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Status Updates posted by Tasha_

  1. Wow, crazy outfits! :awesome: You took lots of photos!

    I bet she was amazing! I watched the Paparazzi video in your youtube, wow at the effects! :awesome:

    What was the support band?

  2. Hello, Stefanie! How are you?

    I forgot to ask you, how was the Lady Gaga concert? :awesome: I quite like her songs lately :stunned:

  3. Hello! How are you? :D

    I just saw your photos from Ireland! They look great, it must be such a pretty country! You seem to have had a great time!

    Apparently Chris moved to Dublin now :shifty:

  4. :LOL:


    I was talking in Franz lyrics! It's actually 'Let's fade together, let's fade forever' :LOL:


    But yeah, perv forever :eyebrows:

  5. Hey! :awesome:

    Yeah, everything is alright! I'm just really busy with the university lately and I don't have much free time! I hope I'll be able to get some rest in the weekend and catch up with you girls :happy:

    See you!

  6. Hey! It's a Greek airline called Aegean Airlines. It flies from Greece to most of Europe! :)

  7. Thank you so much!!! :D That's really sweet of you to remember :happy:

  8. Thank you! :awesome: I'm great :D

  9. Thank you !!! I'm so old now! :awesome:

  10. :LOL:


    Thank you so much, Claudia! :kiss:

  11. Thank you so much, Carla! :kiss:

  12. :awesome:


    Thank you so much, Kristina! :kiss:

  13. No, you're not! It's normal to talk about yourself, I do it all the time and sometimes I feel like I tire people with it.:erm:


    That's just the problem with parents they never take you seriously, I wish they'd just realize that we grow up and have needs and like other things than the things that they like! I hope you go to London, I bet it's really beautiful, though I've never been there.

    Unfortunately, I've only been to Australia, unless you count Dubai and Singapore, where the plane stopped for a few hours during the journey. I only got to see the inside of the airports though :chuckle:


    Yeah, they said they were having a great time and my saying that ruined their day because I gave them an extra something to worry about :wtf:

    I don't think the fact that it will be my birthday soon will change anything :(

  14. No, you're not! I think I talk about myself all the time! :chuckle: Maybe because I am :erm:


    Yeah, it sucks and he's posting photos of it every other day on facebook, I'm so jealous :fear:

    Paris would be great, as well, I'd love to visit :supersad:


    Two years is definitely giving me hopes :awesome:

    Yeah, I tried that yesterday, they said I was obsessed, I was tiring them and ruining a special day. :noey:

  15. Yeah, I don't know, I'd love to live somewhere else for a few years, just to see life from a different perspective, but I would definitely feel homesick after a while. I would love to live in London, I'm so jealous of one of my friends who went there on a student exchange program and he's not returning till the end of June! :supersad:

    I was really annoyed when I saw that on myspace, it's just not fair, America gets everything :fear: I hope they tour some more before they decide to make the next album.


    Oh, that's even better! I wish I could do that, that way I wouldn't have to worry about accomodation.

    We'll see, I just have to get it through their heads that I'm capable of doing something like this, even if they call it far-fetched.

  16. Yeah, I guess so. :noey: Sometimes it's just too much though.


    Yeah, it is alright here, but nothing ever happens. Sometimes I wish my parents had moved to USA like most of my uncles. My life would be so much more exciting then. :awesome:

    I hope Muse get the fact that they can't just ignore this part of Europe anymore. It is so unfair! But I suppose they have to announce dates for Russia and Eastern Europe at some point. :happy:


    I still haven't given up for San Siro. Looking for Hostels right now. Where are you staying, btw? I might be able to convince them. :ninja:

  17. But I'm almost 22 years old! They let me go all the way to Australia on my own but they won't let me go to Italy, even if the flight is 2 hours long! Their excuse is that I had my uncle waiting for me there, but still!

    Yeah, they do that too, everytime I go out, even now that I live on my own, I have to call them to make sure I went home safely.:indiff::facepalm:

    Sometimes I wish I were born in another country.


    I hope, or I'll just wait till Muse decide to come here, which is probably never, by the look of things.

    Sorry for my whining :(

  18. Oh :supersad: That would be so amazing.


    I don't know, they are typical Greek parents, they think their kids are 5 years old forever. I don't think they'd be reassured even if I met with boardies, since I wouldn't know them beforehand. My mum is especially overprotective and she worries too much. If I tell her that for example that my back hurts, she'd think that I am having a heart condition or something. They really should grow out of it.


    I'm getting depressed again. I feel hopeless. :(

  19. I wish!

    The flight there is about 100+ euros or something, but the only problem is my parents who are too overprotective and don't like the idea of me going alone to a foreign country. I think Milan would be the best choice, but they're worried of what will happen after the gig, when I'll be on my own and won't have anywhere to go. :indiff:

    I haven't given up yet, though. :awesome:

  20. Damn money :fear:


    I'll try to stay positive, you never know! Maybe I'll see them in Chicago! :yesey:


    How weird is it that it's easier for me to go to USA rather than Europe? :wtf:

  21. About 230 euros/person. That's a lot of money. The flight to Milan is 42 euros :awesome:


    Will do, though I don't expect much :erm:

  22. I don't think so. :( It's not a matter of the gig tickets, but the fact that I am very short on money and my parents treat me like a toddler. They think I'm asking for too much and they don't want me to go there alone. Persuading one of my friends to go to Milan with me is much more of a possibilility, since the flight there is extremely cheap.

    I'll talk to her tomorrow, but I don't know if anything's going to happen. :noey:

  23. Thanks a lot, but I had a row with my parents and I don't think I'll go.

    They think I'm obsessed and they're afraid of my going alone to Milan. :supersad:

    It's ok. :happy:

    It's a shame really because the flight there was really cheap.

  24. Hey, sorry if you're leaving, just wanted to ask you something!

    I was looking for tickets for Milan, but the sites I visited said that the tickets are not available for online purchase! how did you buy yours, because I'm honestly tempted to buy one (even if my sister can't come). I'm still thinking about it, though my parents are by no way helpful, since they think I've lost my sanity and that I'm obsessed :facepalm:


    Edit: Don't worry. It's not going to happen.

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