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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Yes. I've just gotten into them, but I don't know anyone else who is :chuckle:

  2. Oh hello Meligrove Band fan. I don't know many of those.

  3. Yeah I guess...back to the drawing board lol.


    Aww haha I hope the idiot's Math class works out for you. You probably hate everyone in it. :chuckle:

  4. ...D:


    "I'm sure"? So you've never had them? And whats wrong with food? Food is good. Or maybe its a scheme to make you fat.


    ...when do you start school again btw?

  5. :awesome::kiss:


    Oooh now I feel obliged to go slpurge on something for you. Do you like food? I could send you a box of Girl Scout cookies. You haven't lived until you've eaten Girl Scout cookies.



    I have friends. Omg. What an important day in my life. *writes date on calendar* This will be forever known as Hannah Has Friends day.

  7. ...you...ordered it? :'( HOW CAN I EVER REPAY YOU??? *dead*

  8. D: Aww I'm sorry boo. There'll be more chances.


    Haha yus. My birthday is in a week :awesome: So if you haven't sent it by now theres definitly no hope for getting it to me on my actual birthday xD

  9. Or maybe it was not an all ages one? Idk its what it said in my triple j mag...




    ...btw, I'm having a lot of fun writing your letter. I will say no more...:ninja:

  10. Dude, the dates down there were the days before and after my birthday. YOU SHOULD'VE GONE FOR MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT.


    I know. Its so wierd. But I'm sure the child will be adorably :LOL:


    w00t. I betcha I heard all 3 of those songs live ;)

  11. Btw, was Two Door Cinema Club in the top 100? I read on their website that they could be voted for but were they?

  12. *points to self* That was the perfect description of me. Boris Yeltsin came on and I was like :) and nodded my head a little. I like them, but I'm not as into them as the other two. When Two Door Cinema Club came on I died. :LOL:


    I really liked that description, btw :LOL:


    Oh and you know David Tennant's fiancee is pregnant too right?

  13. Aww haha my mom would've done that too. :rolleyes:


    Well, it depends. If the band is rock-y, the crowd is going to be rough. But if its like some unknown indie band that only hipsters know then everyone will just stand there.

  14. :LOL: Stupid pussy friends. ...Quite a few of my friends have been in GA/moshes before. I go to concerts with them. My mum just likes to hang out in the back. xD\


    You/your friends should have come to the one I just went to then. It was not rowdy in any sense of the word.

  15. Its an awesome sweatshirt. Thats how.


    Aww. Lol could you tell that my mom wants some appreciation for all she goes through bringing me to all these concerts? 7 and counting :awesome: Boo, I love Crystal Castles D:


    Thank God for my new camera<33

  16. The pics are up on my Facebook :awesome: js.

  17. I know right? It feels so personal :awesome:

    ...And I literally spent all my money on a sweatshirt last night soo...you might not get what I planned on getting you :chuckle:


    Geez. That was frigid. I couldn't feel my hands or feet or arms and it was halfway through Two Door Cinema Club before I could feel them all again. Ahh that was so amazing. I would tell you to go to the gig when they come to Sydney but Liz told me it was sold out. So yeah I guess you can't...

  18. Yayayayay! I loove international mail! :awesome:


    YES I'M SO EXCITED. Except its supposed to be 9-14 F today D: and I have to wait in line in that weather!

  19. I know you weren't. :chuckle:


    :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

    I'll write a very long love letter of love that is forever for you. (In a best friend way, of course xD)


    I'm going to see Two Door Cinema CLub tomorrow!

  20. Always.


    Bahaha I know. I'm so not spending THAT much on you, sorry :chuckle:

  21. AAaaand I was going to get you Random 1-8 but it was like $120000 so I decided not to :chuckle:

  22. Suure. But seriously. I'm scrolling down Facebook and I'm just like, "I hate you, I hate you, wow your scene, I hate you, you're annoying." :chuckle: Geez I really do hate people.


    Hehehe *iz excited* Anything you get me is fine.

  23. What a sad world we live in. Gee, these are good thoughts.


    Darn yeh've foiled me plans. But yes, go ahead and tell me which ones you have.

  24. Geez. I can't stand it. I have no hope for this generation. They're all going to grow up drugees who have sex with a different guy/girl every night and waste their lives then die at the age of 30 because they overdosed.



    Do you prefer vinyl or CD?

  25. But you will soon!! :awesome: I pwomise.


    Oi. So yesterday I was at ski club with my school and everyine is so innappropriate its annoying. On the bus ride there, a few boys threw a condom at my face and them laughed. And we were going to watch I Love You, Man on the way back, but we didn't and everyone was all like, "FUUUCKKK YOUUU WHYYYY" Like, calm down, its a movie. God. I hate people.

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