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Status Updates posted by Tasha_

  1. :wtf: I wonder what was the use for all of those tents.

    They are such rockstars nowadays. :noey:


    I've given up hope, since on guy seems to be attracted to me :'(

  2. A garden party would have been great! :awesome: Why were there so many tents, though? :wtf:

    I bet it has happened :LOL:


    Yeah tomorrow or within this year would be great, but it's not gonna happen :indiff:

  3. :LOL: Everyone would be like :wtf:

    Oh the scenery would make everything so much nicer :happy: A healthy breeze would be refreshing for him and for the girl occupied with his ... flower :eyebrows:

    How much worse can it get? I want a man NOW :fear: Or tomorrow, I am not fussy :happy:

  4. Some random person took a picture of you? :chuckle:

    I suppose he might like some help then :ninja:

    No, because when I am here I can release it :yesey: Otherwise, it just bottler up :stunned:

  5. I will arrange it :cool: Of course you do :eyebrows:

    They would be like " Kidnap! :eek: "

    :stunned: but he would be rushing to get on the stage quickly! I just remembered Muscle Museum, that's what 'I have played in every toilet' always reminded me of :chuckle:


    I am at my place at the moment where I don't usually have internet and those days only make everything worse :noey:

  6. I imagine the back seats would be pretty comfortable :eyebrows:

    :stunned: I don't want to imagine him getting rid of it :fear:

    It will download sooner or later and then I will watch it and lick his sweat off the screen :happy:

    The pervyness is getting worse when I am away :stunned:

  7. I lost you now :chuckle:

    I guess so, but anyone can see the posts :erm:

    Maybe he wouldn't call then if you were really good :yesey: He didn't get rid of them, did he? :chuckle:

    It's going to slow, it is only on 34% or something for me :noey:

  8. No :eek: How would I know anyway? :ninja:

    Do you reckon? I always thought it was easier to find the boats :erm:

    Just long enough for him to call security :chuckle: I want to sneak my hands under his shirt as well :supersad: Especialy when I imagine him in those screencaps from Leeds University 2001 :stunned:

  9. Too long :stunned: Yeah, so innocent :LOL: It isn't much different to the boats really :chuckle:

    Would you jump on him in the middle of the street? :eek:

  10. I hate to say it but ...WANT :supersad:

    Oh, so would I :eyebrows: I just want to touch his hair and ...*cough*

  11. :chuckle: I was afraid to sort at first! I still am sometimes :stunned:

    There has to be something done about that :fear:

    Yeah, but wouldn't you rather snog him if he was wearing a normal shirt and black pants or jeans? :erm: ... Now that I think about it though I com not so sure I would mind :stunned:

  12. Yeah, I have been lurking on the PMT since February 2009, even before I even became a member :chuckle: I only started fancying Dom a month before I started posting at the PDT!

    I know how you feel :noey: I feel like perving on any guy available.

    Well, I just think he used to look hotter, all those sparkly suits are just too much :noey:

  13. Oh, why the :noey: face? I've actually fancied him long before Dom :chuckle: Although lately ...

  14. I have nothing to be ashamed of :phu:

    I admit it, I have the hots for Matt :ninja::chuckle:

  15. Hey :awesome: I don't know, I don't think it will happen but that's alright! I'll probably go to Placebo the same day :awesome: I'll wait for Muse to come here it seems, but I'm really hopeful now! Thank you, though!


    Glad to hear you're ok! We missed you here :happy:

  16. I just saw Sian posted it on the PDT, but here it is anyway. :chuckle:





  17. Hey! :happy: I found these, hope they're alright!
















  18. Χρόνια σου πολλά και ό,τι επιθυμείς! :party:

  19. I don't know yet! There is a possibility that I might get 1000 euros soon and if that happens and I find tickets and cheap flights, then yeah :awesome:

    But I won't know until a couple of weeks later if I get the money, which might be too late :( I don't want to be disappointed again :supersad:


    How are you, by the way, it's been a while since I saw you here! I hope everything is alright! :happy:

  20. Happy Birthday! :party: We'll miss you when you go to Africa! :kiss: Have fun there :awesome:

  21. Κάποιοι είχαν πάει από τις 7 το 2007 όταν είχαν έρθει! Δεν ξέρω για το soundcheck, αλλά δε νομίζω, δυστυχώς! :(

    Και εγώ έχω σκεφτεί τι θα φορέσω (από πέρυσι το σκέφτομαι) :awesome:

    Δε θα σου είχε απαντήσει μέχρι τώρα, όμως? :erm:


    Mάλλον πρέπει να πάω να ετοιμαστώ σε λίγο να φύγω για Πάτρα! Θα τα πούμε αύριο, φιλάκια :happy:

  22. Εμένα η καλύτερη μου φίλη που μεγαλώσαμε μαζί είναι αεροσυνοδός στην Aegean :ninja: Μπορεί να μας βοηθήσει αν την πείσω!

    Εννοείται οτι θα πάμε! Θα οργώσουμε την Αθήνα μέχρι να τους βρούμε! Και στη συναυλία θα είμαστε στο barrier! Και θα πάμε από τις 8 το πρωί για να είμαστε σίγουρες! :awesome: (μήπως το παρατραβάω? :erm::chuckle: )

  23. Σίγουρα είναι γλυκούλης και τον αγαπάω, αλλα, νομίζω οτί είναι λίγο! Βεβαια έχει τη δικαιολογία οτι είναι φανταστικός σε όλα :stunned::LOL:


    Ισως να έχεις δίκιο, αλλά μπορείς να ελπίζεις ότι ίσως να το είδαν :awesome:


    Av έρθουν για συναυλία μου αρκεί και ας μη τους γνωρίσω ποτέ :'( Βέβαια έχω σκοπό να πάω στο αεροδρόμιο :ninja:

  24. Μπα, μα γιατί να το πετάξουν? Δε νομίζω! Ακόμα και ο Μatt που είναι ψωνάρα, λέει οτι τα φυλάει όσα του δίνουν οι fans! :yesey:

    Eχω κουραστεί να λέω το όνομα τους 24/7, γι'αυτό :chuckle:

    Nα κάνεις και να τους τα δώσουμε! :awesome:

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