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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. Which guitar is this exactly? I'd keep a dedicated guitar for C standard if you can.


    It does, or rotosound makes better strings than the ernie balls on my other guitars. I haven't changed them in ages either... maybe for the upcoming #restringsundays :ninja:


    How did you manage that? I had an epi LP standard back in 2005 (?) and it felt pretty fragile, even compared to the usual LP type guitar.


    It's my dot deluxe.


    I don't really know how it happened. The headstock just ended up bent forward somehow. It was one of the junior specials (or whatever they're called), so the neck was probably made of MDF :chuckle:. Would've been more fun if I'd chucked it at a drum kit or something.

  2. I wouldn't recommend that. And it's nothing to do with the heavier strings - it's the nut slot not being wide enough for the string.


    I'd say the tension is only slightly higher than usual, at least if you're tuned to C. I remember on that BB1200, when I switched from E with 10s to C with 13s, the neck didn't really move that much.


    I probably wouldn't put it in E if it has anything heavier than 11s on.


    I wouldn't worry about the headstock at all. It's weird, the guitars I had professionally set up (one of which was plek'd) for that tuning don't stay in tune as well as JH's old one, even with the headstock repair. I swear that one is in tune every time I pick it up.... guess it's a bit 'seasoned' at this point...


    Probably more sensible to have it done properly. Ah right, I thought you meant it was something that always happens with heavier strings.


    I'm slightly wary of epiphone headstocks after I snapped one off one of my old les pauls somehow :facepalm:. This guitar's actually good though, so it should be fine. I take it JH's old one has all of the C mojo.

  3. Not necessarily. If you make sure the nut slots are cut with files that have a rounded bottom then the thinner strings should still be fine. If you are going to put 12's or 13's on a guitar I would get the nut slots widened though. The strings will most likely bind and go out of tune at the drop of a hat if not.


    Hoped I'd get away without modding the nut at all. Don't have any of the proper files, so might try the sandpaper round a slightly thinner string thing (and probably ruin the nut in the process).


    And no I wouldn't worry about busting your nut @nerd_herd. A bigger problem would be keeping it in tune with the heavier strings.... that dreaded "ping" noise :facepalm:


    I think the main issue switching back would be that ringing behind the nut issue. It's this weird sort of resonance that usually happens on the high E and B strings if they're not snug.




    I'm more worried about the headstock snapping off with the higher tension. Do heavier strings always have that dreaded ping noise? I could always keep using 10s on it, but they're a bit too loose for C standard. But then it can be tuned to E fairly easily too if when I change my mind.

  4. Yes I believe so. Unrelated, but I need to dig out my MT-2. I think I used it once just to see if it could play the stingin' belle intro.


    Maybe that will give me motivation to learn a biffy song other than 57.


    Mine's on my board now, but I still haven't managed to dial in the super toan settings properly.


    Probably because I don't have a peavey bandit.

  5. no more real instruments amps?


    Weren't the real amps in another rack? I'll need to watch that video again to check :nerd:


    That'll increase the G2 gas even more though :facepalm:


    Am I being blind, are there any axe FX in that rack? Someone commented " i can see those Ax-Fx's"


    Is he a nob and referring to the Shure wireless receivers or am I being a nob and can't use my eyes?


    It's not you, I can't see any either. Plus, the axe-fx sounds nowhere near as good as the mt-2.

  6. You have a good memory :LOL: I think it's over a year since I posted on k&t! Yes I did, I'll have to fish out a picture at some point :D


    I remember you posted a photo of a cardboard cutout of the FRX on the guitar ages ago and it looked pretty cool, so the finished thing must look amazing.


    Going to concerts alone sucks :supersad:


    Only been to a concert myself once, wasn't too bad (getting high fived by Matt, Dom & Chris was an improvement) but it's a bit more fun going with other people. Going to see Radiohead myself in a few months since all my friends think they're too depressing :facepalm:.

  7. Don't listen to him, he's just been sniffing too much of that fretboard oil


    That's a strong possibility!


    Just a pair of Audio Technica M50x so I think they're supposedly quite flat? (I haven't gotten around to buying a pair of studio monitors :facepalm:)


    Usually I use a VH4, AC30 or DSL 800 sim on the Firehawk, but this is the list of amps available: http://uk.line6.com/data/6/0a06439c36d454ebd5077a5a3/file/pdf/firehawk-amp-models.pdf

    I just recently discovered that I could change the cab setting and that alters the sound too :facepalm: If you look at those cabs on the list, what would you use?


    I didn't know any pedals had VH4 simulations, nice. Not sure about which cabinet setting would be best, try some of the Marshall ones but you're probably better picking whichever one you think sounds best.

  8. Thank you! I'm just using a Line 6 Firehawk to simulate the amp, so I have most of the ones I want, I think. I've been having trouble with listening to a song and setting the parameters accordingly though. How do tell tell if I want high mids or scooped mids or stuff like that? :$:$:$


    It depends a bit on what kind of speakers or headphones you're playing through as well. My amp's usually set with a bit of mid boost, and it sounds alright for most Muse stuff. Try it with the mids set quite high, but it's worth messing about with the EQ to get a sound you like.


    Guessing you're using a Marshall setting on the Firehawk...?

  9. Thank you! :D

    Haven't tried the mammoth with whammy, I'll do it later today.

    For the +- octave, when do I press my foot? And do I bring my heel back all the way? I never used this type of pedal before so I have no idea :$ Also what should the amp setting be?


    On that setting, toe down is octave up, so rock between toe down and heel down. You're probably easiest listening to a a few live versions to get the treadle movement right.


    Depends on what kind of amp it is, what pedals you're using and how they're set up etc.

  10. You'll need to add a bit of that foam material underneath. Sounds like it compressed or something when you lowered it.


    This worked, thanks!


    I have a theory, unproven of course, that the sustainer would perform better if it had a rigid fixing to the body using a wooden shim or suchlike. Given that it's driving the strings, it's likely to cause a reaction force that wants to push and pull it away from the body. I've noted that this occurs in the homebrew experiments I've done, so no reason to think it doesn't occur with the commercial units too.


    tl/dr: try fixing it with a wooden shim instead of foam.


    That would make sense, might try that if/when I take the sustainer out again. Have you built your own one?


    Ordered a Whammy V from Ebay, seller sent me 2 and didn't know it :facepalm:. Returning the extra one to them today. Couldn't bring myself to keep it & rip them off :$


    Now that I have the Whammy, how do I Fury? :love::love::love:


    How does the wooly mammoth work with the whammy? The fuzz factory sounds shit with it.


    +-1 octave harmony and some delay for fury.

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