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Everything posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. I heard you got CE!!! :D I was so happy for you!

    Did you get any videos or pictures?

  2. Was it good last night!? Awesome! It poured down rain in the queue for about an hour and a half!

    The setlist didn't even bother me! I actually thought there would be a lot more complaining than there was.

    You could tell they were really having a good time! They kept grinning and were so full of energy! I managed to save a piece of the eyeball balloon :). How was your concert? I hope you had a blast!!!

  3. How was the concert!??


    Holy crap c-ville was AMAZING!!! I'm not even going in the C-ville thread because it's gonna be full of b*tching. I got center barrier!!!!! :dance:

    I waved to Matt at the end and he waved back, smiled, and nodded! :D

    Me and Dom made eye contact (that sounds so creepy). Overall I had a fantastic time! Oh! I also saw Tom Kirk! :D

  4. Hey! I hope you have fun tomorrow! :awesome: I probably wont be on the boards until after the VA concert so I don't see setlist spoilers for NC+ I'll be gone all day Wednesday:shifty:. Have a blast!!! I'll talk to you in a couple of days :)

  5. I'm bringing a couple of books (Red Dragon and probably Sherlock Holmes). A notepad and my ipod :)

    OMG you only have 3 days until your first Muse concert! :dance:

  6. I'm currently writing a list of things I need to get for the queue line. And since we're spending the night in C-ville I'm packing a little. And I'm making a pancake :) lol

    How 'bout you?

  7. Hm. That's funny :LOL:

    That's one reason I use the user name 'Daft Moron'. It's never taken and it's easy to remember lol.

    You got any plans for tonight? :)

  8. Exactly! lol She seemed really worried by the user name for some reason :facepalm:


    Really? :stunned: Where did you get that idea for a user name then?

  9. Now it's just painfully close :LOL:


    I'm not bad. My mom decided do have a weird conversation with me regarding my user name.

    Her: You know what 'Daft Moron' means, don't you? It means 'stupid moron'.

    Me: Yeah I know that. That's why I have the user name. It sounds funny.

    Her: People are gonna think you're an idiot.

    Me: Okay then? I really don't care one way or the other. :erm:


    She kept trying to tell me what people's first impression was going to be of me... It was kinda weird :LOL:

  10. Not this year. Since we're going to the concert we couldn't afford it :p . But I'm not complaining. I'd rather see Muse live any day than go to a haunted house. lol

    How have things been with you?

  11. Haha well my dad was a rebel when he was a kid so that's probably the reason lol.

    It does sound like it could be fun :) I imagine collage is pretty similar. So I'll probably "experience" school then lol.


    Niceee :LOL: Have you heard of this awesome haunted house in PA? It's in a real insane asylum! It sounds really creepy!

  12. Hahaha x) I always like hearing stories about school. I always wondered what it's like. From what my mom and dad say. It wasn't all that great lol



    Btw what do you plan on doing for Halloween this year?

  13. I have never heard of that before :O

    But it does sound really fun :)! I would be too embarrassed to do it :$ x) lol

    Holy crap man! Only 13 days for NC and 14 for VA! :eek:

  14. Not yet, I checked Stubhub and they have them for really expensive. (obviously)

    I'm keeping an eye out for one, though.

    Ooh! What's that? :)

  15. Hey! I was wondering where my message was! lol

    Not much is up with me. I'm trying to get an extra GA ticket for my cousin who wants to come.

    How are you doing?

  16. The stories you guys tell are priceless Just wondering, when leaving the queue to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, how long can you be gone without being rude to the people around you? (I.E being gone for 4 hours then coming back)
  17. I shall try this except I don't have friends who have my back. Just my brother quick question, how long could you leave the queue to go to the bathroom and get food and all? I don't want to piss anybody in line.
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