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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. Woohoo! Summer break! :awesome: You little sneak. I felt so dirty because I left school at 10 for Minus the Bear.


    Well, next year, winter break is shorter than all the other years? So I'm going to skip school on the days Liz is here :p

  2. Same D:


    I'm always rushing to get homework done, and that whore of a English teacher dumps so much freaking homework on us AFTER THE BELL RINGS.


    Just DIE ALREADY :fear:

  3. I just thought you'd like to know all that.


    But I've got a crapload of homework and I haven't done any of it yet :facepalm:

    D: I hate homework.

  4. My day:


    8-10 am, read HP

    11-11:30 clean room

    11:30-2 pm, play the Game Boy(I found it whislt cleaning)

    2-8:35, go over to friend's house, bake cookies, then go downstairs and watcher her brothers play Halo while pop music is playing in the backround.


    So you see, I had no time today to trouble myself with small things such as scan my last year's school picture.

  5. Noo...I look like the biggest nerd ever.


    And I'm at my friend's house right now...soo.... more excuses :LOL:

  6. But that means I'd have to scan it on my computer and I don't feel like it....D:




    I can't believe I ever looked like that :noey: *fails at life*

  8. :fear:


    It was a disaster. Last years school picture was a nightmare. Literally. You either laugh or cry or cry from laughing if you saw it. Its a picture I'd rather keep to myself.

  9. :cool:


    Suck it, bro.


    Brb, gonna go watch Elvis on Ed Sullivan.



    Actually, I don't have any pics of my long hair on my laptop, soo....

    I had glasses too at the time :eek: I was such a mess</3

  11. No. :fear: Don't lie to yourself.


    I would show you pictures of when it was longer, but your eyes would bleed. And I'm sure you don't care about random pictures of me anyway :p

  12. 9 pm here, 7:30 there, if I'm correct.

    14 hour time difference=I get it like 10 hours before you.



  13. Its just "far" for me :chuckle:



    :p you get it on Boxing Day! I get it on Christmas! Even though theres a time difference I still get it first :chuckle:

  14. Oh don't give me that. I think you are soo cute. :happy:


    Yeah I had long hair basically my whole life and chopped it all off a year ago. I looked terrible with it, just take my word for it...

  15. Of courssee you wouldn't...

    Haha I think I'm seriously messed up, it happens to me all the time.


    If either of you did get it, I'd probably stab something out of jealousy.





    I know that...I'm just trying to find similarities in between us,okay?!

    Ohh do you think I should grow my hair out or keep it short/cut it again?

  17. Well...I'm on my phone. so I can't post it. I will when I get home.


    You are so pretty though<3 and our hair is so alike! except you have full bangs and I have side bangs.

  18. Lol ahhh you are very silly Jaimee :p


    Theres a pic of you and Liz on her Facebook. It was so cute xD

  19. I will.


    Wow, I so remember typing something about you coming down there and you guys making fun of my accent but whaaatever. :shifty: my memory's messed up.


    HA. They all thought they'd get DS.

  20. Well, i put my hand up ajnd wave it around at concerts, but I don't fist pump :chuckle:

    No, dunno where you got that from but I've only been to one Muse concert xD


    One of the reasons I was reluctant to get GA because I would be with just my mom, whereas at my seats, I met a boardie who was my age and we bonded through hearing CE.




    HEY I SAW YOU ON FACEBOOK. :awesome:

  21. It sounds like it. I should get a TARDIS, then travel to Australia a day(or two?) ago.

  22. Lol I apologize for that fact that almost none of that made sense :LOL: It was 130 am and I couldn't get to sleep :chuckle:


    That's a stereotype! ...actually, I fist pump to make fun of people who actually do, but at my Muse concert I was strictly headbanging. :chuckle:

    I wish i could've met everyone. It woulda been a party and you'd've all made fun of my accent.

  23. Thats so dissapoint.


    Aww haha, I was looking forward to thoseD:


    Who's jealous? This girl! Gosh it sounded like such fun I wishh I could have gone. Ugh. :LOL:

  24. Ohh my gosh. It just sounds so good and so fun and everything. I reallyreallyreally wish I could've gone. D: effin' States. I don't wanna live here anyway.


    Gosh, that sounds just mental. Ugh. I'm sooo glad you had such a bangin' time. :LOL: And just so ya know, I woke up at 5 am yesterday and followed the whole thing. Just pretend like I was there in spirit :ninja:

  25. NONE AT ALL.


    so what other kind of shennanigans went down at the concert? you have to tell me everything!

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