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Everything posted by Bumpypotato

  1. That doesn't mean there isn't a theme, but whatever, point being that what we've seen from this album has been so painfully literal that an artsy weirdo music video would feel horribly out of place. Or maybe it wouldn't. I'm just bringing up how terrible the lyrics have been.
  2. I dreamed that I got abducted by Sarah Michelle Gellar. What does this mean?
  3. I never said you did either, but there is a certain attitude with some people that if it's simple it's just not good. Regardless, the complexity (or lack thereof) in Dom's drumming isn't the issue here, it's that his drumming (at least on the track's we've heard) has so little variety or energy.
  4. See, I don't think it does work. It sounds out of place in the verses of Mercy, for one, and the lack of variation is part of the reason Psycho becomes such a bore. I'm not asking for some Danny Carey shit, just the thought he used to put into his contribution. You are aware that like 6 posts above this someone has another example? And there are plenty of instances of great drumming from him. Simple doesn't necessarily mean bad. His drumming is just sounding so lacking in energy for the most part.
  5. Yeah, for sure. It's nice to know that there will be relative consistency on Drones.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I like those songs - hell, I like most of the album - but the lack of consistency between tracks, as well as some sizable dips in quality really stops me revisiting it.To me, Isolated System is the best, so if I'm going to listen to something from T2L, that'll be it.
  7. Well I guess Follow Me is a bit more accessible. I just love the slow build in Isolated System. It's honestly the only track from T2L that I find myself going back to.
  8. You think Follow Me is better than Isolated System?
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