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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. sorry again about the lateness :s

    oh wow Christmas seems like forever ago, I got clothes an iPod touch and other little bits haha :) what about you? :happy:

    well done! :D I can't remember what I got, it was all A*'s A's and B's though :) oh appart from art I got a C but that doesn't count I hated it..

    so you didn't go? :o


    and sorry it's late but a happy new year to you! :p

  2. You're welcome :D Awwwwh sounds great :happy:

    Sorry about the late reply :supersad: How have you been?

  3. First off, sorry for the really late reply, I haven't been on here in a while :/

    How have you been? :happy:

    How were your GCSE results? :p

    And how was Reading? :D OMFG Leeds was the best weekend of my life so far! :p

  4. Awesome :D How are you?

    Sorry for the mega-late reply :stunned: I haven't been on here in a while...

  5. Haha I'm excited :D Are you having fun there? :p

  6. Awesome :p And haha that's useful :awesome:

    Haha did you go again? :)

    Gooood :D And I'm glad to hear that! :happy:

    Errrm I went to Alton Towers and to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes.. Tom Felton was so hot :p How about you? :D

  7. :eek: We actually haven't!

    Awwwh thanks, I miss yours too :p

    I'm good thanks, youu? :D

  8. I wasn't here for it so here goes: HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! :party::dance: And because I went to University for a few days and I missed it, I'm fine now though :p


    How was your birthday? What did you get? :happy:

  9. Have fun!!!! :D And I went to Butlins with a friend, we're going to Alton Towers tomorrow and then I'm going to Leeds Festival on the 26th :p What about you?

  10. Awesome, what's it like? :D

    Errrm I went away to Butlins in Minehead this weekend, and that's about it... Alton Towers tomorrow and Leeds Fest on the 26th :D


    How are you? :p

  11. Birmingham is near to me :awesome: But I will not be going there :LOL: Which is your favourite so far? :p


    Haha it's amazing right? :p And awwwwwwh, I felt the same :(

    Goooood, and are you okay? I hope you are... :)

    Goooood and awesome :happy:

    I'm good thanks, youu? :D

  12. You're welcome :D

    And yes, yes you have :LOL: Ooooh which Uni's have you looked at? :happy:

    Yayyyyy and a beach is a beach :D It was okay I guess and the meal was great thanks :p Awesome, I hope you're having a great time! :awesome:

    You have to see it :p And yeah I saw it the day it came out :chuckle:


    How are you? :D

  13. Goood! :happy: I'm fine thanks... has your summer holiday started yet? :)

  14. That's not such a big deal, a lot of Musers like RH :D I got into other music too, only came on here once a month :chuckle:

    Have you been up to much? Done anything interesting? :p

  15. Goooood :D and awwwwh, slow internet sucks! :(

    How are you? :)

  16. It's really weird talking to you, we haven't spoken for ages! :LOL:

    Goood, I'm glad to hear! :D I've been fine thanks!

    So now the big question: WHY DID YOU LEAVE? :eek:

  17. PERFECT! :D We just need to do it at the right moment :p


    Haha it's not weird, it's cool! My friends and I do the same but dance rather than sing :LOL:


    Being shy pisses the shy person off :chuckle:


    Presented by Muse themselves! :dance:


    You can do extra credit in America can't you? :) I hope you do well with your fashion! :D


    I'm really glad you enjoyed yourself! :happy:


    I hate that stuff like this happens, our planet is so messed up!


    Haha yeah, there is actually no point in us being at school! :noey:


    Yeah really... And then I stopped coming on the boards everydat, stopped goiing on threads etc and now I don't find them funny :/


    Haha I thought of Matt too :awesome:


    Oh wow that sounds amazing! Everything you did sounds really cool :D


    Goood and damn, it suck when skin peels :indiff: Because on wednesday I went to Keele University and met new people and it was so much fun! And then on friday we left so I miss it, I miss everyone :(


    How did it go? :D And University, and I watched Harry Potter!!



  18. Okay, strange :LOL: Awwwwh, oh well! I'm okay I guess, youu? :p

  19. Glad to hear! :D I'm okay, a bit down though at the moment :(

    What have you been up to today? :happy:

  20. Hii, Thanks for the friend request :D How are you? :p

  21. Yeah I did :D Haha I'm sure it'd be great to be 4 again! :LOL: I'm glad you did, but cold water is horrible :p 17? Time does fly! I bet you feel like you were 10 yesterday :chuckle: Haha yeah, it's the end of the school year, no one studies fuck them is the correct term :LOL: I'm okay thanks, feel a bit sad though :(

  22. The Welsh accent? Yeah it's weird but I love it :D That does sound weird :LOL: What was the painting of? :p Yeah I hate dentists, and doctors, and hospitals :chuckle: How was your weekend? Did you get up to much? :D

  23. You're welcome :D Good, I'm glad to hear! :p

    Haha, you will eventually! :) If you think about it, school is actually the shortest part of our lives :stunned: I can't wait till Uni though, I went to one for Unifest and we stayed for 2 nights... it was AMAZING :awesome:

    Gooood, and oooh where did you go? :happy: I went to Wales last weekend :) I'm going out with my friend today and then going for a meal with friends tomorrow, what about you? :D


    Have you watched Harry Potter yet? :awesome:

  24. Wooo! If we kill anyone, I've been told how to bury a body ;)


    :LOL: Could have guessed!


    That's a good thing, being shy sucks! :noey:


    Yeah we would, we're too awesome :awesome:


    Don't worry yourself about it, everything will be fine :happy:


    That's the spirit :D


    Yeah it's weird, I've never known any of my friends to go missing/run away, never mind 2 at the same time :erm:


    Just any other work, starting next years stuff, work experience etc :LOL:


    It has hasn't is? :p Before I used to go on the LOLz thread and that's it!


    Haha okayy :)


    Yes, meerkats!


    HELL YEAHH :awesome:


    Awwwwwwh :( So you're home now? What did you get up to while you were there? :happy:


    Damn, sunburn is awful! I hope it gets better quickly :) Errrm I'm okay, kinda sad atm though...


    What have you been up to? :p


    TYLER'S BACK!!!!!!!!

  25. OMFG YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE! :eek: <3 I missed you!


    How have you been? :D

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