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nerd herd

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Posts posted by nerd herd

  1. That's 100% accurate.


    It's a bit awkward when people comment on your pictures/videos in different languages. At least they're compliments this time, and not those three guys who were insulting each other for a reason I couldn't figure out.






    That was only the beginning of it as well.


    The guy who replied to my comment on your most recent post doesn't seem to know that the colour of a guitar is where all the tonez come from :chuckle:

  2. It does, but it's more because


    "Hey guys, check out my new psycho cover"


    "Post the link, soundcloud player is broken"


    "here's the link"


    Of course, it's not really a big deal, but I guess we're spoiled with youtube's embedded player. Plus there's also the fact that there are loads of things that have been embedded previously, and now they don't work.

    Fair enough. When flash player works on here I might post a #dodgy cover, if I ever finish it. Might be one for the horrible covers thread though :LOL:

  3. Oh right. I think that was actually on the kemper, but I can't remember. Might be time to watch the entire thing all over again.




    Besides the obvious, I thought this place had a fairly decent selection. Most were towards high end, but still, a good variety overall.




    Other than that, I've only really been to the shops on denmark street. The only shop I'd actually go to for pedals is wunjo's, mainly because they seem to always have a number of interesting second hand pedals in. Got an old fuzz probe for a really good price last time I was there.




    Have you been there before? I've not been to any shops besides Mansons and a few in central London. One that I want to visit next time is World Guitars, just to try out some of those guitars sherpa_man raves about.


    Thinking it might partly be the Hayden profiled into the Kemper... but I have no clue really.


    Nah, I've not been to the shop, usually I buy pedals online (which sometimes isn't the best idea). Used to always get them from guitarguitar but haven't been to a guitar shop for ages. Need to change that soon.

  4. The red one? That's the mega distortion (MD-2 I think). I heard he used a DS-1 in the past though, but can't confirm.


    I really want to see them again. The first time I saw them, the beginning of this song just blew my face off. Or something like that.




    Same for the second (above) and third time I guess. It's not one of their greatest ones, but I'm sure you know what I mean.


    There are just moments like that. Like the end of that golden rule, the beginning of 57, or the end of spanish radio.


    I meant the sound for Animal Style, not sure which pedal/amp it is though. Going by the video, the DS-1 is gone (if there was ever one in the rig).


    So do I! Yeah, I know what you mean, it's certainly got some oomph.


    Evening all, where are you lads buying your peddles these days?


    Usually from Andertons.

  5. Probably being way too optimistic (and desperate to see CoD live), but it wouldn't be too difficult to play all of BH&R since they'd only need to remember how to play 5 songs. And they did it before, so...


    ...someone open the happening bunker!

  6. I'd be surprised if it was for low gain sounds, although it is weirdly cool to set the gain low on one, tone and low end right up, neck pickup for a fat as fuck, yet attacking tone.


    Either its for any of his Strats that might be thinner sounding or solos. It is a similar pedal to the MT2, just a different approach to tone/EQ.


    Hadn't thought of that, he uses some other boss distortion pedal as well from what I remember. Maybe a DS-1 for the lower gain stuff.


    I think I know what you're referring to. The one he used for animal style?


    And yes, but I think he was before your time.


    Yeah, that one.


    From my years of lurking on here before joining, I think I know who you mean now :ninja:.

  7. He also uses a mega distortion or whatever it's called. No idea what for though, but when it's the metal zone... you know it's the metal zone :nerd:


    And that's odd. Was one of them wearing a fox hat?


    Unmistakable toan. I think the mega distortion is for the not as high gain sound (need to rewatch the episode of That Pedal Show with his rig to check).


    ...fox hat?

  8. Which venue tonight? And it was different, but not quite as different as seeing Muse with the full stage production at a 20,000 capacity venue compared to a psycho tour show. If that makes sense.


    And I want to hear all about it! When I last saw them, the tech played a drop tuned version of kashmir when he was checking one of the guitars.


    Basically this




    They were playing at the Hydro last night. Definitely one of the best gigs I've been to.


    Re the metal zone "wtf"ness, the chorus in friends and enemies stood out as particularly huge sounding (since there's no bass in that part).




    Why aren't you queuing?


    Got there about 45 minutes after the doors opened, so there wasn't a queue by that point. The floor was strangely empty though, so there were only 2 people between where I was standing and the barrier... at first at least.

  9. The very same. To be fair though, they did replace them from what I remember, but still... it's all a bit awkward.


    Any examples of the odd sounds?


    How many times have you seen them now? I've only seen them three times (two of which were opening for #musedrones) but I don't think that's too bad considering they rarely tour the US. Crazy to think that they headlined reading festival in 2013, and then they come over here a month later and are playing 500 people venues.


    No specific examples, but some of the distortion sounds haven't been as good as his old ones. That could be down to the videos though, every time I've seen them his guitar has sounded amazing.


    This'll be the the second time. Really wish I'd gone to at least one of the Barrowlands gigs in 2014 though. How different was it seeing them in a small venue?


    I'll try to keep the "how can a metal zone sound that huge?!" Posts to a minimum tomorrow :chuckle:

  10. Remember that time Dean From Instagram said he didn't think a certain expensive pack of strings was worth the money, and then they tracked him down?


    Same people.


    Is that the same people who tweeted Olly about his broken cable or something like that? Can vaguely remember you telling me about them tracking him down too. If it is, I stopped using those cables and haven't had a dodgy connection since.


    Makes sense. Z switched pot suppliers after Plug in Baby made the FF huge, as people were wearing out the stab pots. True story.


    EDIT: Forgot to mention, demz TOANZ is awesome. I think he should bring back the real amps.




    This. Kempers are really difficult to tell from real amps, but his guitar has sounded a bit odd at times since T2L tour. Could be something other than the amp though, the whole rig is digital now isn't it?


    Edit: going to see Biffy again tonight :awesome:

  11. Aw man, I've still got mine. Not tried to sell it since someone asked for a refund because the washers on the input jacks were loose.


    Useless rock.


    And did that really happen? I don't think they're using it correctly if they're plugging a guitar into it...


    Waiting for the day when OC-3s are super rare and desirable so mine will be worth a fortune... this may take a while.


    Or some poor, unsuspecting K&T person could end up with one if we do secret santa :LOL:

  12. Maybe, but the effect it has should be the same anyway. Be careful though... you'll end up deviating too far from the original project like I did with the Irncaster™


    Add an extra tone pot, magic clipping diodes, and then something to bypass everything :facepalm:


    As a Muse fan, I respectfully disagree. It wouldn't be called ACE unless he was playing an A minor chord in the picture.


    Good news though. He can play city of delusion again now that he's got this guitar.


    I'm more likely to solder the wrong things together :LOL:


    True, but AC#E would look ridiculous on an album cover.

  13. I have tried it, and I believe Phill's favourite classic T has one. It does make a slight difference, but I didn't like the effect overall. Turning down while playing clean does what you'd expect (less volume but similar amount of brightness) but I really didn't like the effect it had when playing distorted. It thins out the sound a lot.


    That's the good thing about the standard wiring. I think the fact that it's a bit darker when turning down while playing distorted helps fill the sound out a bit (if that makes sense)


    I imagine the thinner distorted sound is more noticeable with a single coil, rather than a humbucker? Yeah it makes sense, might try it anyway at some point since it's a really simple mod. Putting a tone control on the bridge pickup could help add some thickness back if it doesn't sound that great... or I could leave it as it is now.


    Just arrived. :D


    How is it? Definitely on the list for when I completely redo my board.


    MB bought an acoustic guitar



    apparently this means we're getting an acoustic album next.


    Looks like he's playing an A, but what does it mean? Album title being "ACE" confirmed I guess.

  14. Jaicen




    That finish is obnoxious. I love it.


    Also, going back to distortion peddles for a minute:




    Finally a pedal that sounds more MB than a fuzz factory. Didn't Diezel annnounce something like that a few years ago at NAMM? I don't remember hearing about it after that though.

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