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Status Updates posted by Tasha_

  1. Οχι ιδιαίτερα, αλλά το προσπαθώ :chuckle: Τι ωραία που τους το δώσατε :awesome: Mακάρι να μπορούσα να το κάνω και εγώ αυτό αν έρθουν ποτέ οι Ξέρεις-Ποιοί :indiff:


    A, τα διάβασα πριν κανα χρόνο, ωραία και με ηθικό δίδαγμα! :yesey:

  2. Εμένα το 3ο και το 6ο είναι :awesome: Γιατί? 'Ετσι μάθαμε οτι όλα πήγαν καλά και ήταν ευτυχισμένη η υπόλοιπη ζωή τους! Ακουσα οτι θα βγάλει καποιο είδος εγκυκλοπαίδειας με τις ζωες των άλλων χαρακτήρων :shifty:


    Ναι, εγώ τις εφτιαξα! :awesome: Φτιάχνω και ένα μεγαλύτερο με το The Resistance, αλλά δεν το έχω τελειώσει ακόμα! Είχα σκοπο να τους το δώσω αν ερχονταν ποτέ ή να μου το υπογράψουν και να το κολλήσω στον τόιχο μου :'(

  3. Δεν έπρεπε να σκοτώσει και τον Lupin! Ηταν ένας από τους αγαπημένους μου :'( O Percy! Από εκεί που δεν τον συμπαθούσα καθόλου, τα αλλαξε όλα! :awesome:

    Toυλάχιστον είχε χαρούμενο τέλος! :D

  4. Και εγώ εκλαιγα! Αλλα έκλαψα και για τον Sirius και για τον Dumbledore και για τον Lupin :'(


    Aλλα, έπρεπε να γίνουν μερικές θυσίες, δυστυχώς! Αλλιώς θα ήταν τελείως παραμυθι. :noey:

  5. Καλά, πως σκίστηκε? :eek: Το Resistance θα είναι τέλειο! Εχει από τα καλύτερα artworks :happy: Καλή επιτυχία με τα υπόλοιπα!


    Μου δίνεις ιδέες :shifty:


    Fred& George are the best! Too bad one of them died :'(

  6. Ωραία! :awesome: Τι σχέδιο θα κάνεις?


    Εγώ λέω να αρχίσω από το Order of the Phoenix, τα άλλα τα έχω διαβάσει πολύ περισσότερο! Σιγά-σιγά θα φτάσω και στο DH :D

  7. Thanks :awesome: Το θυμήθηκα ξανα τώρα που είδα το trailer και θα αρχίσω να το ξαναδιαβαζω την επόμενη εβδομάδα :happy:

  8. That's great! Glad you had such a great time :awesome:


    I'm alright, too, I guess, can't wait for my exams to finish :happy:

  9. Happy belated Birthday! I'm sorry I didn't wish you earlier! Hope you had lots of fun! :party:

  10. Hey! Yeah, it's been a while! :chuckle:


    I'm alright, studying mostly! How about you? :happy:

  11. Let's hope so! :awesome: Thanks for your help :kiss:

  12. Ah, thanks, I made some adjustments. :shifty: My sister says I sound pathetic, but don't I have to exaggerate a little bit? :erm:



    Blah blah blah, I really love Muse, blah blah :D



    Thanks for helping me :happy:


    Edit: I sent it. Hope it works *fingers crossed* :supersad:

  13. Hey Stef! :happy: Sorry to be such a pain, but do you mind helping me out with my comment? I think it's crap! :noey: This is what I've written so far:




    Blah blah blah I love Muse blah blah




  14. Happy Birthday, Carla! I wish all the best to you! :awesome::party:

  15. I hope Matt gets his inspiration back for the next album :( I want some angsty lyrics and some riffs, dammit :fear:

    Joking...just something different to the route they are on now, anyway...:erm:


    You're welcome :D Those lucky people at Glasto will probably get to hear full Exo live :supersad:

  16. :awesome:


    I'm rather disappointed to tell you the truth. It's not that bad, but it's just not Muse :noey: I can't compare it to the rest of their work in any way. I'm just hoping that the next album will be good and NOT LIKE THIS :supersad:



    Here's the link :happy: I love Chris' voice!

  17. I'm great :awesome:

    I just read your posts in PDT chatting, you must have had a great time! I really want to visit Ireland at some point!

    Yes, that what he said in a radio interview last week :shifty:

    So how do you like Neutron Star Collision? :erm:

  18. Thank god for that :pope: But the Spiderdom outfit shows the package rather nicely :eyebrows:

    Oh, the vest. :stunned: I love that vest :stunned: Black clothes make him look hot, nevertheless...although, I guess he might wear something lighter now that summer is approaching! :yesey:

  19. May I remind you of a certain silver outfit? :chuckle: Not to mention the Spiderdom costume...it's as close to tights as it can get :LOL:


    I love the black clothes, though :supersad:

  20. :chuckle: Tights :stunned: I wish Dom doesn't wear something like that next :stunned:
  21. I checked them out on youtube, not bad! That guy looks kinda gay, though :chuckle:

  22. I haven't seen them, to tell you the truth! I don't know whether I will like their music, Lady Gaga seems to be the only popstar that I like :chuckle:

  23. Wow, she didn't forget them now that she's big! That's so nice of her, I bet supporting her must be a real boost for their careers! :yesey:

  24. I've noticed :chuckle:

    Well, they were bound to be crazy, or she wouldn't have picked them to open for her :chuckle::awesome:

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