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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Actually, here's a link. It's on youtube :happy:


  2. :yesey:

    I'll see if I can PM it to you.

  3. Well, the subject is something about an "Ultra Merry" Christmas

    and the message is just a little present with a bow that says muse on it. when you click on the present it downloads the file.


    Are you on Muse's mailing list :erm:

  4. :LOL: we got e-mailed a file that took like an hour to download. it's just mk ultra played live, but it IS amazing, and if you want it I'll send it in a PM
  5. Nothing too exciting, but I finally just got to watch the live MKULTRA Muse Christmas Present... 'Twas epic :D

  6. I go invisible sometimes. I dunno why, I just do :D


    And I'm great, how are ya!

  7. No, thank YOU! :D yay for being in someone's sig!


    so, as said on twitter, later! :happy:

  8. :LOL: Ha, lucky! All I can go on is.. Computer... computer.. Wii... another computer...

    Yeah that's about it! That's ok, I gotta go anyways. Study for these damn algebra mid-terms :indiff:

  9. Life is good :awesome:


    Err, well to quote someone with the "originaly blah blah" I think you can try

    yada yada yada [ /QUOTE]


    see if that works :erm:

  10. Regular laptop :rolleyes: ... I NEED to get a mac... errr how much am I looking at for one of those as far as a price?

  11. Nice! I'm insulting my computer because it was being too slow. Not like it cares :chuckle:

  12. Hi there! I'm quite :awesome: today, how about you

  13. :LOL::LOL: That's hilarious! Yay for Muse references!!! :D


    And don't worry, my mom works for Diseny, so I have no choice but to like it ;) I work with her, so I get to know everything new and upcoming from Disney before aaaanyone else... :rolleyes: wooo party...


    But nah, on Disney I tend to watch Phineas and Ferb , Jimmy Two-Shoes :chuckle: and stuff like that... Don't worry, I'm guilty of watching the Disney channel too.

  14. You should draw it too!!! I've gotten quite good at it actually, as that is my little signature when I doodle on my friends' stuff :LOL: they look at me like :wtf: "what's with the freaky pedo-smile, Ang?"

  15. 'Specially the awesome smiley!


    omg today while passing notes I accidentally wrote that....

    ".... Yeah, wtf I'm SOOO glad we didn't get in deep trouble for saying that :awesome: "

    " Why'd u just write ':awesome:' ???"

    "OH HELL!!! didn't mean to do that o.o ..... *slams head on desk* "

  16. lol! :LOL: I agree! In fact, the shifty guy ---------> :shifty: is perfect for describing their faces xD

  17. Same! I'm like

    "So... :shifty: ... do you like.. DA My00seeeeeeeaaaaaahh *dun dun DUN* "

    If they lol and say yeah, then YAY but if not I just made myself look creepy in front of a total stranger who I now have no hopes of making friends with :awesome:

  18. Oh ok :). It'd be funny to randomly run into her and be like "Hey, I know Mica! So do you like Muse? :awesome: *creepy smile* " :LOL: mhm, because that's not creepy xD

  19. Whoa that's so cool :D It'd be better is she was a fan, but... Any idea what city/part of the state? I may or may not have seen her around :ninja:

  20. Connecticut :awesome: look to the northeast and know there are Muse fans!

  21. Ewwww Justin Bieber is a fag :indiff: But on the bright side, you'll only be 200 miles away from me :dance:

  22. Noooooooo you have to have access to the internet!!! :eek:


    So are you going to Washington state, or Washington DC? Either way, it'll be bitter cold :awesome:

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