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Everything posted by RayFan9876

  1. +10. I think some underrated songs are Endlessly, Escape, Undisclosed Desires, Resistance, Screenager, Falling Down, and maybe I might think of some more.
  2. Do you enjoy it even though it's compulsory? I wish my school had a required music program. :p


    Tips, tips, tips.... I can't really think of tips on not being nervous. I guess my best advice would be to immerse yourself in the music and not care what anybody around you thinks while you're playing. You are the performer, noone else even exists.

  3. I used to be self-conscious about my piano playing, but I've surpassed it since. I just sort of ported my confidence onto guitar and drums as well. :) I'm still sort of self-conscious about singing though.


    I don't have a vacation right, Easter is next week though. What do you have?

  4. Yes is was, but I'm just going to point something out since a lot of people misinterpret it. The media (TV) does a completely wrong portrayal on how it works. First you take hormone blockers for a few months, and then you take Estrogen shots which change your body shape and looks in every way into a female's except organs obviously, because that requires surgery. So in all it's about an 8-month to 2-year transition, it's not just one operation that takes a few hours. Let me put it this way: The media is literally lying about it. If you do it at a younger age like I did, the results are absolutely perfect. Noone would be able to tell I was ever a boy unless they did a DNA test. And even then, because I was born with an extra X chromosome, it may be confusing.


    And one question. By the way, I'm not offended at all or anything, I'm just curious, what do you mean "how do I cope?" :)

  5. The picture of me there comparing to Matt was back when I was twelve. I'm fifteen now and since then I've become a girl.

  6. Probably because they are a Muser, so they think that to be special enough to be a Muse fan requires flawless knowledge.
  7. ^Aww Matt. I somehow knew that would be the name, or something like Isabel or Isabella or Bella. Good quality too! Also at my concert probably the most prominent thing he said was "How's everyone today in Vancouver!" *cheers* "At the front! *Cheers*, "At the back!" *Cheers* And he actually told a joke, but I don't remember what it was. Vancouver's always said to have an awesome crowd. We're Canadian, what can you expect? ;P
  8. I have a friend like that. He's really nice and understanding, but once in a while he just pisses you off so much you wanna whack him on the head with a frying pan. I know, isn't it awesome? (I wish I weighed 110... although that would make my BMI 14.9.) Actually the two measurements makes his BMI about 18.2. And your BMI is 18.3! I wonder how daddy Matt will cope. He's probably going to take care of his child while he's taking a break from touring and while writing his sixth album. He also better marry Kate Hudson or this could be a mess.
  9. Thanks! Har har, awesome. Which Rayman are you playing? The first right? :D


    I'm doing great! Sick at the moment, but it gives me a chance to work on my guitar skills which I'm extremely dedicated on. I started 4 weeks ago and I can already play hysteria on bass, invincible solo, etc. I'm loving it so much, so I'm feeling really inspired and happy right now (I think having played piano for a while helps). How are you? :)

  10. I'm 6ft and 121 lbs (54 kg). I'm naturally like that though, healthy and all. According to every height-to-weight chart, that's f***ing deathly light, but meh, whaddaya do. I'm just really curious to know why that is. A random topic it is, but why not? 16.4. What do you think Matt's BMI is?
  11. Also if you like my Exo cover, I'm going to start doing covers of other Muse songs (including vocals) very soon. :) Also I can play Exogenesis much better now, that video was so riddled with mistakes. :chuckle:

  12. Yar, it's something I've never even considered: not being able to see when at a concert. It gives me some sort of new way to look at things. Well since for some reason we're talking about heights, how much do Y'all weigh?
  13. Yup, I adore Rayman, and yes I made Rayman 1.5. :)

  14. ^Damn. How do you feel about the people who stand in the front centre? That's where I was: he knee-slid like five feet from me in his bright pink outfit at the end of Plug In Baby. Crazy hah. All... the same! How many times have I said that? It's insane, we Musers are like one living economy that understand each other like crazy. Sorry for my whateveryoucallit, but it seems so true.
  15. Holy, this is crazy. I'm starting to feel like us Musers are almost of a completely different taste than the rest of the world, somehow unique. It just feels crazy; inspirational; mused, it feels incredibly dark yet humbling. I'm not sure exactly. But I agree with everything there. Me included could be a complete fangirl, but I wish I was able to openly say Matt is sexy as well, and I can't really because I used to be a guy before, and my dad finds it really awkward. It's like I have to start a new life where with people who I never knew that closely for it not to seem awkward. But aside from that point, I would much rather either link to or only talk about his musicality, although I like to really delve deep into talking about people, to the point where their lowest layers are uncovered. If you've ever done that with someone, it is the most "revolutionary" thing to feel. That was sort of a heart-post, I don't know, but I had to say that all. I'm also listening to Hyper Chondriac Music while I'm thinking about this, and it really seems to act like an air freshener-evaluator that makes you think differently. It's amazing. I totally did, on April 1, 2010. And I'm not foolin' ya. Sorry, it's the second time I've randomly quoted something from my signature.
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