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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Ah, New Years :happy: I'm gonna have a nice little party with my family. Ordering so much food I could puke, and staying up after midnight watching TV and all that. :D Are you doing anything special for New Years Eve?

  2. Aw, If you don't want to, you don't have to, I'm sure a friend of mine might be able to. I don't wanna waste your time like that :LOL:

  3. Yes, my family is hardcore Italian, so it's all about the meatballs, sausage, fish, etc. etc.

    I've never been a big meat person, maybe some fish here and there, but I like pasta, vegetables, cheese, soup... mostly pasta though :chuckle:


    I'd love the recipe :eyebrows: I just had some of the lasagna that I made yesterday, and I sat here thinking "This would be so much better with eggplant and white sauce :indiff:... *wants*" That would be great if you could do that, I've been dying to try something new. I love to cook too, so that's way cool :awesome: Yay for food!


    And I promise, I'll try to stop getting sick all the time :LOL:


  4. Ah, I knew I forgot to say it to someone! :LOL: Merry late Christmas to you too. I've been sick for the whole week, but it was great, I got some new instruments and effects :happy:


    Hope you had a good one, and got some nice gifts too! :xmas:

  5. Ah, it figures, I have a fever. Again :rolleyes: Don't worry about me though, I'll be fine.


    Omg, yes it's eggplant, which is AMAZING! :D I had some lasagna too, but with meatballs and sausages, which I gave myself 2nd degree burns while cooking. In fact I did most of the cooking this year and it turned out pretty good. It was a good year, my grandmother is here, and I got a full size keyboard (to play some Apocalypse Please and Butterflies and Hurricanes :happy: ) and a stand for my bass. I also got some Muse buttons and a BH&R tab book.


    Hope you have a good Christmas, and I think I might have to try some of that eggplant and lasagna ;) sounds really good! :kiss:

  6. Hi there :D


    Merry CHRISmas and happy birthday :party::xmas:

  7. Hey there just wanted to say Merry Chwismas :D:xmas:

  8. Hey there, it's Chwismas eve, and I'm so freakin excited!! :dance:

    So in advance, merry Chwismas :kiss::xmas:


    Are you gonna do anything special tonight? I'm having a giant 7 fish dinner with my family tonight. It's too bad I'm sick, I was looking forward to it all year, but everything tastes like cardboard :( Kinda felling off too, epic headache and really dizzy.


    Hope your Christmas'll be a bit better than mine :LOL:

  9. Thanks, and yeah it's an Uprising bear. I thought it'd pretty cool to throw in there :LOL::$


    Merry Chwismas, btw :xmas:

  10. Aw you too :xmas::kiss:


    Im gonna have a giant 7 fish dinner tonight :D It's too bad I'm sick and it'll taste like cardboard. Well, have fun and I hope you get some good stuff :happy:

  11. A very mewwy Chwismas to you too :D:xmas:

  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you were the one who posted the Muse facepalms in the lolz thread, right?


    Well I lol'd hard at that, and decided to make some :musepalm:




    Just thought you might like that :$

  13. Ha, it really does! All he needs is his red Wembley suit :happy: And Chris, as miserable as he looks, makes an excellent reindeer :chuckle:

  14. Oh, the bear? It seemed appropriate at the time, I was in a cemetery and there was this little teddy bear in the back of my mom's car. I had a Sharpie and a piece of paper, so it was BEGGING to be done :LOL: lol thanks.


    Hey wait, you know what I just noticed... look at Dom on the board background. Is he crosseyed? :LOL:

  15. Why thank you! Likewise to you :D

  16. :D Ahh thanks for the comment! I'm still a n00b at 'shopping, I just know the basics. Can't seem to grasp anything other than the simpler stuff :chuckle:
  17. Thank you so much for taking the time to look!!!! I found it, and keep playing over the "My voice is fine, WHAAAAAAAA!!" :chuckle: Thanks again, if you ever need help with finding anything, let me know. I owe you big :D

  18. Hey there :D


    I noticed your sig, and thought that seeing it's one of your keeps, you'd know what interview Matt does that "WHAAAAAA!!!" in. I never knew which one it was :erm:

  19. Hey, just wanted to majorly apolagize again for what I'd said in the Resistance tour thread :( I never took the time to read all the way through the past conversation before posting that, I just saw the link and started typing from a stupid mindless fit I was having at the moment. (here again, just though it was a random person that just wanted presale codes, though I admit I'd do it just for the codes if I already hadn't) Really though, I shouldn't have said that anyways no matter who posted it, it was a dumb split-second thing and I shouldn't have taken out my gig related worries on you. I just think I'll get a better night's sleep tonight if I apolagized to you, not just everyone in general (they already think I'm a douche, It doesn't even matter anyways)


    Really. I honestly regret what I said the second I posted it. Thanks for not eating me alive for that. :$:(



  20. Hello there, you're also from CT I see :D

  21. You're very welcome!!! :happy:


    I'd love to see the mountains :dance: Never seen anything taller than the hill I already live on, but even these hills aren't that tall. Oooo If you could do that, it would make my day!!!!


    And it wasn't that cold, only about... 25°F ( about -3°C ... whatever you like to go by) especially considering I was wearing that big fuzzy black hat :D it was toastyyyy warm under that thing... I had a real good time there, especially when I saw the giant earth I said ":eek: OMG I have to point out EuraSIA and Chile!!!!!"


    So glad you enjoyed the pics. Can't wait to see the mountains!!!! ^-^

  22. :chuckle: well if you do find time and it's still snowing, just try not to die on the mountain. That wouldn't be good, and I'd be sad. Say, what's your job anyways?...


    I'm gonna head over to the park in a few minutes and get a picture of all the lights and decorations :DYou're gonna looooove it :dance:

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