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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. Agreed. Honestly a show with ace A sides would be much better then a show with obscure B sides. I'm starting to doubt this, but I really hope Muse do two tours in Australia to make up for no festival appearance.
  2. I have no idea what to do in Uni :supersad:

    Aw, you got philosophy? Jealous! :mad:

    The riff is so cool :awesome: So is the rest of the song. It makes like some strange hybrid of Deftones and Porcupine Tree :p

  3. Yay! :awesome: I don't have maths this semester :cool: College is sweet :awesome:

    Yeah, I do history too. What other subjects do you take?

    Yeah in primary school we did German, but sadly I stopped when I went into high school and I've forgotten most of what I learnt :(

  4. Yeah, I would make a bad Sippe... Never thought I'd say that :LOL:


    So skanky :noey:

  5. Aw, what's wrong with Sippe? He just loves to argue. Like, REALLY loves to argue.


    Wait, why? :LOL:

  6. badgrammar.jpg


    Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a wider range. He's definitely a better live singer.


    I'm not quite sure where that came from, but apparently homophobia is a cause of closeted bisexuality.

  7. You're not allowed to be nice here...




  8. He's a really good live singer. Great stamina, too. I really want them to tour Australia, but I can't really see that happening.


    To be fair though, isn't his range higher then Mercuries? This is a more extreme example, but you wouldn't expect a bass to sing as high as a soprano.

  9. haha, opinions are the main issue here :LOL:


    haha, not really anymore :p I don't think I've really had many arguments on here, at least not heated ones, and that definitely wasn't one :LOL:

  10. didn't see the message about Adam lambert. well, if that's the weakest part of his vocal performance, that just goes to show how good he really is, haha.


    haha, I would too actually. But like you I doubt he could pull it off :LOL:

  11. Jimmy Gnecco! :awesome: love his voice. There are moments where he definitely seems tired, but he carries it so well.


    And Pain of Salvation are just freaking amazing. I've only heard a few of their songs, but seriously good music.

  12. meh, I'm too tired to care anymore so i shall take your word for it :p


    His pitch control is amazing! Yeah, if you could link me more that'd be good :happy:

  13. haha, all I got was Write in german :p translate ftw!

    haha, to be fair the boards can be a scary place. I like it though :happy: How are you finding it so far?


    It would have been if I had noticed, haha :LOL:

  14. Well trust me, I'm always worth replying to :phu:

  15. Not a huge fan of his music, but man does he have an amazing voice. It's hard to judge physical exhaustion based on just one song though, to be fair. How far was this through the set?


    What's his range? Seems like a pretty decent tenor.

  16. Haha, I didn't mean that as a question you know :p so you're German? Awesome! I used to be able to speak German. Sadly not anymore :supersad: but that's weird.. They seem butthurt to be honest :chuckle: how good's there English? It makes sense they'd be ignored a bit if no one knows what they're saying.

  17. Just so you know you're not replying to people, you're posting on your own wall :p

  18. I read the messages when I read them and then I just forget about their existence until like and by then the sender hates me :supersad:


    haha I actually have no idea how uni goes, so you can ignore my question :LOL: pretty cool though. Well someone asked! And yes, yes I am, what of it? :phu:


    :supersad: My feelings are all bruised now! :supersad: Well, good luck with that, let me know how it goes :awesome:

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