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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Yeah :( but now, they keep you updated a lot more with twitter and whatever! So at least you know what's going on, and the do the festivals and things! They have the ideas for their songs, but if they do anything like produce it themselves! It takes a lot longer, and of course you want to get it perfect :) I don't want to either, but I want to see them now more!! :D and then see them again when they do an album tour! :cool:

    Ahh, that's better! Is there nothing that she needs? A watch or something? :happy:


    Oooo, I love green! It's more with purple for me though! :happy: but I do love orange! ^ ^ Much nicer than red! I play mainly piano, a little guitar, but I have started bass, and I'm getting one for Christmas!!! :D So excited, I found out the other day!! Do you play anything? :happy:

    It's a really good film!!! He goes back in to memories and it effects what he knows as present day. See if you can see it!! Ashton is the bonus for us :eyebrows: Oooo, I love the cinema!! I love the big drinks!! Woo! Oooo, to watch what? :O

    Oh yeahh!!! :D I have no idea what stripes he's in to haha!!! I have so many socks!! It is ridiculous!! :chuckle:

    Aww, sucks!! :( Yeah, i love the surprises!!! I think i'd rather tell the further away relatives who dont know you as much what you would want, but your immediate family, they know you more, mine know what I am obsessed with! Music Technology, Music & Muse! xD

    Yeah, you may not, exactly! That would suuck, because you can't tell them that! D:


    Yeah he does! Little Buster!! :p Aww, how cuute!

  2. Ahhh, that sucks! I remember doing about the tutor rose, but we didn't over do about it :/

    Aww, Buster! :p Have you seen a picture? :ohmy: He is, what he posted on twiitter as well, was adorable!!!! :happy:

  3. England :happy: Is it nice in Argentina? :)

    I just see it as a day to dress up and eat sweets :chuckle:

    Woo, thanks! :p Was really good fun! ^ ^

    Have you been up to much today? :) *hug*

  4. Wooo! :D Yus I was! :happy: I was stood right beside the centre stage where they came out too! :) So was really quite happy, they were like a metre away from me smiling!! :D yeeey!

    He thinks that? :ohmy: He is!!! :D I hate how some people on here get so moody though, not to me, but you see in threads, nope, never going to play old songss, they have forgotten them, they won't relearn it, it's like.. okay then... O.0


    Haha, of course ;) Dom didn't actually stop him either, just laughed!! xD Was funny, the crowd weren't exactly complaining either :eyebrows: Wooo! Haha!

    Yeeah! Lovely view of the back when he was clothed too, his suit was so tight :chuckle: was funny, I have the view on video! ;):LOL:

    Noop, we got the signature Dom speech, we were all so chuffed when he speak, cos no one expects it! Because he's so shy! :p Was awesome!

    Me toooo!!! I have to meet them! I have to speak to them, and wave! :facepalm: So shy, I would muck it up! But still!!!! :awesome:

    You are the third person today to mention their death today! Lmao, it's depressing! xD I would have no life with Muse, Muse is a way of life, and a lifestyle.

    I tweeted you back! :D Woo!!

  5. Ohhh, wooo!!! :D jeg kommer fra England! :D About as far as my norwegian goes apart from counting to 20 :chuckle: I used to have a norwegian boyfriend haha :p

    I really do feel so lucky with the songs we got given!! We did, yes :) was an amazing night!

    What songs did you get?? :happy:

  6. Ahh yeah, I know the feeling :rolleyes: I'm actually feeling more christmasy this year though in comparison to other years! I have found out my main present, I'm getting a bass!!! :awesome: So excited!!

    I'm doing sod all this weekend! Just getting some work done xD haha!

    Yeah I'm fine thank you, a little tired these days, but doing good! :happy:


    I have this radio box, and it can access radio in all different countries! I shall see if I can find it, then if not, look it up on the net! It sounds so awesome, just listening to Muse all day!! Woo! :D Thank youuu!!

  7. I know, and how he skips!!! :LOL: Hahah!


    Wooo! :awesome:

    "Wait, wha??! *slam*" :p haha! I'd just fun, no better experience in my field than at Muse's house ffs! :p It is a living studio! :awesome: Haha, my brothers would just watch me leave then carry on with the games on their laptops! :LOL:

    Oooo! I can play uprising on bass! :D yeeey!! Ahh yes! Starlight, is pure concerty, I wasn't a great fan before I heard it in concert last year, now I love it as much as the others :happy:

    :dance: Woo! Not sure yet, we are going down to the store tomorrow to go and have a look! :) I have an idea though, I'll just check it out and see! :D

  8. Well in my project I am doing sbout nature, so i'm going outdoors, painting using pastels to get textures for trees and stuff like that :) Quite funn! I'm going to make a repeated print in the end I think :)

    Ahh, how's that going??

  9. Damn himm! Being so sneaky!! :shifty:

    I am so ticklish! But you sound worse!! :chuckle:

    Awww, I pray for that to happen!! :LOL::awesome: That would be great! Haha, people would be so jealous of you! xD I think I would have to go with his red shirt! :happy: I love it, it's so cute! But also something distinctive like his lighting up jacket :cool: orrrrr, Dom's leather jacket, just because I think it's awesome!! ^ ^

    Yeah!! Exactly!! What awesome ideas we come up with!! :p Yesss, and also, awww, you should be able to get old matt aswell, just saying twat and fucking fucker things :p and also his screams! Chris' should headbang!!! ;) That would be great, it should have the pedro tash too :cool: hahaha! Woo!

  10. Yeah, exactly! Sounds interesting! What I remember from history, was the mystery of the Tolland Man, Spanish Armada, World War II, & Willian the Conquour etc! :)

  11. Ohh nice! I never got to see that! Liam Neeson, right?

    I remember me and my friend had just been watching the top moviie mistakes, and he went to watch Clash of the Titans the next day and he noticed an error within the first 10 seconds! :chuckle: Sounded a good film!! ^ ^ The last film I saw was Alice and Wonderland! :p

    Awww, wow, awesome!! :awesome:

    I don't know :( quite small black and white, short hair. I'm awful with dog breeds! :/

    Aww! :D Oo, have you got a link for it? I never get the time to check up all the time in the LOLZ :( it sucks!

    I love funnny looks!! xD I love Matt's screaming!!! It's awesome!! & so so cuute! :happy: xxx

  12. :chuckle:

    Haha, exactly!!! :cool::ninja:

    Wow!!! This is must try!! :LOL: haha! Sounds funny!! :p

    Yess :cool: it would, something tells me though, we would end up wetter than them, and we would bee the ones to fill up plastic bottles and lob them over the three of them! Cos we are so sneaky! :awesome: Our sweet revenge! ;) They would be soaked! Imaginee... having to go in Muse's clothes, or Matt's, cos yours are soaked, so they're like, oh keep it, don't worry :awesome: Yeeeeeeeaaahh!!

    I wanna just walk up to them and go :eyebrows: you alright there? Hahah, would be funny :p I love that face!

    Me tooo! It's like Apu off the Simpsons, but a lot sexier!!! :eyebrows: Chris action figure please, woo! Chris is so funky! ^ ^ playing Hysteria! :cool: Woo! Oooooooorrrr!!!!! Thy should play the wrong instruments like on the Italian show!!!! I have an image of Chriss doing first two strums on uprising lifting the guitar up with his shades on :cool: Woooo!!!

    A hot dog outfit? Orrrrr, Muse's clothes? ;) Maaybe?

  13. Ooo, good idea! :)

    Ahh, where are you from? :happy: Would you like for it to be a tradition or do you not mind?

    I was a girl Rambo! :cool: Haha, big bullet belt and just looked really dirty and carried a plastic knife and all the gear, was great fun! :awesome:

    You too!! & it is no problem at all!! :)

  14. Well, a year most likely, but they will be doing fests as well I think! :) So will be bits of both, I'm not 100% sure how long it will take though, I heard that they were going to take longer on this one though, so they could go back to roots.

    You will soon!! :happy:

    Hmm.. I usually get my mum a book, or a scarf, or a jumper :) My dad, I usually would get something like old cd's or dvd's that he used to love that have been remade. I don't always get on with my dad great though, so not always got the idea as much for him :/


    I think... if I had the money, I would be more of a maniac at shopping :chuckle: I'm not overly really girly, I barely ever wear pink! Not a fan of pink in general! :p I am a maaaaaajor lover of music! I love to play, listen and compose, I make piano pieces :happy: Films come second, I love the Butterfly Effect! :) Ashton Kutcher <3 :D I love gloves and socks as well, I have like 5 pairs of long fat striped socks and they are the comfiest ever! :happy:


    I told my brother they were on eBay for £8 and it was buy in now, brand new, so I think he's got me one! How come you can't get one?? :(

    Me neither! Would you rather ask for things.. or get surprises for christmas?

    :) I want to see if I can go bigger! Get experience in a bigger concert area, I want to see what they will say, I want to push out and get more experience! ^ ^ It is so interesting!!

    Oh yeeey! Awesome!!! :D I still need to go to London! :)


    Yess! :chuckle: haha!

  15. Ahh sounds it really! I'm more interested in the history of war rather than politics though. I fail at politics, my general studies exam was on it, and I got a U :facepalm: fail!

  16. Ooo nice! Are you german? :happy?

    I saw them at Liverpool last November and Manchester LCCC this September! :) LCCC was incredible! I just want to be back there! :( I miss hearing Muse perform so much!! :(

  17. Woo! :D


    :ohmy: You aren't a noob!!! Seen them twice, this year and the year before, although I have missed them twice before I saw them last year!! :rolleyes: was so annoyed! But, I feel lucky, apparently at Manchester, we got the best setlist! It was fantastic! We got like everything but MK Ultra and Bliss, all the Showbizy stuff and the never playing live stuff!

    This is what we got anyway :)http://jacksmusic.wordpress.com/2010/09/05/muse-lancashire-county-cricket-ground-review/

    Dom threw in his drumsticks to the crowd after Matt threw in his blue glasses! :p Then Chris through in his harmonica as well! :ohmy: All on the opposite side to me though! :( Bit Chris threw me a glow stick after :p haha!

    Aaaaand, on the way off stage, Matt unzipped Dom's space suity thing, and we saw a bit of him bum O.0 my mum couldn't though, cos she is really cant see distances! xD Matt also said to the crowd how muse.mu should change to citizenerased.com and made a few jokes! :happy:

    Your first Muse concert, is amazing!!! I promise you, get to the next one!!! :ohmy: Will be amazing!!!! :awesome:

    Yeahhh!!! When I get home though, can't get on twitter in school :rolleyes: It's rubbish!! Mine's just Liv_Winstanley xD how original, haha!


    Yesss O.0 I want a hug! And damnit, I will get it! :ohmy:

  18. I will as soon as I know, I'm itching for the opportunity!! :D

    Where else in the world would you love to go to?? :happy:

  19. Awww, as you do for me Storm!!! :kiss:

    He has innocence as well, which I believe is absolutely adorable!!! :happy: I must meet him!! :D

    :ohmy: I wouldn't want to even think of that day!!! :( I would be much beyond devestated!! My world wouldn't be the same!! All songs would make me feel the opposite as they do now, they would make me unhappy!! I can't imagine not having Muse!!! :( :( What would you do?

    Oh brilliant!! :D What did you get up to my deear??

    Thank you very much!! :happy:

    Yess!! :chuckle:

  20. Haha, it had Michael McIntyre on it too!! :chuckle: I love him, he's so funny! :p


    :ninja::ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy::ninja: <---us taking them away ;)

    Ahaha... *gulps* RUN AWAAAAYY!! D: They're after uss!!! Ttrying to get revenge on sweet innocent children... :/ they would have to make it up to us afterwards, by taking us home with them, we can just stay there xD BYE MUM! GOING TO LIVE WIF MUSE NAO, BAII!! :awesome:

    My mum would be so jealous ;) haha!

    Yeeah!! :happy: I know what you mean!! "Give me your heart and youur so uuul" ^ ^ Hysteria intro gets me every time now! Love it even more, I found out today, my christmas present, I'm getting a bass!!!!!! :D :D So excited!!!!! Yesss!!!!! :D <33

  21. Woo!! :ninja: Ninja's are awesome!! :awesome:

    Haha, so funny! It said, "Who else could possibly make it all the way around the world I ask you, only a ninja, it's so obvious! :rolleyes:" :chuckle:


    Ooo, I shall go have a look then! :D

    Orrrr! Do that thing when you stick your knuckle down someones spine and make them jump forwards :p woo! Water guns soound like fun! :cool:

    Oh yeah :eyebrows: ay up! ;)

    I said to my friend, if you can't decide what to get me for christmas, get me something Muse or chocolate :D and he said, a chocolate Matt Bellamy then? I was like.... YESSS! :D:eyebrows: Woo!!

    In your ninja suit... of course :ninja::cool:

  22. Woo!! :D

    I had two, went to my friends and fell asleep :awesome: Wahey! Haha! That is what takes energy out of you the most ;):cool: In all day today though, aww! :p

    My day was pretty good, was boring at first getting in for first lesson, then having to do stuff for applying to university, uurgh!! >< But after that got better, went to friends listened to Muse, went crazy and played with his dog :chuckle: so cuute! :happy: xxx

  23. Wooo! ;) I'm just one of those people that sees the dodgy side to most things!! :chuckle: haha!

    Wahey! :awesome: I'm glad to hear you think the same way as me!

    Hahaha! Very good point there! xD I think it's funny on PCT, spontanious pregnancy, although. I don't add to it, he's too much like a dad! Would be weird! Did you see that picture of Matt on PMT the other day?? :facepalm: Oh how embarrasing!! ;) haha!!

    Yes, his humour! :) Someone said to him on twitter, I carved your face in to a pumpkin, and he replied, "sound's painful" :p

  24. Woo! :D Aww, haha! p What are you doing about in history??

  25. Haha!! :p When at a Muse concert, how can you not!! If there was a band like Muse around their time, I'm sure that they would be acting just the same as we do! It's just so much fun!!

    Have you been to see Muse? :)

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