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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. lol PS3 fail...


    Erm... 69.... what, Why everyone finds it humorous? :chuckle:

  2. Huh, guess I missed that conversation :LOL:


    Uh, yeah, that's me :D and my giant bass amp. And new Muse shirt.

  3. (again, please excuse the lateness :facepalm:)


    Matt.... Dancing.... :eek:..... where are people talking about this? :shifty:

  4. Hi there! sorry, for being so late :chuckle:

  5. my aim -----------> Zombie Sharkbait <------------ :D

  6. Oo, I gotta go quick, my sister's calling me. this is gonna be a loooooooooong day :rolleyes: later :D

  7. I had the loading issue on my PSP, like the whole page is squished and messed up :chuckle: And yep, youtube doesn't work on that either, but it still doesn't have 2 cameras :awesome: haha Nintendo dominated Sony for once!

  8. Ooooo I just might consider one of those things... wow you go on the boards with a DS :LOL: haha I don't blame you. It seems like a little mini computer!!

  9. Are those things any better than the regular DS's? Other than the freaky little camera :LOL:

  10. yeah, she's ok, just wants to kill something right now (old people like to harass her in the waiting room :LOL:).


    and your best friend doesn't like AIM, I guess :chuckle:

  11. I'm just playing around on my bass, waiting for my sister to get back from the hospital because she screwed up her leg... There's nothing better to do today :LOL: what are you doing?

  12. I'm great, how are you :D


    :chuckle: "floccinaucinihilipilification! haha, long word.." love that vid!

  13. Cool :D huh, I haven't been on Aim in a loooooooong time... I wonder who's online. *goes to check*

  14. nothing much, just going through some of Muse's new twitpics. They let some fans hold their instruments :supersad: *is envious*


    whats going on with you

  15. Hey! :D


    Yeah, I know I just checked up on it!!

  16. Ok then. Well I'm off to do something productive :D Goodnight! <3


    and I can't wait 'till she sees her boat ^-^

  17. who would that be for :happy: aaaaand If anything, I'll have to do it tomorrow, because I'm gone in 5 minutes.

  18. Errrm, trying to figure out if Eminem is really dead or not :erm: there's rumors flying around, but I don't know....

  19. :LOL: you're very weeeeeeeeelcoooome!!
  20. you're only a month into being on the boards, don't worry, when you're on for a bit longer you'll most likely be well known around here ;)

  21. when we get mica's going good, I'll make you a loveboat :D sound good?

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