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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. I hate everyone. o_o


    Okaaay *on edge of seat* I love internatioal mail!

  2. Agh! Well, whatever! Its annoying!


    Whatever I don't care just tell me when you send it as a heads up. And I'll send ya something as soon as I get your adress.

  3. Matt and Kate? :LOL: Oh geez, everyone's so obsessed with that song. Its not even a real song :rolleyes: Its a parody, people. It was on SNL.


    Thats good :D

    Oh, and if you are actually sending me something in the mail, you might want to do that soon. It takes a few weeks to get here.

  4. That made me laugh really hard for some reason. :LOL:


    Oh, btw, how was your little holiday?

  5. :eek: How dare you suggest such a thing! ...:LOL:


    Yeah. I told my friend and she said, "She probably said something like, 'Wow, you did such a good job at that concert, bang me!'"

  6. Actually, it might be. :eek: I saw an article that said he wanted a break from her so he was just like, "Stay home." when he went on the Australian tour...:shifty:


    And I calculated it, and she got pregnant riight around the time of my concert....

  7. Well, would you rather he was just like, "screw this" and left...?


    he might have been really pissed off when Kate told him about her pregnancy...

    The reason he didn't bring her to Aus :rolleyes:


    lol im bad i hopped on here at 11 pm o:

  8. Oh goodness, just kidding I have to get off now.


    Geez we really need to plan better. :facepalm:

  9. Actually she said at 9 so I got about 20 minutes?

  10. How come? I don't see why not :erm: If they're going to share a child anyway. Well, I don't know. Whatever.


    I really really can't imagine him being a dad o_o Actually.


    Ugh my mum just came home an was all like, "Get off." So actually I have to get off. And I'm having a Harry Potter party tomorrow so I won't be on either.


  11. Same! They haven't even been together for a year/aren't married yet/I haven't seen any wedding plans. I hope they get married.



    I hope he isn't a bad father. Or anything. I really can't imagine him boing a dad./lolicantevenfocusonanythingelseitssoshocking


    Bro, I seriously think we should talk forreal. And plus I want to hear your accent.

  12. I know. I honestly don't know what to think.


    I also feel like its a personal thing with me...:shifty: Like its my uncle or something...



    Kate Hudson's 14 weeks



    :shock: :horror: :dead:

  14. Ehhh I don't knooowww.


    But even if it WAS the real Dom, don't you think it would be a little bit creepy being 18 years old with a 33 year old who's obviosly none too shy with being a bit sexual? :chuckle:

  15. Yeah, yeah.


    Well, most normal people don't...They don't know anything though. :phu:

  16. ...Jaimee has internet friends.


    I love those!

  17. OOoooh Jaimee has friends!


    And I'm friends with quite a few Australians, including you ;)

  18. :rolleyes: Its the stereotypes! We're not all like that!
  19. Trust me, doll, I know its a bad thing. Tourists can be pretty clueless these days...:facepalm:


    I know, I believe you :chuckle:

    Alright I will.

  20. Its just something people sometimes wear around here :facepalm: You'll be awesome if you wear one :LOL: no.


    OKAY FINE. ...You'll need my adress then I guess...

  21. Okaay...I'll get you a shirt that says "Proud to be an American" or something :chuckle:


    But yeah, lets do that.

  22. Arrrgh! But I wouldn't know what to get you!


    How bout we just send letters? I love mail. Mail is so fun to get. A birthday card would be just fine with mee :D

  23. No. I was making a joke you aren't sending me anything for my birthday i won't allow it, and plus, I didn't get you anything so no, you aren't allowed!


    Ever. :fear:

  24. I wonder why I thought there was an "H" ...


    Oooh. Liz told me her package was a suprise. I wonder if yours will be of the same caliber! :awesome:


    I joke, I joke...

  25. Dilhemmas Dilhemmas.


    ^thats not even spelled right lol


    So my birthday's in a month...whatcha gonna get me? :awesome:

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