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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Nope, it just stopped working one day. I was using it as an extra effects loop to take the Kaoss/MIDI stuff out of the signal path when I didn't want to use it, as there was a bit of a difference in audio clarity. I'll have to get something else I guess. Might also think about moving my Loop Station along as I've still never got round to using it as much as I intended to. Not sure yet though.


    You might be better with an LS-2 since they're nearly indestructible. I used to have one for putting my kaoss pad in/out and it worked pretty well.

  2. If there had been a surprise gig the other day:



    Take A Bow


    Kaoss Jam + Supermassive Black Hole

    Map of the Problematique + Maggie's Farm + Who Knows Who riffs

    Soldier's Poem


    Assassin (GOB version)


    City of Delusion (with guitar doubling the trumpet solo)


    Knights of Cydonia (no MWAH!)





    New Born

    Forced In


    Butterflies & Hurricanes

    Interlude + Hysteria

    MK Ultra



    Dead Star

    Hyper Music

    Stockholm Syndrome + all the riffs

  3. also would be interesting to see how they'd treat a post Drones tour/ between albums set


    They could pull a 2011 and play an album in full :awesome:


    This might get me kicked out of the happening bunker, but what if boring_roadie's working with another band just now?

  4. I'm still tempted to try one. Doesn't seem like they've hit the US though... hopefully for a different reason than the bugera amps.


    Also, always find these fascinating. Didn't notice the tempo change (around 2:05) as much in the actual recording




    Same. Andertons seem to have them now so it probably won't be long before they're in the US.


    And speaking of stuff that stands out in guitar only tracks





    The little ascending run in the background at 2:59 and 3:09. (and any excuse to post that video).

  5. I won't tell the whole story, but there was some yelling and swearing involved (from him) and my guitar came back with an issue it didn't have before.


    Sounds very professional :LOL:. I've only ever had good experiences with techs, even the time the guy left a washer inside the guitar's cavity.


    Anyone looked at the new TC electronic pedals? They seem a bit of a bargain... might be time to finally get a flanger :eek:.

  6. I definitely heard a different tone, the Holey at the Manchester gig was much brighter and mid focused.


    HOWEVER, that could be down to the amp etc, so not conclusive. I do think it's interesting that he only uses the holeys for that song so far, unless i'm mistaken?


    They were used a few times for songs in e flat as well.


    It's funny because people have actually done that.


    I can't remember if he used a holey guitar when they came back for the drones tour, but the only new ones he used for the psycho US tour were the matt blacks. All others were from T2L or before.


    How bad? I won't get started on the lack of air conditioning at the one I went to, but that's probably how they get away charging $6 for a bottle of generic water.


    They must know nothing about tonewood.


    It ended up so hot that I moved away from the front for the encore to get a bit cooler. Then they played Reapers and the temperature didn't matter.

  7. Mate you should hear one of them. Well, I guess you've heard MBs, but I'm not sure if that counts


    Actually, when is the last time he used one of his? Looking at the videos from the 2015/2016 tours, it seems like the matt blacks have replaced them.


    Could just take a drill to my mbc.


    I can't really remember if there was much difference in the sound when he played the holey one on the psycho tour since it was near the end of the gig and the barrowlands is the warmest place in the country :LOL:. Don't remember seeing either of his holey ones at the drones tour gigs I went to though, they must've been replaced with the non-holey glitter ones by then.

  8. Yeah, I've spent £1000 on my car this month :(


    It doesn't sound the same at stage volume as it does at home. At low volume, that exacerbates the treble issue. When you crank it up, things get smoother and deeper. It definitely sounds best at full power and at least halfway on the masters, but that is very loud and not usable in many situations. In a choice between the AC30 and the DSL, the DSL is a no brainer, especially for home use. You can't use an AC30 at home, no matter what you're told. Those things are monstrous.


    Do you use yours set to 20W for playing at home?


    I thought the 15W version might be better, but it doesn't have the effects loop and it's got less headroom, so the 40W would probably be more useful for when/if I start playing gigs again.


    Not sure if I'd go for a DSL in that case - you'd probably be better off with a single channel amp if you use pedals exclusively for drive sounds


    there's always the option to use your preferred overdrive/distortion pedal into the green (clean/crunch) channel, and the red (high gain) channel for more MB


    I'd probably use both channels a bit actually, I use pedals for drive just now cause my solid state Vox doesn't give much gain for chuggz, but the Marshall's gain sounds great. I take it MB used/uses the red channel mostly, so it sounds like 2001 new born riffage?

  9. It's a brilliant amp for modern rock, and for the price it's outstanding. I've been gigging one for six months or so, it's rock solid but weighs a ton.


    There are some drawbacks though:

    Channel switching is limited. Each channel has two modes, but changing modes means you have to tweak the vol and treble.

    The red channel is insanely bright. Switching between crunch and gain can be jarring because of the different voicing. Works great for clean though, the clean channel is outstanding.

    It's not great for classic rock, but it does Hullaballooz and that works for me.


    I did put mine up for sale, but I'm keeping it as have resolved my cash flow issues.


    It seems more usable for what I want than an AC30, as much as I love those amps. Hullabaloo tone sounds ideal. Is it too loud for playing at home, even with the half power option?


    I'd probably only use one channel most of the time and use pedals for gain (that's what MB used to do I think :nerd:) so the difference between the two wouldn't be much of an issue.


    Now for my car to pass its MOT so I don't blow my amp money on fixing it :LOL:

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