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Everything posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. Great minds think alike ;)


    Hm. I guess now would be a good time to say that I've never heard anything by the Beatles :LOL: A bit sad isn't it?

    That's weird. I'll have to try again. But NB came to me easier than exo-3 did. I thought it was a bit odd but I really don't know too much about music either lol

  2. I wish people would let up on HW a bit. I mean obviously most education is important, but I think teachers sometimes forget that students have other classes :erm:


    Ooh what songs did you learn?

    Really?? Sweet!! :awesome: I was trying to learn that recently. Is it weird I find Newborn easier to play than Exo-genesis part 3? I could not get the timing right for the life of me lol

  3. Thanks! :happy:


    Aw that sucks. I'm always amazed at how much projects and hw they give people. It sometimes seems like too much. You learn any new songs on guitar? I'm dying to start piano again when I feel better!

  4. I agree! It seems to be particularly bad this time. Hopefully I'll shall start recovering by tomorrow. It's already been 3 days now... And you bet that I listened to Muse! I fell asleep listening to Unintended yesterday. Gosh that was nice :happy:


    Thanks! Tis nice to get a long again. :)


    How has school been for you?

  5. My day sucked lol. I was laying in bed until 1:30 AM when my throat started feeling scratchy and disgusting. Then I thought I was gonna vomit so I went out in the living room where my dad, brother, and little sister were watching a horrible horror movie because they weren't feeling good either. I ate some goldfish and then went back to bed at around 2:30 AM. I didn't fall asleep until about 3:30 maybe 4:00. Almost everyone in my family is sick. I finished two subjects but my mom let me put away my books and then made me homemade tomato soup. (I just realized how much I love my mommy! :supersad:) It's so cliche' but it's true lol. Hm. Sorry about the rant :$. How was your day? Hopefully you will get back into the routine soon and everything will be easier for you :)

  6. It must majorly suck. Usually school doesn't bother me too much. But recently me and my mom have NOT been getting a long. And well, she's my teacher....(my only teacher :p)

    I get up at 6 as well :(. It usually takes me that long to wash up, feed the cats, feed my rats, do the dishwasher, and eat. I'm gonna be a zombie tomorrow lol. I try to give myself something to look forward to everyday. I usually try to get up extra early and linger around the house. I love it because it's so quiet, dark, and the kitties follow me everywhere :). I might do that. Or watch my favorite show after school. (woah that was a long message) lol

  7. Yes yes twas a good vacation. Ugh I go back to school tomorrow as well. The thought of it makes me want to vomit :vomit:

  8. Sounds like so much fun! I've always wanted to swim with dolphins :)

    Looks like you had a good vacation!


    Not too much. I went to my cousins house. It was pretty fun. They mostly talked about boys and makeup :rolleyes: . I'm not really into that stuff. But they are nice and I enjoy their company. I wish my vacation was as fun as yours lol

  9. Wow! That must have been really cool! Did you enjoy your time there?

    Happy new year! :awesome:

  10. Heyyy! Still enjoying your Christmas break? :)

  11. Yes!!! I had an awesome Christmas!! Here is a link to my photobucket album. I took a picture of all my presents and put them up there :)




    How was your Christmas? :awesome:

  12. Merry Christmas! I hope it's awesome! :awesome::D

  13. Awesome! Your friends have great taste in music! ;)

    Haha touche'. My brothers friends actually came over today. So I'm actually not having a totally boring weekend :awesome:

    Plus me and my sister and parents are going out today. Probably gonna walk around down town and soak in all the cold weather before it's gone :)

  14. Sounds like fun! :)

    Probably not too much. Watching a movie with my brother and mum, probably gonna wrap a few gifts tonight. Hehe I don't have a very exciting life x)

  15. Ah lucky! :)

    Got any plans this weekend?


    Ugh it's so annoying. I practically lived on that thing lol

  16. Awesome! :awesome:

    Glad everything went smoothly :).

    Today is Friday! Sweet freedom! lol

    Ugh my computers hard drive crashed yesterday. That thing is totally dead. My mum is nice enough to let me use hers and reply to messages thankfully. I'm just kinda pissed my laptop died right before my Christmas vacation! Worst timing ever! :p

  17. Hahaha nice :)

    Good luck with your exam! :D

  18. Exams drive me nuts! My brother in college just finished up his today. Holy crap you take German!? I wanna learn German so bad! Say something in German! :awesome:


    Christmas break is the best break ever! I still gotta finish my language essay. They wanted me to choose out of several topics given to me. I chose to write about the unique characteristics of winter. I got a bit carried away so I need to shorten it :$

  19. I am just about to eat Subway. :) hehehe

    I have school until this Friday and then I get my Christmas break! :dance: How bout you?

    Yeah we had some exams. We're working really hard to catch up though because when we moved it threw our schedule off so much.

  20. Bacon is my favorite! It's so typical but it tastes sooo good! :LOL:

  21. Nahh me either lol. Just some Psych and King of the Hill. :)

    We're eating pizza tonight! :awesome:

    I love pizza x)

  22. Ohh that sounds good! :LOL:

    I need to find these movies. Have you watched any new shows lately? :)

  23. Chevy Chase is really funny :)

    No I haven't. What is it?

  24. It's such a good movie! I love it so much!


    I've heard so much about that movie but I have yet to see it. I'll have to see if it's on tv and record it. I know my dad and mum love it!

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