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Status Updates posted by Alienora

  1. Yes, I've just read it on your "more about me" thingy!

    Yeah, it's one of my drawing. I like to draw, it's one of my hobbies.

  2. Oki then! Thanks! :LOL:


    I've just put my love boat's link in my sig, thank you! :happy:

    As link, I've writen : looove iz fowever! :chuckle:


    You're not english? :stunned: I thought you were! :LOL:

    You're english is fine to me! Don't worry, the most important is that we can understand each other! Besides, what should I say about mine! :p

  3. hey! How are you! :happy:

    In your summer break?

    I hope you've got a better weather than yours, cause in my damn country it's rainning all the time!

    I want the suuuun!!!!!! :LOL:

    Hope you're fine! Just passing by to say hi! :chuckle: take care! :kiss:

  4. Happy BD Filipa!!!! :dance::party::kiss:



  5. Happy birthday my sweetie!!! :awesome::dance::party:

    If you're there tonight, or tomorrow: PMT party as promised! ;)

    Have a wonderful day with your friends and family. :kiss:



  6. Ah ok! That makes a lot of birthdays the same day! :LOL: Thanks, I'm gonna to wish them a good BD right now! ;)

  7. I'm not sure but..... Is that your birthday today? :unsure:

  8. I've something to ask you: I don't remember how to put the link for my love boat in my sig. (you know, when you've just to click on it) Thanks in advance! :kiss:

  9. Oh, thanks for the "made by...."! It's kind!

    But you don't have to write this, you can write anything you want under your sig, cause it's yours now. :happy: The simple fact you've thought about it is more than enough for me. :happy:

  10. Hey, by the way, I've made another sig but I've decided to chose the other one, which is my sig now. If you like it, you can take it, since I won't use it anyway...

    here's the sig, it's a text gif on a picture I've made :




    If I'd have take this sig, I would have put green or red text around...


    Well, it's up to you! :happy:

  11. No prob my sweetie! :happy:

    I've found a way to make good screencaps recently and it's really addictive! :LOL:

    I have to make more caps!

    Is there a vid in particular that you'd want me to make some screencaps with? (Ugh, I dunno if my english is correct in that sentence! :LOL:)

  12. Yes, I've msn! :awesome: here's my adress : aline.giry@live.fr

    £70!!! That's a lot! Great! This way you could do plenty of Muse's gigs! :D

    If one day you've too much money, think about me! :p

    THE gigS!!! I went to the both!

    Best moment of my life, surely! The crowd was crazy! They deserve this! That's the less we can do. :yesey:

    Still voiceless...litterally! I've sreamed and sung to much!

    Oh, and at some point I've screamed "Doooom, sit the fuck down!!!" But I don't think he heard me! Unlike the others... :facepalm: :LOL

    Did I mentioned that the first night I was in the second row, just in the front of Matt! :D

    OMG, he's really really really beautiful! :eek

    Well, I knew that, but to see "that" for real does not make the same effect! :LOL

    Some crazy french friends and I found their hotel!!! :dance:

    Unfortunately, we didn't saw Matt at all (maybe he was already in the stadium, with you know who... :mad:). But we saw Chris with his childs (that's why we've let him alone, cause Musers are respectful). We saw him rocking his baby, then put his childs in the car. Too cute! :happy: Then.... a few hours later!!!:LOL: Dom!!!! Obviously, he was just woken up! :LOL: Besides, we heard a guy from the staff say, a few minutes before he appeared : "Dom's awake!" We saw a guy put a little black vanity-case in the trunk : two drumsticks juted out above it! That was funny. But he didn't stop to come towards us... :( I guess he was a bit late (as usual! :p) cause he left quite late, about at 7:00 pm (when Chris left at 5:00!). We were sooooo close!!!! :supersad: And we were only 10! But... that's life... Maybe one day I'd have another chance... :rolleyes:

    Bye me sweetie :kiss

  13. Hey! :D

    The second night I was in the low stand, on the "Chris side", pretty close to the stage. Before the gig, I thought I'll be seat higher. I wanted to have a good view of the stadium, since I couldn't see it well in the middle of the crowd when I was in the pit, but in fact I was in the second row from lower. You must have such good sensations, when you are in the topmost rows of the stadium, overhanging all the people... But it doesn't matter cause it was amazing anyway! It's really funny how the simple fact not to be at the same spot at each gig made me feel things completely differently, as if I was gone to two differents shows! Because of the different point of view I got, I saw things I didn't noticed the first day, especially the lights and the videos on the big screens. That's why, even if the crowd around me was a bit "dead" compared to the one of the night before, I don't regret this experience cause it was interesting too....... But I've prefered the pit! :LOL:

    I've completely lost my voice, as you can imagine it! I've sang along all the time and screamed a lot of "Muuuuuuuuuuuuse!!!" "Maaaaaaatt!!!" "Dooooom!!!" "Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!!" :LOL:

    Oh, and at some point, I've screamed : "DOOOOM, SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!" :LOL:

    But I don't think he heard me!

    It's been almost a week now, and I still have a smoker voice! My friends find that funny and kinda sexy, but as I'm concerned, I only find that annoying! :LOL:

    Yeah, you're a warrior, despite you're not tall!!! :LOL:

    I can imagine you, fightning like a wild cat! "Back up, this is my spot, groawrrrr!!!" :LOL:

    Good luck with your training! :D

    Oh, and I think you're right : it's most likely that it will rains than be sunny, so, the Muse poncho sounds like a good plan to me!


    Oh, almost forgot to answer your questions!

    My real name is Aline. :happy:

    My favorite song? Really, I can't tell, cause it depends on my mood, on the light, on the day, on the moon, on the money I have or not, on the people who're kind or not...

    But some of my favorite ones are : Blackout, New Born, Ruled by Secrecy (this one means a lot to me...), Dark Shines (as you can see, I quite like the "dark" songs! :LOL:)... But I also like the ones a bit "heavy" (besides, I like heavy metal) : Dead Star, The Groove, In your World, Yes Please (good old times!!!)...

    On their last album, I like a lot UD, MK ultra and the first part of Exo.

    But when you'll see them live, you'll see that some songs are "better" live : thus, I've been surprised by NSC!!! Actually, it's quite good live! But otherwise, I still can't put up with this song! Really too cheesy and confused to me! :LOL:


    And you? Tell me! Your favorite songs, your thoughts about the last album, etc, etc...


    edit : Whooo! That's a long post! I'm sorry! :LOL:

  14. Wooo! Great! You're rich then?!

    Maybe the first step of a long carreer as an artist!

    Thank to the Matasia spirit who inspired you this piece of master! :LOL:

    i'm on the PMT right now, posting some pics from the gigs at the Stade de France! You should come to see them! Sarah is posting good pics too! :awesome:

  15. Yeah, the effect of that huge crowd in the stadium was wonderful, especially on Soldiers Poem, with all the cell phones's lights in the night, like thousands flames! very moving.

    I can't really say there was a best song, but there were some moments execptionally intense, like when they've played MK ultra, at the first gig, which is one of my favorite song on their last album, or on SS, KoC, PIB, of course, and....oh my gosh, B&H!!! I didn't expect them to play that "old" song, I was so happy when I heard the beginning! I was like : is this B&H? Am I having hallucinations or am I right! OMG! I'm right!!! It's B&H!!!!!! *hysterical screams* :LOL:

    I don't know if the french crowd is the best, maybe it's a bit excessive, but we're counting among the best ones for sure! The second night I was in the law stand, on the "Chris side", so, even if the people were standing, jumping and screaming out, I was quite comfortable... even if I got bruises on my knees because of knocking them in the seats in front of me when I jumped up and down! :LOL: But the first night, as I ever said it to you, I was in the mosh! And there, woooo, the crowd is insane! At some points I've been "dragged" backwards and I don't know how, but I ended up about ten rows behind from the spot I was in the beginning! I had to struggle to get my spot again! The pit, it's the war! :LOL: I warn you : you'd better not to be too small, I'm sorry but it's true, or not too fragile, because I've seen a lot of "small" young girls who looked completely lost and I don't think they've enjoyed the show as much as me, which is really too bad for them. I've even helped one of these girls to reach the barrier because she couldn't put up with the crowd anymore and she wanted to go out! She was screaming : "I want to go out, I want to go out!". She was about to faint... As I'm concerned, I've prefered the pit to the stand! But I'm crazy!

    But if you think you're strong enough, here's some advices to get a good spot in the GA : you have to up really early!!! I woke up at 5 (not that my alarm clock was programmed to sound at 5, but I was already awake! I couldn't wait anymore! :LOL:)... to wait at the door at about 7.30 in the morning. This way you'll have a better chance to get the spot you want when they will open the doors. Given that the waiting is long, bring a lot of watter with you, and something to protect yourself from the sun... or the rain! ;)

    If you have any other questions, don't mind me, I'd be glad to help you if I can. We have to show solidarity, between Musers! :happy:

    Bye Amy! (I guess this is your first name!)

  16. J'ai eu une sorte de "contre coup" je crois, comme la plupart d'entre nous, cad, petite déprime post gig et grosse fatigue, mais ça commence à aller mieux. Et toi?

    Oh, merci, merci, merci!

    Et comment que je les aime tes photos! Elles sont... gaaaa....:stongue:

    C'est rien, je suis tarée! :facepalm:

    Et je crois que c'est encore pire maintenant que je les ai vu en live! :LOL:

    Biz la miss! :kiss:

  17. It was there :


    We were about 80 000 people!

    I must say I'm pretty proud of the french crowd : we rock! :D

    I've some bruises on my knees to prove it! It was quite violent in the mosh at some points! :LOL: (especially during SS and B&H! I'm so so glad they played these songs!!!)

    Manchester's gonna be awsome too! I choose to go in Wembley cause it's the simplest for me by plane. And I know a lot of french people from that forum who are going over there too.

    Don't be jealous, cause I've suffered to have that spot! :LOL: I woke up at 5 in the morning, then I got sunburns while I was waiting at the door the all long day long, I almost broke my leg in the stairs when they finally open the doors....Well, epic, but totally worth it! :LOL:

  18. Oh, never too late you know!

    I've just seen them last week end in Paris, twice! :D

    Awesome! I was in the pit for the first gig, just in the front of Matt's mike! :awesome:

    I couldn't believe it! It was like a dream!

    Um.... yeah.... as you can see, I've a kinda crush on him! Just a little! :D

    But Dom is quite yumyuml as well! :D

    Well, I suppose you're going to Wembley in september! So am I!!!! The 10th AND the 11th!

    And you?

    It's gonna be a blast!!!

  19. ok, jvais aller voir de ce pas! lol

  20. Coucou ma puce!

    Comment tu vas?

    Tu parles de quelle photo avec Nath?

  21. :eek: T'étais pas dans ma fwend list?!!!! Malheur!

    A plus Mme Howard! :LOL:

    Signé : Mme Bellamy!

  22. Ahaha! Yeah, it's me!

    I'm such a newbie, and unlike you, I've any nerdy friend to help me! I hope he will find a way so that I can send you this damn vid! lol

    Um I like Muse for about 6 or 7 years, I don't know exactly, because it came gradually. But for 3 years, they're an important part of my life, I couldn't live without them anymore. I worship them! :LOL: I know, I'm crazy, but proud of it!

    And you? Did you already saw them live?

  23. Thanks for the friend request!

    But, but, you are really really new here! I've just seen your join date! :LOL:

    You'll see, this forum is great! I've met a lot of amazing people since I'm here! It's like my second house here! I've met some of them for real, when I was in Paris for the Muse's gigs at the Stade de France (I did the both!), and we're now friends! So you see, a lot of good surprises can happened to you too. I didn't expect that when I came here.

    By the way, where do you live exactly?

    I live in Grenoble, in the south of France, but I move a lot, so it doens't reaaly mean a thing, I can be elsewhere in a few month. It's 700 km from Paris, and when I went to the Stade de France I went by car! I'm crazy! I was exhausted when I came back, but more happy than ever! I still can't barely speak because I've screamed too much!

    Di you ever see them live? Or will you soon?

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