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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Yeah, was horrrible!! D: My friend was so freaked!! It was her sister!


    Ooooo awesome!!! I'm going to see them tooo!!! I put their new single on our Radio show ;) I love them tbh!

    Umm, I've been fine thank youu!! How about yourself?? :D

  2. I think those and Showbiz :) I love Showbiz! Argh, but I love them all!! I'm reliving my love for BH&R atm :chuckle: So many good songs on it!!!! D:

  3. Awesome!! :D

    awww :( aww poor men!!

    Haha, my days are always very full :p you would think so xD

    Oooohhh, only local, just on a webpage :) nothing really out there :chuckle: It's great fun, you're talking about music and different generations!! I love it :happy:

    Oo, not much, just I am going to get killed when my dad's recieves the phone bill this month D: I seem to be living on the phone!! :erm: Whoops! But not an awful lot, just the usual watch tv, make tea etc :) how about youu?

  4. Yesss!!!! It will!!! I hope to see Muse in Festival!! :happy: and it will be my first festival!!! :D:party:

    Awww, that would be awesome!!! Uni is university, the kind of school you go to after college or high school :)

    Aweesomee!!! :D :D

    You are far too kindd!!! :happy:


    No Problemm!!! :)

    Ooooo, is it good???!! :D Not much really, just a sleepover at a friend's :happy: was good funn!!

    It is okayy!!! I am just as bad!!! :chuckle: sorry!!

  5. Yeah, me too!!! D: Argghh haha! Saving up for a fest this year :cool: It'll be my first so really excited!! :happy:

    I got to Norway and bay for like £35 :p .. now that's cheap, RyanAir ftw! :chuckle:

    Yeeeah, I need a new guitar, another thing to save up for!! :p


    Yeees!! :D hehe!! :ninja:




    I can't wait for Christmas this year!!!! :D Awesome, thank you! :happy:

    Yeah, hahah, I'm looking forward to not living in school!! xD aahhh, more time in bed!!! Woo!! :awesome: Gonna be good this year, I can feel it :happy:

  6. Yeeeah, I doo!!! :happy: Awesome! :D


    Ooo well happy thanksgiving for youu!!!! :happy: Awww, awesome!!! :D Happy Birthday!!!! :ohmy::party:

  7. Haha, exactly!!! Mine is just literally, all Muse!! :chuckle:

    Ahhhh, yes!!1 I saw that!! :D Was such a good drawing!! :happy:

    Umm, radio tonight, then got kicked out by the janitors :LOL: They must really hate mee! :p What about youuu? :D

    Awesome!! :happy:

  8. Yeahh! Me too! Yes, some of us may prefer the albums.. but they are still pure genius!! :happy: Which is your favourite album? Or do you not have one?

  9. I'm following youi too! :) Hahaaa, I do when I'm home :LOL:


    To live in England, I think is really rather convenient, there are many towns and cities all linking and you can get around easily. I like it! There is all you need just journey away :)

    Are you considering moving here, to England?

  10. Yeah, me too! Sounds like a realistic plan to me!!! :D I know this next album is going to be so awesome!!!! :happy: Can't wait!! :D

  11. Yeah, hahah!!! :p Awwww, noooo!! Mine is 8GB D: sucks!! I have like no room what so ever!!! :chuckle:

    Yeeeeeyyy!!! Awesome :awesome: woo!

    Good! :happy: That is truly amazing!!! :p:chuckle:

    I have been alrighty thank youu!! :happy: Lots to be getting on with for me!! So just a little bit tired :chuckle:

    You had a good day? :D

  12. Hahah!! I do that!! :chuckle::p

    Awwwww!!!! Hahaaa, well, I'm in the City, so anyone tries to rob it und I shall beat their ass!!! ;D Unless it's Muse :p I'd mention it was a mad girl's from the motorway :p hen tell you to hurry down!! :chuckle: Imagine if you knocked Muse out lmao, how bad would you feel?? :LOL:

    YESSS!!! :D

  13. Yeah, going fine!!! :) I just check on thm now and again, and sing for them. I just come to the band rehearsals when they need most help! :chuckle: Doing With or Without You :) so, I love it!! I'm thinking I should write some of my own stuff too though, could be funn!! :happy:

    How's thing with you going? :D

  14. That looks like an awesomeeeee phone!!!!! :ohmy: Wow, jealous!!! :p


    It literally, disappeared and the battery was dead, and I relised it disappeared when I was by an airport O.o so it was like.... noooooooo!!!!! D:

    I know, was hard to fit through the door ;) hahah!

  15. Is it a film or something? :p


    Where are you from btw? :)

  16. :D So should be awesome, sham I wont have it before Christmas D: Ima be bankrupt!! Haha :chuckle:


    How.. why would they hate you? D: Tell them to come to you then!!!! :p

  17. Yeah, she's okay now! Thankfullyy!! :D


    Hahah, aww! :p:happy:

    How have you been recently anyways? :)

  18. Ahhh, I only have a few on here :/ just another thing on my list to do! xD I have a few on my dA page though :p but awesome for looking at my pics! :D Have to shorten the resolution down individually >< such a pain!!

    Yeah!! Aaargh, why do they do this to us :p it's not as if they won't sell the tickets :chuckle: ah well :p

  19. Oh, awesome :) ahhh, yeah, that sucks!! I'm saving up for if they do a fest this year!! I wish I could see them more, if only I won the lottery or something, haha :p

    Yees, Liv_Winstanley is my name :)


    You're welcome!!! :D

    Oh, awesome!! I wouldn't have even notice.. your english is really good!! Where are you from? :)

  20. :D thanks!

    Good to hear!! :happy:

    I'm fine thank you!! :) A little tired, but y'know, that's what you get from being in school so much!! :p haha. What about you my dear? :happy:

  21. YES! It is awesome!!! The most exciting ride, ever!!!! :D Me too!! :(

    Haahah!! :chuckle: I'd pay for you to come over and see Muse, kayy? ;) Yesss!!! Mainly Muse things :chuckle: I could have bought a Manson :ohmy: wooo!! :party:


    Me toooo!!!! :( Ahhh, I am just so determined to meet them!!! D:

    Heheh! :chuckle:


    Me too!! :happy:

    Wooo! Yesss!! They were awesome!!!! :D Awww, also Kirk ftw :p


    Ummm yeah, just busy, things to do for University, in preperation for the school production, learning Grades for piano, running radio, recording my feeling good track :p so excuse me if I don't reply straight away D: but I'm good, hopefully I can get all this sorted!! :p How about for youuu? :happy:

  22. Hehe! No problem! :happy: Yey! I sure hope so! :)


    Good!! :happy: I'm fine thank you! :)

    Things here, lots to do, tonight I have piano lesson, radio session and a Duke of Edinburugh meeting :D so much tooo doo!! D: How about youu, hun?

  23. The movie, but the version for schools :LOL:

    Good! :D

    Awesome :chuckle: hehe! England :p would be good. Ahh, I wish awesome musers lived closer!!! D:

  24. I meant my one haha, from the crowd :p I got so excited when I found them :chuckle: but yuss! :) They were awesome pictures! :D

    Awww haha, I would be too!! My last dream consisted off Matt walking round in my school looking forme in disguise, although the huge tour bus outside the main office was less conspicuous haha! :LOL: Ahhh, I wish that dream would have been true!! :rolleyes:

  25. It's really beginning to get to me >< I'm all so tired!! D: Thanks! :happy:

    Oh thank youuu!!! Yes it is!! During Uprising near the start!! :happy: wooo!!! *highfive* :awesome:

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