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Status Updates posted by Alienora

  1. Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!!!!!! So so glad to "see" you again! :dance:

    I saw in the PMT that you took a "Muse break" for 4 month!!! :eek:

    I can understand, sometimes you need to step back in order to know what you're really feeling or thinking about smth. When you're too much into something, in the long run you might lost yourself a bit.

    I'm telling you that because I'm feeling the same about the PMT. I don't post on this thread a lot since... I don't remember, maybe about 4 month as well! I don't want to suffer for smth (or shoud I say, for someone! :p ) I could never reach! This is so vain! I prefer to stay on a simple, healthy, deep admiration! :yesey:

    But as you can see, I still keep an eye on this thread from time to time, mostly to "stay in touch" with the girls I met here.


    Well, so, this concert!!!


    The best I saw! Everything was so perfect! The guys were in a top form, smiling and full of energy, the setlist was incredible, and so was the crowd! Really perfect! I don't know how I can recover from such a gig! :LOL:

    I had big problems, (I missed my plane on the friday, so I "only" did the second gig. I was supposed to do both), and I've been pick pocketed in the pit.... :stunned:

    But I've no regrets, cause this incredible gig caught up with all these bullshit, and well! :p


    But what about you sweetie?

    It seems to me that you've moved, haven't you?

    I think you've returned to school now, is that all goes well?

    Are you in a Muse mood again, after your Muse rehab'? :p


    I hope you're fine.

    Take care and speak soon! :kiss:

  2. Hello sweetie! Sorry for the late reply, I'm quite busy with all the final preparations for Wembley. I'm still a bit worried about my plane, because I've not been charged yet on my bank account (I've booked the flight on the net), so I don't know wether my booking has actually been taken into account or not... :stunned: I hope so. I think so, since I got a confirmation's email that I've printed...


    Anyway, if I don't have my plane, I'm ready to cross the Channel by swimming!!!! :mad::LOL:


    I didn't buy an inflatable alien (cause I can't use my credit card on the internet anymore... Errrrrm! :D ) but a friend of mine bought... 6 aliens all by himself, so he can give me one! :LOL: He told me they were really... small! :indiff: If so, we won't see them much. I hope a lot of people will bring their, it would be fun! :LOL:


    About your parents: you can't easily get rid off them! Not after all they're doing for you! :p


    London seems to be such an amazing place! I can't wait!

    I think one day I'll take the time to visit that amazing city pwoperly! :yesey:


    Thanks for trying reassure me about my English skills, that's kind of you, but the little "problem" is that it's been aaaaaages since I've practiced oral... :stunned:

    My accent's probably deadly! :LOL:


    Hoping to see you soon... :kiss:

  3. Phu, we can't count on this obsolete tool anymore! :LOL:


    Um, I won't post pictures cause it's something I consider personal, intimate... But I see no objection to show them to you "for real" if we manage to meet.


    Haha! Your parents will be with you at Wembley?! They'll see the concert too?! Or they only want to keep an eye on you? :chuckle:

    Ok, if I see you, I'll do as if I didn't know you! :phu::LOL:

    :shifty: Otherwise we'll wake the thought police....


    Another clue to find our group: it may be we'll bring some french flags with us! :LOL:

    We have to represent our country proudly! :phu:


    Ok, don't worry, I'll check where it's located on a map.

    Yesterday I started watching what subways/trains/buses I've to take to go at the stadium/my hotel/the airport. I think I've found how I've to do, but I'm still a bit worried of being wrong once there, with the "language barrier" especially... and to miss the gig! :LOL: It's a current nightmare these last days!


    I've never been in London yet, it will be the first time, so I'm pretty excited, even if I suppose I won't have lot of time to visit.

    We've planned to meet some Musers friends Sunday, to talk a bit, share our gig's experience, and to lunch together in one of the many lovely parks in London (I don't know the location for now). Will you be still in town? Would you like to join us? :happy:

    I also hope to meet Mafalda! :awesome: It would be ace!


    Bisous/kisses :kiss:

  4. I got tattooed today! :dance:


    Yep, there's likely to happen... :D


    Otherwise, if you see a bunch of crazy people screaming around in french, that's probably us! :chuckle: Please come see us!


    I'll stay at the Charlotte guest house, Sumatra road.

    By any chance, do you see where it is and which bus or subway I've to take to go at Wembley?

  5. Hey Kerrie! :kiss:


    I'm entrance M or N. :(

  6. Ok, merci pour les infos.

    J'vais aller vider ma boite à mp de ce pas alors!


  7. No, sorry, it wasn't clear: it's only 33, then my phone number that I gave you, but without the 0 in the begining (It's not 06 etc etc but 6 etc etc). Does it make sense? :stunned:

    Insane?! :LOL: I bet!

    I guess you'll post your pics on FB?

    Btw, I'm back home, so now we can talk on msn again! :dance:

    I want you to tell me everything about that "insane" concert! :LOL:

    Ciao! :kiss:

  8. Hey Mafa!!! How are you?

    Minor clarifications before Wembley: I told you the telephone code to call me is 33, but you don't have to tape the 0 in my number (so the first number after 33 is 6). :happy:

    See you! :dance:

  9. Ok!

    I'll be there the morning of the 10th. My plane arrives at 9:00 am but then I have to go at my hotel to drop my bags. I'll go queuing just after cause I wanna be sure to have a good spot in the pit! Will you be there in the morning? We're at the same entrance!!! Cool! We'll have to say how we're gonna be dressed, in order to recognize each other, ok?

  10. V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:

    Yeah! maybe! :awesome:

    When do you come? Where will you be?

    Me: the both gigs, in the GA.

    The 10th: entrance M or N. ;)

  11. Oh my gosh! You're still alive!!! lol I'm so glad! I thought you'd never come back here! What happened? I hope everything is ok! We miss you too! PMT was a bit "dead" this summer: people were busy with their holiday. I think it will be better soon, now that the summer break is over for the most of us. I've worked this summer in order to going in... Wembley!!! It's in less than 2 weeks now! I can't wait!!!! Are you going too? Again, very glad you're back! See you on the PMT then. ;)

  12. Hi honey! It seems to me that it's this week end that you're going to see Muse, right???!!! Enjoy every single second, we both know how quickly a Muse concert can pass! So have fun, open your third eye, and see you in two weeks in Wembo, with your little zetas! ;)

    Btw, telephone index for France is 33 :)

  13. Tu as raison de trouver à t'occuper pour le soir du 11, ça vaut mieux.

    Oh, une formation d'anglais, trop cool! Clair que ça au moins, c'est motivant comme formation!

    Tu vas donc prendre des cours de langue?

    Comme ça, quand on ira faire un festival en Angleterre l'été prochain, tu seras parée! :dance:

    Payée en plus? Bliss... :D

  14. I know, I know... :( I'm a bit lazy. No interesting pics to post, and I'm on some other stuffs: I'm listening to music (new bands that I discovered recently), I'm drawing again, playing piano... But in less than a week I'll be back in Grenoble, and I could go on msn again to talk with you, my little princess! :awesome: ... Pourquoi que j'te cause en anglais moi! :LOL: Mais tu m'as comprise je suppose, t'es bilingue maintenant! ça va le moral bichette? Pas trop triste à propos de W...?

  15. Toi aussi... :(

    Mais je serai sur l'ordi demain aprem, et certainement un peu dimanche aussi!

    Super ton nouvel avatar! :awesome:

    Smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacks ma puce! :kiss:

  16. Oh ben dis donc, mais t'es un amour!!!

    Merci pour tout, c'est super gentil!!! :kiss:

    Je sais pas comment je vais pouvoir te renvoyer l'assenceur, un de ces jours, car tu m'en a filé des coups de main!

  17. Mafaaaa!!!! :LOL:

    Yes I know, but how? I'm not at home at the moment, but at my relatives until the end of august, so I'm on their computer, and I don't remember my password to go on msn... :faceplam:

    But I've facebook now, and apparently there's a way to have a private conversation, or to send messages only for the person you want. I'm not sure to know how it works though... :LOL:

    Noooooooooo!!!!!! You're seeing them AGAIN???!!! :eek:

    You're killing me!!!! You're crazy!!! :LOL:

    But I won't blame you because if I had the money and the opportunity, you can be sure I would have done the same! Like you, I became totally addicted to the Muse's gigs! Wembley is my only motivation at the moment to proceed and finding a job (in order to save money...:facepalm:). Maybe that sucks, but before there was nothing at all to give me a little joyce in my life. Thanks to Muse, not only I've got a new reason to ... to... I dunno, to "stay"?...:stunned: but I also met a lot of amazing people I probably wouldn't have met without Muse.

    I'm really glad for you! :dance: When exactly is the concert? Are you going with the same friends who went with you the last time?

  18. Un p'tit message déjà, et avant tout, pour te remercier de ton soutien, qui fait chaud au coeur, et aussi pour te repréciser un truc, car je pense que tu n'as pas bien compris: je ne cherche pas de billets pour Wembley. J'ai déjà pris mon billet pour le 10 par Seatwave, quant au 11, c'est toi qui me vend un billet, n'est-ce pas? Si ma participation demeure incertaine, c'est en raison de tous les "à côté": transport, hôtel, bouffe... J'ai déjà reservé un avion, mais je n'ai pas été débitée. Apparemment, je dois régler à l'embarquement. (soit la modeste somme de 180 euros). Tu calcules ça plus le reste, il faut que j'arrive à mettre de côté environ 350 euros d'ici septembre. Ce qui n'est pas impossible, mais tout va dépendre de si j'arrive à trouver un job pour le mois d'aout. Croisons les doigts. Ciao

  19. En fait J'AI déjà mes tickets. Mais je n'ai pas encore payé l'avion (le vol est réservé, mais faudra bien regler le jour du départ), plus l'hotel, plus les transports une fois sur place, plus la bouffe... Bref, cce sont tous ces "à côtés" qui font que ça va être chaud quand même... mais bon, si j'arrive à mettre des sous de côté (disons dans les 400 euros) d'ici septembre, ça sera peut etre jouable. Merci quand meme Patricia. C'est tres gentil. J'espère que ces billets feront d'autres heureux. :happy:

  20. Coucou!

    Pour hier, pas de soucis! Je comprends bien qu'avec ton boulot, c'est pas toujours évident. De toute façon, comme tu t'en es doutée, j'étais rentrée chez mes parents;

    Mais écoute, on se remet ça à une prochaine fois! On se recontacte! le week end prochain éventuellement? Tiens, ça me dirais bien d'aller faire un p'tit tour à Amboise. C'est une petite ville sympa et j'aimerais bien y prendre quelques photos. Si ça te tentes...

  21. Oh, c'set dommage! Tant pis, c'est quand même très gentil de ta part d'avoir regardé. :happy:

    C'était GENIAL!!!!!!!!

    Plein de moments d'anthologie: l'arrrivée sur scène de Lady Dom Dom et de Matt Poppins, l'ouverture sur PIB, les gouttes de pluie dans les rayons lasers, CE!!!!!!, et juste après Hysteria!, les sourires de connivence tout le long, le plaisir évident qu'ils ont eu à jouer malgré la pluie....etc, etc!

  22. You're welcome! :happy:

  23. Oh, what kind of video are you making? Is it for youtube?

    Yes, I'm seeing them.. again! :LOL:

    It's a festival in Brittany called the Vieilles Charrues Festival.

    I'm a bit worried because apparently these last days it doesn't stop raining over there... And I've no red plastic boots! :p

    You can counting on me honey! ;)

  24. Go take a look at your love boat... ;)

  25. Yes, indeed! :LOL:

    Once, I tried to find a picture I had loved in the PMT... I've never succeeded!

    Unfortunately, the only place where you can find my screencaps is in my computer, but I can send them to you by mp, as soon as I've access to my personal computer again (I'm at my parent's place right now).

    So, if it can wait a couple of day, I'll be glad to do this for you. ;)

    See you honey!

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