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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Cool. Have you seen them live before? I saw them at a pretty small venue (550 people) in 2013. Certainly wouldn't mind seeing them again, but I need to learn how to plan better.




    The intro for stingin' belle never sounded so heavy, even if you're just repeating those first four beats (??? I can't count) exactly the same throughout the intro, while it's supposed to be doubling or whatever. You know, the youtube arrangement of the song.


    And are we not able to tell the settings from the video? I still think a lot of the sound (especially that attack in the high end) has to do with the plexi he's using. When you bridge the channels on those, you can get varying amounts of brightness with the two volume controls.


    Also, I found my old DS-2 from who knows how many years ago. Somehow it sounds better than I remember...


    Weird to think of Biffy playing in such a small venue now. Would be amazing though :awesome:.


    Yeah, the TPS video shows all his settings. I'm just using the wrong type of pickups & amps :facepalm:. Still, it's fun to make a load of noise with the metal zone.

  2. Well it's mainly dust and stuff like that. It hasn't started rusting yet.


    Even if it made everything else sound bad, surely it's worth it for more Simon Niel


    That's alright then :LOL:.


    It is, but the secret mojo settings still remain a mystery. Also think there's a dodgy patch cable in there somewhere which might be part of the problem.

  3. Well for me anyway. And you could do some simpler fuzz pedals too - the fuzz face is really simple. Even I built one (until I started modifying it, which lead to its untimely death)


    You don't necessarily have to paint your enclosure.





    Hadn't actually thought of a fuzz face. The big muff should nail the sound I want though... provided I don't ruin anything while assembling it.


    There's a joke somewhere in there about pink furry muffs, I just can't quite put my finger on it.

  4. Its painted by hand using acrylics, clearcoared with aerosol. I baked them to drive off the solvents, seems to take forever otherwise. Either way, the paint still feels slightly soft, not hard at all.


    The bodies just happened to be on my table, I keep them on the house so they don't get damp.


    Edit: Thank you for the kind words!


    Nice. I'm not going to attempt anything as detailed.


    Really. That's pretty brave for a first peddle!


    Is it? :facepalm: The difficulty said medium, but I thought that was just because it's made of quite a lot of parts. Plus all the easy ones were boosts, which isn't as fun as a muff.

  5. Don't get the Halfords stuff, it's full of plasticizers so it never gets fully hard.

    I have been burned by that, I'll show you an example in the morning :(


    That was a narrow escape then! Thanks for the advice.


    What peddle did you end up building?


    On the one pedal that I successfully built, I tried swirling the enclosure, but it went horribly wrong. I guess they're made of different materials or something :facepalm:


    IC big muff, though it's not built yet. Hopefully get some of it done at the weekend.


    Now I really want a swirly aluminium pedal :LOL:.

  6. The best tip is to make peace with the fact that the pain is probably going to chip and wear very easily.


    The usual Hammond enclosures just don't seem to take paint well. Zack uses some sort of automotive urethane lacquer to make his more robust, but it's still not easy to get the primer to adhere properly.


    Damn, at least it'll look good for a wee while.


    I take it using some clear lacquer on top doesn't make much difference then, if the paint doesn't stick very well? Halfords has car stuff so might try that. Shame there weren't any anodised enclosure in stock when I bought this.

  7. I'd say they're fairly noticeable. Here's the opamp version




    I don't have an original, but I've got a madebymike one with a built in MXR distortion so I can smashing pumpkins




    Which ones? I think it said he uses 10-52 for the ones in standard.


    The opamp one sounds really good.


    I was thinking 12s, but the guitar's currently in bits, so by the time it's reassembled I'll probably have changed my mind :facepalm:.

  8. I'm not sure actually. All I remember is that I had a late 70s one with this switch on top, which might have been a tone bypass? It was modded though, so I wouldn't know if that was stock or not.


    I kept the original circuit for that reason. It has some #dodgy pots that make it sound extra broken like the original mirror guitar.... you know, before it got destroyed completely. Knights of Cydonia will never be the same etc.


    And I was going to suggest the same thing :nerd: I'm not seeing it though, but maybe it's just a non-logo'd one.




    Also looks like a different guitar from the one he used in QOTSA.


    Can't decide on which kit, so want to try all of them :facepalm:. Are the differences between versions of the circuit only hugely noticeable if you're really familiar with big muffs? Probably go for the green russian version since I've seen it on a few boards before so it must be quite good.


    never4get. That's a point actually, I can't think of seeing him make twisty kaoss noises with the chrome bomber. Or 007.


    Yeah, must not have the logo on it, if it even is an MBK-2. Also, I have to put heavier strings on that guitar now after seeing that.

  9. I like the late 70s version with the opamp. Not sure if there are different variations though.




    I still need to get around to doing a full rewire on the rust relic for that reason. The FF works, but I've had to resolder several connections because it got violated somehow when I replaced the mini toggle.


    Is that the one with the tone bypass or something lke that? There's a list with all of the different versions, so I'll have a look at that. :nerd:


    But if you rewire it you'll lose some of the double MB mojo.


    Epiphone Dot has mounted transmitter Manson MBK-2 at the bridge.


    Now I know what to do if my dot ever needs new pickups.

  10. I've done BYOC pedals before. They're not THAT cheap, but they are fun, a good learning experience, and often come with instructions on how to mod them as well. Would recommend.


    Found a site where I can get a big muff kit for about £40 which seems a decent price, and it's not meant to be very difficult to put together. There're so many versions though...

  11. Damn. Well... I don't know if I'm ready to be in a UK crowd just yet. After all, a mosh pit was started way up in the seats where I was at emirates a few years ago.


    And of course. That was all done last time as well, although I did forget to stop by gregg's :$ I did get a few 'real' pasties though... or at least I assume they were real??


    Also, thanks to Olly, I managed to check out Bodean's... best BBQ I've ever had. We'll see if that changes though, as he said he's found a place he likes even more!


    I agree. :ninja:


    :LOL: that's brilliant. Strangely, last time I saw them the mosh pit was bigger during Howl than That Golden Rule.


    Oooh, if you go to greggs you'll be able to experience the wonder of a steak bake.

  12. You might be able to find it through google. They're listing all the US tour dates for me, but none of the UK ones.


    I'll most likely be there from May 15th for two weeks. I was there ten days last time, and I still didn't get to do as much as I wanted. I'm not sure if I should bother making an itinerary this time... I never follow it!


    But I'll need to make a checklist of some kind, just so I don't forget anything again.


    Also, it's since been deleted, but it seems as if





    Don't think they've got any UK dates in May, but that's just going off what I can find on ticketmaster. I hope the checklist will include multiple trips to Nando's, a shit load of the bru and at least one spoons breakfast.


    Looks like August will be pretty good :awesome:.

  13. What are their tour dates at the minute? The site isn't working for me. Every link just loads the same page.


    If they have a date in the UK .. somewhere.. when I visit this year, then I might go. I'm probably going to miss their NYC show unfortunately.


    Not sure, the same thing's happening to me on the site.


    The only date I know of just now is July 9th in Glasgow. When are you coming to the UK?

  14. That's weird. I have no idea what the necks are made of, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're made of something other than mahogany or maple.


    Apparently this danelectro thing I have (same kind Chris used on hullabaloo for unintended :nerd: ) has a poplar neck, which seems a bit unusual.


    It was supposedly mahogany, but must've been the worst piece possible.


    Silly boy, no fuzz on little wing. You can has Monterey toans though





    So much want.


    Also, that ultimate fanboy moment when one of your favourite guitarists likes your photo on instagram :nerd:.

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