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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Classy :awesome: what time is it, wherever you are?

  2. I'm quite good, and yourself? :happy:

  3. I think I love you. :kiss:

  4. It makes them look mysterious :ninja: unless try decode to he drag :erm: and yes, he does. Although I like him in the Feeling Good music video too.


    Just your display :LOL:

  5. Guy liner is good :happy: I've always thought its silly how guys just aren't allowed it, but then again I'm a bit bi, so maybe it's just the femininity in me talking :LOL:


    Twitter ha it's uses :ninja:

  6. Woo! Double post! Wooh! :awesome: I'm surprised it came through at all tbh :chuckle: haha, thankies :happy: trilbies are the bomb! :awesome: it was a fun day though :)


    I've already seen pictures of you :ninja:

  7. 468859_466025333410548_1036792682_o.jpg


    :chuckle: I have no idea if this will work, but if it does this was from a photo shoot for my friends photography class. Good day :happy: I've had a haircut since then :LOL:


    *i posted this in the wrong place :noey:. I'm not sure if it will come through, but if it does expect it to be huge.

  8. 468859_466025333410548_1036792682_o.jpg


    :chuckle: I have no idea if this will work, but if it does this was from a photo shoot for my friends photography class. Good day :happy: I've had a haircut since then :LOL:


    *i posted this in the wrong place :noey:

  9. Yeah, haha I had this same problem with Sammy where I tried to upload a pic and id didn't work :chuckle: haha, it's not creepy at all, I'll try and find a good one :)

  10. Troy and Abed in the morning!


    :awesome: You should do it! We'll be cute little nerds together :yesey:

  11. Although Cave and Little Lion Man have been played to death, yes. Of course, I don't bother with the radio anymore, so Back on topic, is it possible they do what Linkin park did and play a few shows before release? This is the first album build up I've experienced so I really don't know.
  12. what songs have you heard, out of curiosity? Personally I don't think I would have gotten into them if it wasn't that I listened to the whole album consecutively. Anyway, psyched for their new album
  13. I've got tickets to see Mumford and Sons but yes, I agree. When I aw younger and even less mature, believe it or not, I would go to videos on YouTube or into forums, etc, about bands I didn't like (mainly Green Day, Blink 182, etc) because I didn't like the genre. I hadnt even heard more then a few of their songs and I decided to mock the band and their entire fan base over my own issues. Suffice to say, I'm glad I'm over it.
  14. Well, yes. What I meant was the mentality that you're allowed to complain if you're a fan, but you're just an idiot if you don't like the band. It doesn't happen to much here though, so it wasn't particuarly relevant.
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