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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. FFFUUU- I attempted eating a soft pretzel today and I couldn't so I just sucked on it for like, 3 hours. Then I couldn't eat any of my lunch except for my pudding.


    But it snowed alll day. But it also was 28 F and with the wind chill it was more around 15-20 F





    omg i got spacers yesterday and they reallyreallyreallyreally hurt. Like, alot. And I can't eat or anything. And it sucks and they hurt like hell.

  3. He didn't?! Blasphemy!! :fear:

  4. Its definitly one of my favorite movies ever.



    My teethe are really tight together so I'm going through some terrible pain right about now. And I can't chew.

  5. Oh :chuckle: Here it would be BFF or BFFL, but those are kinda worn out and nobody says stuff like that anymore.


    :awesome: Did you see the twitpic of Dom in the leopard suit??

  6. Yeah, like, 'Itll be perfectly clear today' and its thunderstorming later! LIES.


    BBFL? lolwut?

  7. American weather forecasts are always wrong!


    I hope it snows more next year than it did last year!



  8. I checked the weather!! D:


    Well, it did snow on Christmas last year. :awesome:? Maybe we WILL get snow! *hopes*

  9. thats sucks. Snow is frickin awesome \mm/ But we won't be having a white Christmas this year *sigh* ...



    Y u never snow on Christmas! D:

  10. D:<< I got spacers for my teeth today. They hurt like crap. :(

  11. Well, I know that, I've seen maps of Aus! Idk, it was a dream! I can't really control them.


    But, ya know how in Inception he's like, 'In dreams you can't remeber how you got there' well, in my dream I was like, 'Its gotta be real, buthow did I get here again? Oh it doesn't matter at least I'm here now :awesome:'

    Then I woke up D:

  12. Well,


    ...wait what? xD

  13. Nothing is too hot for me :phu:


    Except it was snowing :chuckle:

    And then I said I wanted to go to Newcastle and they were like, "Ohh thats so far awayy"

  14. *Switches back to here*


    i wish he was my French teacher :(

    Bahahaha I just had like 3 dreams i was in Aus again. buutt there was snow? lol wierd.

  15. Ugghhh hot>cold. how many times must i say it??


    D: i was just taking a nap and I had like, 3 dreams I wa in Australia. ...and the last one seemed so real...

  16. I will, i will!


    ugh yesterday it was so nice. It was 50° f :awesome:

    But its supposed to be cold and snowy again today </3

  17. My friend said it was the best thing since Ghandi. :LOL: Eh, I guess I'll try it next time I'm in GA.

  18. No did you like, go into the mosh pit. All my friends say its crazy un but I feel unsure. :facepalm: dunno why.

  19. But what I'm saying is, if you had no other choice but seats, you'd get them. Seats are better than not seeing Muse at all.


    I love them too :D Though I've never been in a mosh itself. I've been pushed around and all, but haven't moshed. to be honest, I don't quite think I'm ready for it yet :LOL:

  20. Well, see, I'm used to it by now, and as long as I'm seeing a band I really like its worth it. Seiously, if there was absolutely no way you could get to GA, you would have had seats.


    Now, say you like Biffy, but not as much as some other bands, if seats was the only way you could see them, then you wouldn't go.


    Now, concerts I like going to are in smaller, all GA venues. But seeing as Phoenix and Muse weren't in one of those, but I would never give up a chance to go see them, so I went in seats.


    DORIS :fear:

  21. *sigh*


    I've been in rough situations, and I wouldn't go into the mosh, I'd be too focused on Muse. I'M A WOMEN. I IZ TOUGH.

    But seriously, the next time they're here, its GA or nothing for me.

  22. :rolleyes: "No general admission for you, its too dangerous"


    Eff that, I almost died at Minus the Bear, Muse can't be that much worse.

  23. Well, somehow she found out about this kid named Tyler who was gonna be in front of us(I talked- well, screamed with him when CE came on) and she was like, "OMG HANNAH HE COULD BE A 40 YEAR OLD" :rolleyes: I knew he wasn't, but whatever. Mums will be mums.

  24. It is true. So many times I've skipped school for concerts...Jk, I actually only did that once :shifty:


    Idk if I'd be shy. I saw people I knew from here at my Muse concert, but I didn't talk to any of them because I was too freaked out about what my mom would say. She doesn't believe in internet friends :noey: Unless its Liz. She loves Liz :LOL:

  25. They were like, "Well, school is important, ya know. ...But rock 'n' roll is MORE important :awesome:" Haha they were so nice :)


    Heck yeah Christmas '11 baby! She's so friendly even if I haven't met her :chuckle:


    Btw, I was just listening to this:

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