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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. I HAVE COMPUTER AGAIN! :awesome: haha, yeah I remember that. Fun times! And rain in Australia is rarely terrible weather. Unless it floods :facepalm:


    ?ui=2&ik=4a1c5ee65d&view=att&th=137b021ae82e2b46&attid=0.2&disp=inline&realattid=f_h2zgekpy1&safe=1&zw Just for you bb :eyebrows: You can tell she hasn't finished editing it yet though :LOL:

  2. I'm not being sarcastic. Muse go barely anywhere in Australia and unless you happen to fall in the immediate range getting up to them can be complex if you're still in school/ have to work.
  3. Don't worry, this is the first of many tour legs. You'll get your show hopefully although Muse are snobby cunts when it comes to places they visit. They never even come near Canberra, despite there being an appropriately sized venue and fans enough to fill it out. If bigger acts (e.g Linkin park) can stoop down to us, so can Muse.
  4. I'd love to see a similar treatment for Australia and new Zealand, in the sense that you have an arena tour and Stadium tour (which they could more then support, at least in Australia).
  5. I was kinda of unsure about Muse lately because of TR, which, whilst being a good album, was quite a step down from the previous stuff, but after only 2:30 of the new album I'm feeling all the reasons I loved the band in the first place resurfacing :awesome:


    I had some Muse dreams before I went to see them. They were weird :D

  6. The only proper answer I can give to that is MOOOOOZE!!!! Haven't had a decent fan girl montage for a while :awesome:

  7. O hai there Hannah! :awesome:

  8. Nice work :thumbsup: When were you there?


    haha, I'll post it if you really want, bb :eyebrows: Nah, not much. This was pretty much just a one-off thing :LOL:

  9. This summer was weird. Half of it was freezing cold, the rest was boiling :LOL: Well you should spend some time around circular quay. It's expensive, but nice.


    i dunno, everytime I've told anybody that's what they've concluded, so I thought I'd be safe this time :LOL: haha, you're a creepy fucker :ninja: Well, it was meant to be gothic photography. Some people looked pretty gothic, I just looked like a blues singer with makeup :chuckle:

  10. Yeah, Sydney's fucking boiling :( I'd be surprised if that was ll there is though. Sydney has some pretty awesome stores. Plus it has the best music venues in Australia! Fucking jealous, man!


    haha, it was for my girlfriends photography assignment :p I just realized how you are going to twist that... Well there was about four of us there, and no one got naked, before you ask. They're pretty cool photos though! She hasn't finished editing them yet, but they're looking good.

  11. that's it? Lame! :chucle: I got pizza last night whilst I still had makeup on from a 'photo shoot' I was in. I got some hilarious looks! :LOL:

  12. haha, I've never been there :D Well, at least the snobby places get all the good restaurants.

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