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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Too bad for seasons. I wish all i had was summer. Endless summer. It would make my life.


    You know, I learned this in science one time, our winters are longer and summers shorter than yours. It pissed me off and made me want to move there. And this was a while ago. :noey:

  2. Poor me lol


    Ugh I know right? They just missed the blizzard. And I wanted Lily to meet them for me! D:

  3. I can't eat anything, though. Looks like I'm back to square one. :noey:


    I can't either lol :chuckle:


    D: so it turns out my friend can't go to England! Her flight got cancelled because of blizzarding up there.

    You know things are wrong when England gets more snow than we do...

  4. Lol I do it everyday, its not that bad. :chuckle:


    Oh! I forgot to tell you, I got my spacers out! :dance:


    And then got them replaced with bands. Which are like metal spikes in my mouth that I cover with wax that always fall out of my mouth. And I can't even concole myself with the fact that Matt went through the same thing I did because HE NEVER HAD BRACES IN HIS LIFE. </3 :'(

  5. Yeah I woke up at 230 and I wasn't wearing my contacts so I had to shove them in real quick and run outside. It was so cool o:


    Lol well this is stimulating conversation.

  6. My friend went....She said it was really cool and lifelike, yo.


    Omg so I saw the lunar eclipse last night. Was so awesome I died

  7. You know, I wanted to die my hair pink underneath for the longest time, but I never did. I'm kind of glad I didn't, actually.


    Well, it depends, do you want to do streaks or dye it underneath or do your whole head?

  8. :LOL: You should.


    We took some pictures, when I get the chance, I'll put them up. :awesome: It was soooww kewl, bro.

  9. Ohh my gosh, that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. We all woke up at 2:30 am and went outside and the moon was all red and the stars were all really bright. You're into astronomy, right? You would've loved this.

  10. :noey: Some people I know are just retarded so they always say crap about Asians, but, you know, they wouldn't have their precious Black Ops if it weren't for them. Guys my age these days are a bunch of big idiots without lives.


    :awesome: We'll stop there on our way to Harry Potter Land!

    :LOL: Gosh I love Matt. And the phrase 'bomb diggity'.

  11. Emily said that her, like, second cousins live in Australia. They're Asian. :LOL: Its okay, I make fun of Emily all the time for being Asian, but I don't really mean it. Not like some kids I know. :noey:


    A chocolate themed theme park. :yesey: Its a really fun place, actually. I can't wait for Disney World. ITS GANA BE THE BOMB-DIGGITY.

  12. :awesome::chuckle: You'd better give him a good sortin'! Too bad it won't be summer and you can't be all like, 'We're wearing thongs!' :shifty::LOL:


    YA RLY.


    The lunar eclipse is tonight! :o

  13. :chuckle: Well, if you're looking for lots of different people, you should come here. Black, white, Asian, Jew, Indian....you name it I have a friend of every race. :shifty:


    That sounded really...wierd. lol


    I've been to lots of amusement parks. Actually, remember that one time I made that triple J overseas request? She wrote back to me and said she went to Hershey Park one time, and I've been there twice :awesome: But yeah, I've never been to Disney World but I'm going next summer!!

  14. Actually, I was talking to him before about you(like I said, I tell every living soul I come upon) and he was like, 'The only thing I'm going to say to her is 'WHAT??''


    he said he doesn't understand Australian accentss at all.



  15. I've been to 3 Bat mitzvahs and 1 Bar Mitzvah. :awesome: *haz friends*


    Yeah I probably confused you a bit :chuckle: I'm going to California, I've been to Florida before. But I've never been to Disney World.



    Yesterday my friend wrote "Merry Christmas" on a chalkboard and I crossed out "Christmas" and wrote "Smithmas". He shook his head at me :noey:

  17. At their Bat/Bar Mitzvahs. Normally, you get craploads of money. You don't know many Jews, do you, eh?




    :facepalm: I'm going to California next year, not Florida. Sorry, I messed up lol. Orlando=in Florida=Where the Harry Potter Land is.

  18. On Demand, baby. :cool:


    Omg Doctor Who is so deep, bro. I can't wait for Christmas :awesome:

  19. Jews get like $5000 just because they turn 13. :phu:


    Ummm she lives in Mutlangen, near Stuttgard. Yup.


    I've been to Florida before, but I went to the Keys, not Disney World. When I go to Florida next year I will be going to the Disneyland there. But its not the one with Harry Potter Land D:

    BUT YEAH, we're going to Harry Potter Land when we're old enough :chuckle:

  20. Omnomnomnom. I'm watching The Next Doctor now. I miss David Tennant. He's like, my favorite thing ever. :(

  21. I knooow. I'm so So SO jealous. Shes going as a present for her Bat Mitzvah from her grandparents. JEWS. Y U GET AWESOME STUFF ALL THE TIME

    Hey, you're going to Germany? You should visit Jana, my pen pal who lives there!


    And what age would that be....:shifty: Anyway, you're welcome to stay at my house lol. WE ARE SO GOING TO HARRY POTTER LAND TOGETHER SOMEDAY. FACT.

  22. My mom thinks David Tennant is attractive :eyebrows: As do I.

  23. They have all the past Christmas specials up starting with season 2 on the cable channel I have. :awesome: I watched Voyage of the Damned yesterday!


    Omg I so will! I'm so excited :dance: If you're on FB I'll chat you but if you're not then I'll just post on your wall!!

  24. ....*Sighhh* My friend is going to England. Like, tomorrow. D: I told her to buy me something Doctor Who-y.


    Jaimee I think you should come visit America. It'd be a good idea...:shifty:

  25. Yeah! I was all like, 'Hey its Australian! *grabs*' :chuckle: Oh gosh I'm so forgign

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