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Status Updates posted by Tasha_

  1. :chuckle: We have many long words, difficult to pronounce!

    Yeah, like π :awesome:

  2. :chuckle: Yeah, everything is in the greek alphabet!



    latin alphabet: O Dom einai enas apo tous pio omorfous antres se afto ton planiti ( looks weird :erm: I know it must look difficult to pronounce )

    Greek alphabet: Ο Ντομ είναι ένας από τους πιο όμορφους αντρες σε αυτόν τον πλανήτη :awesome:

  3. No, your friend was right, we use the Greek alphabet! :D

    In the Greek thread (or the internet in general ) we use the latin one for the sake of efficiency, since some think that pressing Alt+Shift to change the letters to Greek is too much of a fuss :rolleyes:

  4. Hey, Aurora, how are you? :) I found an entry on wikipedia about recreation activites and thought some would fit well with your story.







    Humor: jokes, riddles, anecdotes and puzzles (I really like the idea of puzzles)


    Martial arts

    Reading books


    Sports and exercise

    Watching movies


    Yoga (not so much though:erm: )




    Hope it helps :D

  5. Happy Birthday to you! :party:

  6. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

    I wish all the best to you and may Dom win! :D

  7. I got it, thanks! :awesome:I like the koalas filename :LOL:

  8. :LOL: That's alright, thanks !
  9. Love the new thread! :D Just wondering if you could send me the TAFA,please, because I'm leaving again tomorrow afternoon and it would be nice to read something fun that'll remind me of the PDT! :awesome:

  10. You mean the one with Dom in that green suit? That was from a gig in Japan :D

    I made the one I have now :happy:

  11. Thanks. I'll make one for you with a chicken if you like :D

  12. Dunno why I did that, I just wanted to spam you. Will you ever forgive me? :supersad:

  13. Thank you! I just saw your message! :D

  14. I'm ok, how are you?

  15. Not sure yet... I might lurk the board for awhile. :)

  16. Not very good actually:( How about you?

  17. Ok, a bit tired, but i'll be alright. How about you?

  18. You're welcome:D

  19. I guess so, I kind of liked what they had, though, she was so lucky (I think- i don't know what was going on)

  20. I hope so, but I'm following weretheuniverse on twitter and they said that he changed the lyrics to MotP at a gig in USA to 'I can't get it right since I lost you' . my sister told me and i was:(all day

  21. :D

    Yeah, that's all I know too, but then I read somewhere that he was dancing with a lookalike of hers, so... Poor Maffoo:(

  22. :(I think so, I was really sad...

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