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Everything posted by altbecky

  1. I hope it isn't a disaster lol.
  2. Cannot even believe they did this. How long have you mods known about this?
  3. We should ban all 40 and olders from the GA section. Or hell. From gigs altogether. Jessica, super photos!
  4. Remember during the festivals this summer when Dom A tweeted "one question. Why don't you guys kick off during Reapers?" I wonder if crowd reaction has anything to do with it disappearing. The thing is, they've kind of made it a self fulfilling prophecy. They assume US fans only like them for the Twilight soundtrack and the less heavy tracks. So they fill their live show with them. In turn, it drives their rock fans away, they get less reactions to their heavier songs at their gigs, their sets get lighter. It's a vicious cycle. Circle. Whatever.
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