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Status Updates posted by Alienora

  1. Hey!!!

    I'm good, thanks! I'm on holidays, and I don't stop running! :LOL:

    I'm quite busy, a bit tired (I was out last night with a friend of mine), but Ok!

    And you? What are you doing lately?

    I'm overstrung cause next Thursday i'm gonna see Muse at a festival! :dance:

    I hope I'll be close to the stage and could get some good pictures.

  2. Hi my little crazy comet!

    How are you my sweetie? Do you enjoy your summer break? It seems to me that you have a festival next week, right? Where and what bands are you going to see? Are you going at this festival with friends? Have a good time! :happy:

    I'm back home since a couple of days. It's good to see my friends and my parents. The last time I saw them, it was month ago! I've to prepare a party with my closest friends for my best friend who's going to be married in August. We want to make a song for her! :LOL:

    Next week I go in Brittany to see Muse at the festival of Carhaix!!!! I'm so happy to see them again! I miss them since I saw them at the Stade de France. Their concerts are so addictive... I don't know how I'm gonna do when Wembley will be over... I can't wait for Wembley, but at the same time, I don't want it to be there too fast, cause after that I know I won't see them again for a long long time...

    I hope all is alright.

    You're still there in a corner of my heart, honey. Take care. :kiss:

  3. Coucou princesse! :happy:

    Juste un petit coucou pour te donner quelques nouvelles rapides et te demander comment tu vas. J'espère que tu profites bien et que tu passes de bonnes vacances d'été. Qu'est-ce que tu fais de beau en ce moment?

    Je suis rentrée chez mes parents mardi dernier. Depuis je vadrouille à droite à gauche pour voir mes amies, je n'arrête pas. On organise l'enterrement de vie de jeune fille de ma meilleure amie qui se marie en aout, et c'est pas facile de trouver de bonnes idées.

    Quand est-ce que tu penses aller à Carhaix? Moi je pense partir le mercredi matin pour arriver un peu avant midi.

    Je t'embrasse fort. A dans une semaine. :kiss:

  4. Hé bien, hé bien, emploi du temps plus que chargé!

    Je te souhaite bien du courage pour ton déménagement.

    De ce côté là, ça va mieux depuis...comptage... 10 jours! Donc, pour l'instant ça tient!

    Je me motive avec les VC, qui sont dans une semaine 1/2; Si je tiens jusque là, ça sera déjà un exploit pour moi. Ma plus longue période d'"abstinence"!

    Alors du coup, forcément, les deux vont de paire, le moral va mieux aussi.

    Je retourne en touraine pourt les vacances jusqu'à mi aout. Je suis super contente de retrouver mes amies et de revoir mes parents.

    A nouveau, du courage, et à bientôt!

  5. Alienora1000

    I thought it was the reason of your friend request, but maybe not.

    Well, it doesn't matter! :LOL:

  6. hey! We have talk together on our, or my youtube channel, right?!...

  7. Ayé, c'est les vacances!!!!!!!! :dance:

    Profite bien la puce, et bon courage pour le déménagement! :awesome:

    D'ailleurs, c'est quoi le programme, après le déménagement?

    Et pour l'assurance, ça été?

    A bientôt j'espère! :happy:

  8. Mafa... I want the twuth... What did you take?! :indiff:



    Ohhhh! It's the painting you were talking bout on the PMT!

    You'll show me it when it will be done?! :awesome:


    I'm talking with some friends on the FMC atm (French Muse Connection, the title of your thread! :LOL: ) and we're thinking about making a FMC flag for the VC (Vieilles Charrues festiv)! :LOL:

  9. Hahaha! I'm wrong!

    We're not Tuesday, but Thursday!

    Not that I didn't not it, but I always mix up these two words together... :facepalm:

    My english sucks!

  10. Yeah, apparently! :LOL:

    As I can see, when you're in holidays, you're completely disconnected! That's a good thing, you're right!

    End of the races, it's good to take time.... not to know what time it is! :LOL:

    Sarah and I are having a little talk through MPs, and we were talking about you dear... :yesey:

    We were saying how kind you are, cause you're always there to ask how we are, and we really appreciate your concern. You're more than kind, you're amazing! :kiss:

  11. But noooo, you're not! You're just a bit in the moon sometimes, like me! But its fun! I like people like that! :happy:

    Um..... wait... let me think!

    I think we are Tuesday today! :LOL:

  12. Mafa... :facepalm: You made me laugh!

    No, it's not today I'm going to a festiv. Though I know some lucky people who're going to... But I'm not jealous cause in two weeks I'm going to the Vieilles Charrues, in Brittany. More exactly, it's the 15th july, on Wenesday (I think...). I'm gonna camp by the village where the festival takes place (Carhaix). There will be Sarah and some other friends from the french Muse thread I've ever met up at the SDF's gigs. :awesome:

    I promess to tell you everything as soon as I'm back! :kiss:

  13. Awww! :supersad: It's sweet! :kiss:

    Holidays in the end of this week, so, I'll be present again very soon. :happy:

  14. I've learned that the torrent which was on Musebootlegs had a problem.... It will be available only the next week... but in HD. So it worth the waiting. I'll keep an eye on it. ;)

    See you.

  15. Matt's voice..... hagagggggggagga! :stongue:

    And I've loved how he moved his head on SBH! :LOL:

    I think we all have a problem with VLC in the beginning of CE. I was sooo pissed off! Like: nooo, not now!!!

    In fact, the downloading from Musebootlegs is not finished yet... It takes ages! So I don't know if the quality is good. Where will be the HD version? Let me know If you learn smth about it please! ;)

    Do you want the link I got for Musebootlegs?

  16. It was amazing last night!!! The Edge and Matt singing together... It gave me thrills! Matt's voice were especially beautiful, I've found. Our guys were in a tip top form, they seemed very happy to play. Dom too, even if he was a bit less talkative than usual. But Matt was for him! :LOL: Chris and his pipe!

    I'm still watching the Glasto gig right now on yt! :LOL:

    You can already download it on Musebootlegs, but it's very very slow.

    And you, did you see the whole gig on your side?

    I was talking with Allison on msn at the same time they were playing, it was really fun. I wish you were on msn too, to share this moment, but you weren't.

    I hope you're fine today. :happy:

  17. From here: http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=8111062&postcount=5884

    It's a link toward Musebootlegs (I dunno if you know it). But I think you have to be registered first to be allowed to download smth... Does it help?

    Awww! take care!

  18. Hi!!!

    Still in the review of the gig at Glasto with some friends on the board! :LOL:

    Did you see the stream last night?

    It was a-ma-zing! They looked so glad to play! They all were on a tip top form!

    Oh, and the "special guest"! That moment, wih the cover of "The Streets Have No Name" was beautiful!

    I'm downloading the show on Muse Bootlegs atm. I wanna see that again! :LOL:

    And you, how're you doin'? :happy:

  19. Thanks! :kiss:

    I'm watching it right now! :awesome:

    Luv you!

  20. Hello Mafa!

    Did you understand how to get the stream of the Muse gig at Glasto?

    I'm a newbie but I want to see them at Glasto! :supersad:

  21. it's been a while... Hope you're fine. :kiss:

  22. Done! ; )

    Now you should delete your adress on the board...


  23. Thanks for the invite! :happy:

    I saw that you're a student? What do you study? I've studied french litterature to become a teacher in higschool.

  24. Oh, pas la joie non plus quoi... :noey:

    Ben tu sais, là c'est au point que j'ai pas envie de parler, ça me fait trop mal au coeur, je pensais en être sortie.... penses-tu!

    Beeef, ça va passer, comme d'hab. T'inquiètes.

    J'espère que tu vas t'en sortir toi aussi avec tous ces soucis "ménagers" comme tu dis. Des trucs à réparer? T'as dû sortir ta caisse à outils encore? :chuckle:


  25. Coucou!

    Alors, bien récupéré de ce week end? :D

    Super la fin de mois en ce qui me concerne : un peu malade, à nouveau mes pbs de tu sais quoi... et là je viens de voir 1) que j'ai une facture de plus de 90 euros ce mois ci pour mon portable...2) que j'ai une amende de 45 euros pour dépassement de vitesse.... Great! :mad:

    J'ai qu'une hate, que ce mois ce termine bien vite...

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