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Everything posted by BurnOurHorizons

  1. Ahaha, I guess there are some upsides... and I Guess I know where to go looking for guys then Pahaha with Matt, it is sexy. YES! Pretty sure The Killers are American though? Nevertheless, you have excellent taste in music There are some great american bands out there too, like The Strokes, but then they have a similar feel to their music as those brittish bands do. They all have an edge to them, they aren't perfect and it sets them aside from the rest. I hate alot of music these days because it sounds too good to be true and all the autotuned crap and half the time they can't do it live. Lately its become less about talent and that also is something that comes across as attractive, his voice is I have a different taste in music to alot of my friends, coz I'm looking for something different, with imperfections. Its the same idea with men. The whole Justin Beiber thing and all those guys that are put out there for you to like comes across kinda fake, and I'd definatly prefer somone with personality and humour then "perfected" features and a blunt personality. So I definately agree, perfect is boring, having flaws is what makes you unique, like the pwoper thing (and it is adorable ). What I'm getting at is that your idea of perfection might be one of a man with imperfections...namely Matt, so he could be perfect in a way Sorry, ranting again, I'll start being Ontopic: I had a dream last night that me and my sister went to a small low key Muse concert in like a tiny theater place, and near the end loads of fans were allowed to get up on stage and jump around to the music with Muse whilst they played. After that I went to an awards ceremony like the NME awards, but someone was saying it was this "vegetarian organic animal friendly" awards ceremony and I was like Then these dogs were making their way through the queues to be petted, like this one huge one I didn't wanna let go of (ITS SO FLUFFY!) and Muse were somewhere behind us, and I found them and they were just having a laugh, and Matt was wearing his Granny coat. They were gonna perform and I saw the towers being assembled behind Adele when she was singing...
  2. +1 Great points! Oh dear, its the same for me. Bieber gets on my nerves. I don't hate his guts but I did go into hysterics at a video of him repeatedly getting shot. Like...crying. His acting is just... . But yeah, the problem I have with him and others is just that they are way, way overrated. Thats my problem with fame really, the industry oversells people like that and they just come across fake and superficial. Especially when they just sit down for an interview after putting on that act, it makes me cringe. Next big thing you can see coming. But then you can appreciate people like Matt, for reasons you've already given Its kinda strange how you all seem to love the english (or...brittish?) accent. Makes me proud in a weird sort of way I love his voice too but I just don't really take notice of the brittish-ness haha... - I agree completely, hes laaavley, and everyone's ideals are different. Attraction is a weird thing. I don't think perfection being one thing really exists, but I think it comes down to personal preference, embracing someones flaws and seeing something in someone that others can't. It's hard to put it into words but I hope you see where i'm coming from, lol offtopic rant over... But yeah time to sleep, I wanna have another muse dream
  3. I'm good thanks :D I have to say, you have a brilliant taste in music ;)

  4. Ahh sorry, meant to reply :p Thanks for accepting, how are you? :)

  5. I SAW THAT! Yeah I went crazy, told my sister, and then ranted on about how Radio One never play my requests for Muse on the request show. What a waste of 7 texts. I noticed this origionally came from a thread you created that got locked - I would have said that Radio One was an unusual place to hear Muse, as NSC was playing today. I was thinking, this is the only Muse song I ever hear on there... Oh, well, on the same day I saw Deadly 60, at school a man came in to talk about fire danger. In the Video he used, Hyper Chondriac Music played in the background when the main charactor was talking about how he lost his girlfriend. It was really quiet, and then theres me going "OMG ITS MUSE ITS MUSE!" and my friends just stare at me like I'm hopeless...
  6. I had a couple: The first I had ages ago, and I have no idea who I played in this, ( I have a feeling I was one of their girlfriends :S) but Me (whoever I was), Matt, Kate, Dom and his girlfriend were staying in this centerparcs-esque apartment. Matt got angry that Dom and his girlfriend were pregnant aswell, and the fact that he didn't tell him until now. And then the whole thing turned up on a newspaper spread Woke up quite confused but hey at least it was a Muse dream... Â the second one I believe was on Thursday, right at the end, and I was suddenly in the studio at radio one for The Chris Moyles Show, and everyone in the team were there as well as Matt and Dom. I was also part of the team, and I was asking them questions that listeners had sent in. We were all just chilling out on this sofa having a laugh and it lead to me asking them whether Matt and Dom had shared a bed and it all got a bit awkward with Matt being iffy about personal questions and Dom laughing about it awkwardly. And then I mentioned something about Matt already being involved with a certain someone so were gonna have to go and find someone for Dom...and I woke up to my radio alarm WHY IS CHRIS NEVER THERE!?
  7. Yay! You found mee ;) Thanks for adding :happy:

  8. PMT is awesome, maybe i'll post there sometime :happy: And yes, this forum is amazing. Just the place I can be myself in haha ;)

  9. Tis Rather Sexeh ;) I've been following the PMT *lurker* ¬¬. Oh the GIFs, and the screencaps! Too good ;)

  10. Hahaha, I think I love drunk Matt, he's too funny :p "Who do you think you are" Pahaha, classic interview there ;)

  11. Ahh i've been looking on Omegle for people on the board, tried and failed, but so glad I found a Muser on youtube! :)

  12. :O BEATA! I'm LookToTheStars24 on youtube, we subbed and befriended? :D

  13. Haha, yeah well they say it in humour (well the part about me getting out, not the "muse is shit" part) nevertheless extremely annoying, which is the intention . And I know what you mean about knowing the words to the songs, they are way too catchy. Oh and takeabow19 on youtube is hilarious. I can't stop watching their videos. Someones already posted a link, but seriously, check them out!
  14. You rock. And Matt + that shirt = Ahh you made me LOL. Oh my god I LOVE Sheldon. From the start, he's hilarious! My friends are exactly the same. They've only heard SMBH, one or two others they claim they don't know the name of and say the music sounds the same. I look at them like STFU. My two best friends like the same music, the chart stuff, Gahh I despise Kesha. I only listen to radio in the evenings now because they don't play chart music :/ (Well I also have a soft spot for Zane Lowe) And if I say I dont like it they would happily tell me to get out and i'm the only one on the Muse band wagon. :'( Luckily, my sister shares the obsession, so I recently found out she's attending sit the fuck down week on fb, and I was like "we're talking about the same video,right?" Shes like "the Muse one" and I start jumping around squealing. Everytime. And I go and show her all the takeabow19 vids So I have someone in reality to muse with Yes, That child will be bloody adorable. And have the coolest friggin dad in the world.
  15. Oh thankyou very much! I love big bang theory, its hard to pick a favourite charactor. I love raj, I was actually watching the episode the sig pic is in a few hours ago Ahaha, tis lonley being a muser in the midst of those who hate them . I try to avoid Muse conversations with friends because I know how they go, and Its no win for me because its me vs all of them. I just end up coming on here, and listening to Muse haha I have to say, as soon as I found out about Kate Hudson, And then I started liking her, she actually seems lovely, despite what others say. As soon as I found out about her being pregnant, the whole time I was looking it up for proof I was smiling. I love that Matt seems really loving towards her... and they are such a cute couple
  16. He did. I saw an interview on the grammy thread and he talked about becoming a dad, and it was just so adorable, he seems really excited . I think its adorable that he's short haha . My friend asked me why I keep drawing Matt Bellamy, she says "I Bet You Fancy Him" ":rolleyes: Well... yeah. I love him!." So she says "But he looks like a skeleton" " I dont care." "His cheekbones stickout blah blah blah..." "I don't care". I say the same thing when they say Muse is shit, they do it just to annoy me. Ahh I think a Muse song may have been in my dream last night, but I can Hardly remember it
  17. Yaaay! Ahh such a generous donor, we don't get those very often Megalomania, such a amazing song! Seems I'm gonna have to find me a new method of muse dreaming, only happened twice to me. Tis very frustrating finding out the news after everyone else, especially this, keeps me up at night cos I can't stop thinking about it! And yes, Matt looked especially B-E-A- uuutifuul Quite frankly, they all looked pretty handsome. And the performance, oh the performance! Got up at 4am to check the news, and there I am, in my room. Raving to Uprising. At 4am. Was worth it
  18. Pffft Lucky! You have tons of Muse dreams! you should donate some to meeee, I need some Muse dreamage to make my bad days. :'( I was trying to make myself have a Muse dream last night by listening to them as I went to sleep, didn't work, I was gutted in the morning, because of all the hours I spent trying to keep track of the Grammys, I'm still so tired. Being Brittish can be utterly inconvenient at the best of times
  19. Hey guys, happy new year! Anyways, here is my first contribution to the thread, hopefully not my last! A little while ago, maybe a month or two, I was still on a high from the Wembley 10/09/10 gig,(still am, can't believe I actually went!) And so when I go to bed I get out my iPod and watch Muse Music videos, can't remember what they were back then, but kinda went in the order of (over time) bliss, feeling good/hyper music, starlight, knights of cydonia, then in your world. I don't do this so much any more. But I have a feeling that my internetz lurking and Muse listening may have influenced these dreams: 1. The only part I remember was suddenly watching this Muse gig with starlight playing (similar to the MTV awards perfomance) and I couldn't see the band, just this huge screen showing a rotating earth, and some trippy lightshow. I woke up and was like "yes, first muse dream :D" 2. I was in my school main hall, and the part I remember was it being really dark, and people were performing, might have been a talent show or the music cup. Matt was standing on the stage ,and he told me to come on stage, I think I might have won something, so i went up whilst everyone was cheering and matt kissed me on the cheek and told me I was gonna sing feeling good. So he was standing in the dark back of the stage behind a projector screen encouraging me, and then I starting singing the micheal buble version and not really knowing it but it went really well I woke up rolled over wanting to go back to sleep again, and said "Best. Dream. Ever". I Felt honoured for him to enter my dream. So, a bit strange, but they made me happy at the start if the day
  20. Ah drums look alot of fun, I hope you get to learn at some point. I play piano/keyboard, for a couple of years by ear, but haven't in a while coz I've been focussing on guitar haha. I play some Muse on the keyboard, though I only know just a few songs, sometimes I'll just play along, but I don't really know how to play them properly lol. By the way merry christmas :)

  21. Ahh brilliant! Bass seems alot of fun - in my last music lesson before christmas, my friend (who plays bass) asked me to try it, and I randomly started working out the Hysteria bassline haha. do you play anything else?

  22. I stared guitar about six years ago, when I had school lessons, but for about four years I've been playing by ear, and pretty much learnt the muse songs I know in the last half of this year :D now I play nothing but Muse haha ;) How about you?

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