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Status Updates posted by Tasha_

  1. I will! :awesome:


    Thanks! My mum was shaking her head when I told her my idea and even my sister was looking at me like I'm crazy! :chuckle: I will try it though, there's nothing wrong with that!

  2. Yeah, I hope so! :awesome:


    Well, I'll try, but I'm not the one who likes to ask for favours, I don't know....maybe I could try to tell him in a subtle way....not sure what my parents would think :erm: *shrugs guilt off*

  3. Yeah, unfortunately, back to the start again :(


    See, it's too expensive and it's not even that far away! :noey: And especially if you multiply it by 2 ( for my sister too). That's why I want them to come here, I'm too short on money.

    I have hopes that my uncle may invite me to Chicago in autumn though and it would be great if Muse play there at the time. :awesome:

    I haven't actually asked him yet, but who knows, he had invited me last year too, but I didn't go, because I had school.

  4. No, you're not boring me at all! I love to talk about these things! :happy:

    I don't know if it was successful yet, though, because we sent the samples abroad for sequencing this Monday and I won't know till after the Easter holidays, when I go back to uni. I don't think it worked though, since some results showed that the gene that I cloned in the end was smaller than the one I wanted, so... we'll see :erm:


    It would be great if they got to play some old and rare songs! :yesey: I voted for Assassin ( :ninja: ) for Wembley, even if I'm not going!

    I don't know about Hungary, because I searched for flight tickets for Budapest and there isn't a direct flight, which means the tickets cost about 350 euros/person. That costs even more then Wembley would cost for me. It would be great if I could come, though :supersad:

  5. I'd like to clone some people, it's true :ninja::shifty:


    Apocalypse Please is an epic song indeed! :yesey: Did you vote for the setlists?

  6. Yeah :awesome: I thought it would be appropriate since I'm a biologist :chuckle:


    Love yours too! Reminds me of epic stuff! :awesome:

  7. I'm puzzled, because it's definitely past midnight in the UK, isn't it? It should be there!


    On the other hand, I haven't really thought of an undertitle so it gives me more time to think about it! :LOL:

  8. I still don't see the little box! :supersad:

  9. Oh, I was wondering why I didn't see it, it's UK time! :facepalm:



  10. Of course we're not. ;)


    Matt shouldn't be allowed near a computer! He posted here once and the board crashed. :chuckle:

    I'm sure if Dom met us he'd find us very interesting, indeed :yesey: He just needs to meet us to realize it. :chuckle:


    You're seeing them in a couple of days! I hope you have lots of fun!! :awesome:

    Tell them to come to Greece, will you? :supersad:

  11. :chuckle: Sometimes I'm amazed at how sane we are at the PDT.


    Poor Matt, staying in! Dom should take him out more, though I don't think that he stays inside all that much. Maybe Dom is too bored to log on or something :LOL:


    He should add me :fear:

  12. No I wouldn't! What do you take me for? :p


    Would you do it? :eyebrows:


    I've seen those girls, yeah.

    The fact that Muse are adding some normal fans as well, is reassuring, though.


    I never expected Matt to add me before Dom. I thought Dom was the attention whore in the band. :chuckle:

  13. :LOL: Like I'd do that.


    Do you think it might work? :chuckle:


    I think I'll wait till he feels like adding people again, thankyouverymuch. :p

  14. :chuckle:

    I sent my request about a week ago, when I got a myspace. He's already added my sister, but when he logged in last time, he didn't add anyone else. I think he might be bored of all those friend requests. :LOL:

  15. Tough chance, since Chris hasn't logged on since 2007! :chuckle: I have sent him a friend request anyway, though.

    Dom hasn't added me :supersad:

  16. Hey there! I was just at myspace, looking Matt's new friends because he added me and I saw he added you too :awesome::matt:

  17. I searched for flight tickets already and they're about 200 euros/person :( I want to get a job :supersad:

    I hope they'll come! They headline every festival in the planet or so it seems! But sometimes I think that I'm hoping for too much.

    Oh, you should read the books they're 100 times better than the movies :yesey:


    No, I wasn't :supersad: I've never seen them live. I had already started listening to their music at the time, but I didn't follow them on the internet so much, so I had no idea they had come.

    Now, I'll know though! :awesome:

  18. Is that in Hungary? :awesome: I hope I can have enough money to come. Unless they decide to come here :indiff:

    I'd love to meet you all and we could teach each other our language, it would be so much fun :chuckle:


    Your email address is better than mine, I like strawberries when they're sweet. :happy: Mine was somehow inspired by Lupin, though I don't know how :erm:


    He actually said it after KoC at the start of the gig, as a way to welcome the crowd! My mum makes fun of his accent everytime she hears him speak. :chuckle:

  19. I tried to say it, too :awesome: I think I did alright, but there's no one here to correct me :chuckle:


    I sent it to you. :D

  20. I know I'd suck speaking Slonene :chuckle:


    It's pronounced 'kalyneehhhta' :happy: Weird, I know.


    There is a video on youtube, but it's really crap and he says it in the very end :noey: Is it possible to pm you the mp3? It's only a few seconds long :awesome:

  21. :LOL: I can imagine! He should have asked!

    I love it when foreign people try to speak Greek, they always mess it up and it sounds really weird. When my cousin had come from Chicago for holiday with a friend of him, I was trying to teach his friend how to say goodnight (kalinichta) and he couldn't say it properly.

    I have an mp3 of Matt speaking Greek at the gig in Athens in 2007 and I always laugh when I hear it!

  22. Oh, not everywhere then :chuckle:


    Is it pronounced 'lj' , just like it's written? It sounds a bit weird to me, because we don't ever put those two letters together :erm:

  23. I got the words Dom and planetu :awesome: The word planet seems to be the same everywhere!

  24. You should just remember that the little line is horizontal in sigma and vertical in rho! :awesome:


    The Cyrilic alphabet is the same one they use in the Russian language too, isn't it? :erm:


    So how would you write 'Dom is one of the hottest guys on this planet', then? :awesome:

  25. :chuckle: well, it's a completely different thing to what you normally use! sigma is σ and rho is ρ :awesome:


    Do you use latin letters when you write in Slovenian?

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