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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. :LOL: Hahah! :p

    I love the pouring down rain!! It sounds so nice!!

    Oh, well that's awesome!! :awesome: Convenience much? ;) Wooo! *high five*

    Aww, okay, I thought soo! :happy: Not all that long then!! :awesome:

    Yeahh! I hope so, looks nice on photos too! I wanna take loads of new photos for my art! :) I made a basketball snowman last time!! :cool: Haha, my brother is a basketball player!

    Yeah, let's hope we get more weeks off school! :awesome: Wooo! :chuckle:

  2. Naww! :p oo, which guitar hero's? :D

    I love the lego games! I am such a baby!! We got Lego Indiana Jones/ Kung Fu Panda free with the console, I'm the only one who played them!

    I wanna get lips! Looks like great fun singing along :awesome: but singing/ guitaring on gh is never good, you fail miserably!! xD


    Hmm... GH 3,5 & Metallica, band hero, Assassin's Creed 1&2, Bioshock, L4D, FF12? Maybe xD Umm.. Fifa, too many too remember! Dead or Alive 4, Orange box, Call of Duty.. and probably many more I can't think of on the top of my head! :p I'd like Sims 3 on Xbox for Christmas though, would be funn! :D

    When I think of capture, I think of blindfolding and tying their wrists together? Is that bad? xD Just poke them with a big stick, they wont see where it's coming from! :ninja:

  3. Neverrr! :chuckle: Xbox is muuuch better!! ;)

    What games have you got?? :happy:


    Wooo! Stick them in sacks one by one, and they can play for us, Tom can drive the getaway van! :p

  4. Oh now worries, I was up for a ridiculous time yesterday!! :chuckle:

    Hahah! :p he's ginger!! :O


    Seee, I wish we were like thaat! I mean I have a fiield coming from my back garden foor goodness sake! :p But no one uses it! Admittedly though, it is getting cold now a days! Mind if I join in? :awesome: hehe.

    How old are you now? 13 or 14? They are but when you are practicing with the band, you can't help but sing along, whether it is out of annoyance or joy! :LOL:

    It does indeed!!! :( I can't wait till Christmas now though!! :awesome: I think it's gonna be good this year!! I just have thaat feeling! ;)

  5. Woooo!! :D Can't waitt!!

    Oo, very niice!! I'm sure that you have no trouble getting off to sleep then!! :happy:

    Awww, thank youuu so much!!! :kiss::chuckle: so kind of youu!!

    Just a few more weeks to wait for Christmas!!! ;) then I can have time off!! And then so can youu! Can't you?? :happy:

    I love the snoww!!! :D My ex lived in Norway, and I went over to him in a valleyy to see him... and it was beautiful!!!! So much snow, so much beautyy!!! I loved it there so much!! :D

    You prefer Christmas? Birthday? or Easter?? :)

  6. Doesn't it???!! :D The thought is so exciting! But I shall shush nowww! :chuckle: I am just in a world of my own!! Very much the daydreamerr!! :happy:

    I could use with some noww!!! Hehe!! :p I think that I shall go to bed now, and reply to you as soon as I can tomorrow!! :) :)

    Aawww, it is because you are so adorable when you say things like thaat!!! I just want to hug youu!! :D You cute little thing!!

    Aww :( well at least the Monday is something!! :happy: I have hadd this week off! But I have still not had the time to get the work I want to finish, done!! I wish I had more time off! However, I can't wait till Christmass!!! I think it will be a very good time this year!! ^ ^ I hope it snows again like it did last year!!! It was so pretty!! :)

  7. Yesss!!! I agree!! They are so lucky!! Like those who give Matt socks and he wears them!! You would not think it possible if people didn't do it themselves!!

    Awww, a very good ideaa!! :happy: Well done!!! :D

    It is my pleasuree sweet!!! :D

    I hope all goes well for you too! I hope your party is greaat!! :)


    Are you on holiday from school now?? :happy:

  8. You hear all of these amazing storiess now!!! I just think, I shall join in with the stories one dayy! :D Oh so amazingg!!! ^ ^

    I do have too ask myself... what on Earth possesses me to be up at almost 4 in the morning!! I just cannot seem to sleep these dayss!! :( I don't know what is wrong with me!!

    Yeeeeyyy! :D

    I have not heard many by the name of Storm! It is very unique!! And is such a cute name!! :happy: hehe!!

    Ooo!! Very nice!! I think I will do something similar!! ;) Me and my friends are going to a local concert with some local bands from around town! So after we may just stay in town or go back and have a party and camp out for the nightt!! :happy:

    I remember last year.. we covered up parts of our play park with glow sticks, and took photos!! It looked so pretty!!! With all the different colours shining under the moon!! <3 I hope we can do that again some time!! :happy:

  9. Oh brilliant!!! :D That's awesome!! I have a Yamaha keyboard pianoy thing.. I wish I had the space for a grand somewhere, but at least I can play on the grande at school!! :happy: It makes me happy to play on a real beautiful piano! :) <3

  10. :happy:

    I can't begin to imagine what I would say!! :D So many things would flood through my head while I would be standing in front of them.. not saying anythingg! Oh so shyy! :chuckle:


    On the computer really, I'm thinking of going to bed at some time soon also!! So very tired! :p

    Awww!! :happy: Yess!!!! :D :D

    Do you have much planned for tomorrow? :)

  11. Woww!! I am so jealous of you!!!! :happy: That's so awesome!


    The nicest guitar I have been closest to, outside of a shop was a black and gold epiphone which my ex-boyfriend bought when he came over from Norway! Beautiful guitar it was! I just said I don't think mine has a make :p just cheapo electric black and white guitar! I have an ancient acoustic as well... but I can't remember of the top of my head, sorry! :(

    Do you own a piano or a keyboardy?

  12. :D

    Awww, come with me when I go!!! It will be brilliant!!! We can go and explore!! :awesome: Will be so much fun!!

    Okay then hun! :happy:

    I'm hoping it will be when that special day comes along!!! :D I hope that you will get to meet them in the future too!! :happy:

    What have you been doing today?? :)

  13. Aww! :chuckle:

    He very much is indeedy!! :cool: Woo!

    I hope so too! :( A little friend round the house... well, big friend! ;D

    No problem!! ^ ^


    Haha! :p

    Awww, it so would! All these stories of when people meet them! :( We need those hugs!!!

    Naww, Dom! :chuckle: it would indeed!!! You could borrow mine! And I could send them too you! Woo! :awesome:


    Yeeey! :D Makes me happy!! :') hehe!

    It's good with iPod docks! Because you can have your own playlists which you can stick slow songs on to! :happy: Like Falling Away with you and the blackout.. etc! :D I love these songs so much!


    Without breaks, we would just all die of stress! :LOL: haha!

    Ahhh, it is worth it in the end, because you are such a niice personn!! :awesome: x So don't you be worrying about late replies hun, I don't mind! :happy:


    I'm doing just fine thank you very much! :) How about youu?

  14. Heyy! Thanks for joining the group, "Because we love the way Matt dresses! :)" - :D

  15. Thanks for joining - "Best Live Act" group! :)


    Cute avatar too by the way! :happy:

  16. Doesn't it send merchendise abroad too? You can't?? Oh that sucks badly!! I would have thought they sent it abroad? :(


    Only a cheap one, I don't even think it has a real make.. :/ just literally a real basic one, which I have added my own strings on to. I really really hope to be able to get a better one soon! :( What about yourself? Which do you have?

  17. Hahah! yes!! Ask Dom outside to just keep playing with the light switch! The light stays on.... DOOMMM!! :facepalm: Hahah! :p

    Ooo yes, tthat sound promising!!! :chuckle: I bet he is ticklish!! :awesome: Lmao!!! Now he's being trained like a dog... it's like jump on his back and stick a banana over his face of the end of a wooden stick and he'll go charging out the door trying to catch the banana!! xD hahah!

    Ohh yes! Lovely and messy!! :awesome: Like it!!

    Ahaha, all in the good nature... of course! ;) Muaha! I hadn't even realised to be honest, it has been just so much funn! :LOL: Drawing on moustsches, dangling bananas and pie in the face, plus being poked and tickled, and having the worst possible photos on twitter of being terrorised by two young girls! What is possibly wrong with that? :awesome: haha!

    You'd think someone would expect one after all that tourture! He will never be able to sleep in that bus again!!

    I was gonna say, I can just about manage that! :chuckle: Yeeeeahh! I know that feeling haha, where are the breaaakkks on this thing??? D:


    Ahhh, okay!! :happy: Woo! I have added you to my watch :awesome: You shouldn't worry about whaat people say ^ ^ if anything, it improves your confidence immensely!! You should never worry m'dear!! :)

    Yeeey!! Thanks so much!! :D Hahah, I know what you mean ;) buuuuut... iss this why we torture him? Hahaha!! Ummm, yes I do!! How would you like me to give them to you. I'll try upload them to here maybe? :p Well... I can try and hope I don't epicly fail (: woo!

  18. :D Welcome!

    It's the school's swing band! And also the concert band where we are curently doing the production that is High School Musical D: dear me!

    We need more weeks off! :p

    Oh really? Awesome! :happy: I hope I can! :D Is there any instrument that you would love to learn to play?

  19. Wow! That should be awesome then!!! :D I need a better guitar so badly!! Mine fails miserably! I think that that's what the muse.mu shop are missing, guitar straps! :p I'm sure people would buy them!! :happy:

    I have no pedals of my own as of yet, just still got my friends distortion pedal!! :/

  20. Woo! :p

    XBOX 360!! :ohmy: Which is better! :chuckle: hehe!


    Or for Christmas, I could just kidnapp muse... y'know... one or the other! :LOL:

  21. Aww! :happy: Thank you so much!! You are really cool tooo!!

    Ahh, that sucks! I barely have time to put the time in to learn something new recently! I'm in school bands where I play the piano and I have all my coursework to do! :( It sucks! I hope you get the chance to learn in the future!! :)


    Aww! Nice! I alwaays wanted to learn to play the saxophone when I was little! :) Unfortunately I never got the chance! I hope one day someone has one of theirs which I can borrow for a short while! :happy: Would be awesome!!

  22. Oh yeeey! I love working out how to play things on piano! You get such a feeling as well when you get it right and you can hear that it is right!! :happy: I play mainly piano, and a bit of guitar and bass! Bass is my latest addition! I am currently learning hysteria!!! :D Yeey!

    With guitar, I know mainly just bits of songs! But I believe that I am getting better the more I play! Oo, I had not thought of playing take a bow on guitar!! You should teach me some guitar :p hehe! Also I love to play Falling Away with you on guitar, it is so beautiful!!! :) <33


    Keep up the piano!! It sounds like you will do great!! :awesome:

  23. Yeaah!! :happy: I agree with you there!!

    Have you ever been to London before??

    Ohh, wow!!! What songs did you hear? Or even, which haven't you heard?? :chuckle:

    Aww, haha! :happy:

    I saw them this year at the LCCC gig in Manchester, and last year at the Liverpool Echo Arena! :) I have loved both, both next time, I will wait and be at the front!! I will be there to be right up close to them once again!!! What I would do to meet them!! :awesome: it is one of my dreams!!! :happy:

  24. Hahaha! :chuckle: Sounds like a plan! :cool: Silly string or just even throw a banana at him! xD Or we could leave the light off and just poke him with it!!! :p haha. Oooooo!!! Orr, you know like with shaving foam, and you tickle someones nose, we could do either that, or do it while he holds a banana, then he'll just smush a banana in to his facee!! :LOL: Ahh, that would be so funny! Then we can chuck water over him :awesome: wooo! High Five!


    Yey for nice people!! :happy:

    Woo! Ahahah, you cannot be as bad as me! Oh deear! Bith of us going together, we would have people behind us in case we fell so much! Would be such a laugh though :chuckle: I must go one day, to improve even the slightest bit! :p


    Oooo, you're on DA? What's your name?? :happy: The Muse ones I presume you mean? :) I have taken all my photos, and drawn whatever all of my photos! The only one I haven't is the Matt Bellamy is sexy one, as you can probably tell :chuckle:

    But yeah, thank you so much!!! :D I will check out your stuff too! :)

  25. Ahh, niice!! Would you rather live in the middle of a big city or in the quiet countryside?? :happy:

    It does! So much to do! So much going on! I just want to help and to be a part of what is London!! :)

    Yeey!! :D

    Oooo!! Fantastic!! Which were these? I have only been to 2! :LOL: I missed out on the black holes tour, and when I was very much younger.. I went to Eden Project just missed Muse by a week too early!! :supersad: If only I had been there later!!

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