sold your mbc-1.


    Mine has a tiny dent in the finish after I dropped a patch cable on the front of it (not intentionally). Still, the finish on this guitar is tough!

  3. Alright, since I'm already asking... how does a Strat sound? :stunned:

    I know it's a crazy noob question, but I've never been able to tell the distinctive sound of anything other than a really twangy tele :$


    Short answer, a strat sounds lovely.


    And also because im pretty sure he needs that strat neck pickup for that smooth slide toanz. Sustainiacs won't give you that.


    The sustainiac is quite good as a normal pickup, but the globalist sounds better with a proper single coil

  4. Yeah true!


    and nah, just the OC-2 now (which can be yours for $55 including postage!)


    Mine is SSS, but they're really high output, and don't really sound like single coils. Way too much lower midrange.


    Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. No board can hold that amount of coal.


    To sort that midrange problem you know what you need...



  5. Boss Metal Zone. Done.


    When I last saw them (far too long ago!) I remember thinking how massive his guitar tone was... never thought it would be something like this!


    I've got a 1959 and a strat in drop C... need to resist getting a MT-2, as I'll never use it for anything else!


    I think the strat has the wrong pickups though. They're much higher output than the texas specials I'm sure.


    We know you'll cave eventually :chuckle: If you've still got a certain octave pedal, the distortion circuit in that might be close-ish. More likely that it's similar to a DS-1 though.


    I've got the wrong pickups as well... mine's an HSS.

  6. Ok so my mbc 1 turned up today with a sustainiac upgrade which works as expected, but when I turn on my fuzz factory the sustained notes fade out after about 6 seconds. Any ideas why this may be? Or is the sustainiac and fuzz factory not completely compatible with one another?


    The fuzz factory is external btw, not built in.


    That happened to me too. I put a buffered pedal in front of the FF and it works with the sustainiac now. The OC-3 lump of coal was useful for something :chuckle: Only problem is it does something to the twisty kaoss pad oscillation so it sounds a bit different.


    Anyone know how it's wired in a guitar that has both built in? Guessing the fuzz circuit is first. Musecasters probably knows how it's done

  7. Yeah anything like Psycho or Stockholm Syndrome etc. Comes up a lot.


    I think the main thing is that I have trouble doing the strumming alternately but I'm fine at alternate picking on one string. My muting is a bit inconsistent too so sometimes the pick gets caught up or the notes aren't clear.


    I tend to keep my strumming hand in more of a fist than Matt and a lot of others who are more able to fan their fingers out. Is this part of the problem possibly?


    Doing it like heyjackk said works for me. Kind of have your wrist pointing away from the guitar and bend your hand back toward it and pick with your wrist, if that makes sense. Can sort of see it in this

    Don't need to fan your fingers out really, unless you find it easier.


    For muting I cover most of the strings with my first finger to mute the ones I don't want (almost like barring them). If it's an octave or whatever on any string higher than the low E I use my middle finger to mute the lower strings.

  8. Which MOTP file is it? There was one floating around a while back, but it wasn't too accurate.


    And sure, just need to get it off my apple macbook pro with upgraded 500gb solid state hard drive laptop


    The one I made that was a few bpm too fast at first. Got the pattern off here but did all the MIDI stuff after I'd figured out how to use cubase properly.

  9. Apparently I'm pretty late, but going off topic from QOTSA for a bit... thoughts on the new biffy material so far? I hadn't heard this one until today (technically it was released today, but the recording below was available before)




    The new stuff's really good so far. Can't wait to see them in August.


    I'm using cubase (forgot what version, but I think it's elements something or other - it doesn't have all the features). I can hook you up with the whammy 5 MIDI file I made :ninja:


    Fancy sending me it too? Can give you my motp file if you want it.

  10. Exogenesis into Uprising was a great opening gambit.


    Plus, the hexagons stage was ace.


    Yeah. I'd love to see Exogenesis into Uprising on this tour with the drones floating around. Maybe not for the start of a gig, but definitely for the encore.


    In fact, Exogenesis anywhere in the set would be amazing.

  11. Looking back at some recordings I made on my iPhone 6, I don't know why I didn't take these any further yet... some seem like some decent enough ideas to work with...


    There's quite a few on my phone too, but most sound like RATM rip-offs :LOL:. Still, that music memos app is pretty handy.


    I changed the red guitar's strings last week and the 3 plain strings are already getting sticky. :(


    Also: How are you supposed to use the 3-way toggle? I notice that if I push it too quickly it'll make a pretty noticeable sound when playing, so I have to grab the switch and move it gently. It's a new Switchcraft switch, so I don't think the switch is the problem? Both guitars seem to do this too


    Do you clean your strings after playing?


    Is it a kill switch? If it makes a sort of pop sound that's normal as far as I know.

  12. I don't think it would fit the included FRX nut (since it's meant for gibson type necks), but you could modify it for a standard locking nut like most FR systems have.


    I realize this isn't a drop in replacement either, but it can be done from what I understand. Nearly had that done on the original neck for my copper MA-2, but ended up going with a new one specifically built with the locking nut shelf.


    I didn't know a standard locking nut would fit a neck like that either, but an FRX on a black guitar would look less MB anyway.


    Is your copper guitar sorted now?

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