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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. The workaround from nerd herd works. I tried with a crybaby buffered in front of the FF and the sustainiac came back on but it introduced a lot more noise to the signal.


    The extra noise might depend on how the pedal's set. The same thing (not with a wah though) doesn't add any noise for me. Try it with the gate on the ff turned up quite high, that might make it quieter.


    It's quite clear in a video of New Born that right before he starts playing the intro riff and after the transition from the piano where he does all the squeaky sounds that he turns off the switch of the FF (if turning up the switch means off).


    Guessing you mean something like this...




    That's probably just the VH4 rather than another fuzz pedal.

  2. Don't worry, neither have I, haha! There's much better songs on that album anyway. :ninja:


    I did that last time, haha! The time before that, I was really far back but still went mental as soon as I heard the first *DUM-DUM* of the drums, as I knew exactly what was coming up, haha! It was nice to get a second chance to see it up close though.


    I think it was one of the CE-7s last time round actually. Would have been the original at Wembley though.


    Glad I'm not alone with these things.


    It probably was a CE-7 rather than the original one. Couldn't tell from that far back...even the video taken on my iPhone 6s didn't get enough detail :chuckle: Sadly I didn't see it the next night when I was at the barrier... they played Feeling Good in that slot :facepalm:


    That stealthy strat looks great.

  3. You still can, but just as long as you don't intentionally learn it.


    almost.... that word always hits me in the feels when it comes to gigs.


    Like missing what would have been my first gig in 2006 at a small venue.


    Or that "scheduling conflict" in 2013.


    Or like when I missed CE by one night in 2010.


    What about you?


    Also, since heyjackk is viewing the thread, any thoughts on the drones tour ending and... well, you know :stunned:


    Dem feels bro. I've missed many gigs that I could've gone to (including Muse 3 tours in a row :facepalm:) so can sympathise with you.


    That's quite gutting about missing CE. Could be worse, you could have been the weirdo who yelled "aw yes!" as soon as Matt's guitar tech handed him the 7 string E shape from under the stage. I was sitting fairly far back that gig so got some weird looks before the song started :LOL:

  4. They were very nice though (I certainly didn't make a big deal over it), and still took the picture with me.


    Oh and I almost forgot... Simon gave me a compliment on my Mansons shirt :facemelt:


    The End


    Also, did you get the box set of the new album? If so, who signed it and what lyric did you get?


    Nice. Simon Neil + Mansons = :awesome:. Haven't seen any videos of him playing his MA live though.


    Nah, I didn't buy the box set (but probably should have). Did you get one?


    Using my gf's acoustic guitar I found I know a lot more than I thought :D I should try learning some Muse songs, but not sure what would work well on acoustic for beginners.


    Unintended is boring so no.


    Falling Down, Screenager and Hoodoo work fairly well on acoustic.

  5. I missed it too. But I paid my respects when I saw the corpse that time. #grim


    I can't find the interview which had that quote, but it had to have been from 2000 or so. Apparently the only guitar that he regretted breaking was the yellow LP DC, but even then, that happened by accident. Why can't Gibson design a headstock as well as Bs can?


    And I'm guessing you mean a peavey rather than the new EVH brand?


    Yeah one of the peavey ones.




    Ooooh that's nice. New gitar for jaems nineti?

  6. Remember that time they had a funeral event for when the red glitter 'died'?


    It might still be there. Let me check.


    Also, I remember reading that MB didn't like the wolfgang. He said it wasn't really a good guitar and only liked it for its MIDI capabilities (which is a bit odd, but still)


    I must have missed the red glitter's funeral.


    Think I saw something like that about his Wolfgang. My old guitar teacher has one and it's quite nice to play, but that might be more to do with the floyd rose & EVH mojo.


    "Im actually in a state of shock. Knights of Cydonia will never be the same again."



  7. You don't need to mess with setting up the midi for the treadle at all if you just have it toe up and then use PC's to switch between -1 and +1 octave, that's how my file is set up.


    Won't all the position settings need to be at 127 so the MIDI commands have it set to toe down for the up & down octaves? I'm not totally sure about this stuff so may well be wrong.

  8. If it works on a Whammy IV, I'd appreciate being hit up with dat shit fam <3


    Any file should be applicable to any Whammy assuming they use the treadle the same way, since MotP is all CC on Controller 11. You don't even need the Program Changes (which I know at least changed from IV to V) since it's all on one setting the entire song


    If it works I don't mind giving it to people. I doubt it'll work on a whammy 4 though, since I used the DT side for the +1 & -1 octaves (and the program change numbers are different on that pedal as well). They sounded a bit clearer and it saved me doing anything with the treadle position settings. Changing the numbers and adding the treadle positions would make it work on 4 & 5, but it'd probably be easier to make one from scratch than do that :LOL:

  9. What kind of whammy do you have? I made a DT file, but I'm not sure the pattern changes are 100% correct, but it's close enough to play along with.


    It's pretty easy to make one if you know how to use the DAW and know the whammy CC numbers etc. There's another thread about this that's got the pattern in it somewhere if you want to make one.

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