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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Ohhh. July is an awesomme month for me :awesome: HP, summer camp, and California all shoved in there :chuckle:


    WHAT YOU SAY. ...no seriously I've never heard that before in my life.

  2. Yayayayayayay!!! July cannot come any slower.



  3. I mean, I was so pissed there was barely any Ron/Hermione action in this movie :noey:


    OHOH I just got the 7th book. :awesome: I'm so exciteddd!!

  4. But I am SO calling you! Or you're calling me! Whatever!


    Lol, "send"?! Where did you get that?

    Its called "mail". "I got some mail!" "I mailed you a letter!" etc.


    Just think, exactly a year from now...:awesome:

  5. Your new phone that you get TOMORROW. :awesome: Or 2 days from now of you count where I live.


    Last Monday.

    LOL. "Post" why is it that America has such different names for everything than everyone else? It just doesn't make sense.

  6. I KNOW. Its like, wow, theres a whole entire, slightly important thing you missed there.


    But I have to say, the sixth movie was probably my favorite. It was just so funny and all lovey-dovey. I'm a sucker for romance :LOL:

  7. Well, aside from the obvious!


    Ooohh. Picspicspics as soon as you get it done!


    Not yet D: Its been, what? 10 days? It should be here soon...

  8. Lol finally, theres something we have in common :chuckle:


    When are you getting it done?

  9. Heyyy. I went to H&M yesterday and I thought of you! :LOL:


    And Merry Christmas, too! Today was our last day of school before break! :awesome:

  10. It is and you know it. :chuckle: But I love it anyway.


    I thought the first part was really good. But I think it should have been all just one movie. Buuut since we're all suckers who would go pay to watch 2 movies even if both of them sucked... The general public falls for the media's trap every time.


    I read the book and the movie just failed so hard it wasn't even funny :noey;

  11. Oh ok good. I was a bit confused there :chuckle:


    Lol whatever you say Liz....:shifty:

    I'm josshing you! I'm sure it'll be fine :happy:



    Of course they are. When have the movies ever been better then books? The HP movies are all too vague, you know what I mean? They should have at least put SOME of the backstories in there.

    But you know what movie really sucked? Percy Jackson. It was so fail I can't even...

  13. I know! After all that time and shes still just like, 'Oh Doctor, you can kiss the bride!' Like, no! Do you know how many girls he's kissed in his 900-odd years of living?! Alot.


    Yeah, in the movies its really awkward, but in the book its a bit better. Only a bit, though.

    I'm jealous. I wish I had a boyfriend D:



  14. And she's all like 'I love you Doctor' yet, shes married. Poor Rory.


    Yes. Donna is definitly the best. Shes just so funny and her sarcasm gets me every time.


    So I'm on the sixth HP book right at the part where Ginny and Harry start dating. I can't help but be happy, but I also feel really, really lonely. D:

  15. YOUR JUST MAKING FUN OF ME COS I'M AMERICAN, AREN'T YOU?! And f.y.i. I get it before California ajd Hawaii and alot of other places! :phu:


    Oh please Jaimee, we've talked about this before.

    But I have to agree with you on the whole Amy thing. All she succeeds in doing is make me angry. :noey: She's worse than Rose.

  16. Well, who cares about Kiwis? And if they get it first, then you get it second, being on the East-coast-ish side of Aus and all. So don't feel too left out. I get it 265469975465th. So there.


    As am I, but we're never going to get him as Doctor again, are we? So its better to just live in the present and enjoy this Doctor while we have him.


  17. Or three!! Lol darn you Jaimee, getting Christmas A whole 16 hours before me :fear:



  18. Poor Jaimee. :( The one thing I actually like about winter is skiing.


    Its my last day of school tomorrow till next year!! :dance: I'm so happy!!!

  19. Pms? lol


    I know, I'm a genious. Well whatever you want, deary. just make sure its not a mistake that you'll regret the rest of your life. :LOL: I joke, I joke.



    :LOL: Go for it!! you have nothing left to lose! And I'm sure you took your time to choose the right color. I can tell you now without a trace of fear that it'll look great!


  21. Oooh. I was pretty sure I heard you guys talking about some random ski resort one time. I go at least 3 times every season, but this year in in the ski club at school so I'll be going once every week till March :awesome:

  22. Well, well...whatever.


    Have you ever been skiing? Its freaking awesome, bro.

  23. Its cold for me. Its 31 F right now. :phu:


    And your idea of cold is 50, which, right now, would be glorious weather.

  24. That was a true story though. I heard it this morning on the weather channel. Minus the Troll-face-u-mad part. it may as well have been in there though.



  25. Better that winter up here. 'Well today its 39 F.



    But with the wind chill factor it'll feel like its 20 F.

    U MAD?'


    Yeah and something about the axis and the earth rotates and crap. Then at the bottom of the textbook it had two pictures one was a snow covered landscape that said 'December in the US' and the other was like a bunch of people swimming in a pool and it said 'December in Australia' :(

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