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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. I also ditch the riff in favor of the triplets.
  2. I refuse to be on a pillar. I need room to run around and look like a fool who doesn't know how to play music.
  3. Nah, I'm pretty sure fellow Musers would love us.
  4. Maybe we should just record along to the original or to a click track or something XD I just tried playing along and it didn't end well.
  5. I'm gonna follow the drum track, I think, unless it's way out of tempo. It's a lot easier to layer songs like that. Drums -> Bass -> Guitar -> Vocals
  6. Good timing. I was just about to make a thread to do a normal version of this.
  7. "Resistence". I counted 4 correct spellings, though. That's out of like, 10.
  8. Your dad sounds awesome. Have him build us a studio! lol
  9. I had something like 11 vocal tracks and 5 guitar tracks to record.
  10. If you need another violinist, I can do it quick tonight or tomorrow morning.
  11. Oh God, it sounds even worse today... :facepalm: Please don't listen to it, anyone.
  12. I'm hesitant to do vocals after recording myself so much this weekend. If I end up doing though, I'm gonna do the Eric Burdon vocals.
  13. That's the best one! Are you gonna have giggling at the beginning?
  14. If it would be easier, I can provide a file without the live riffs.
  15. This is going to have to wait until I recover from Muscle Museum.
  16. I recorded some vocals for this. Here's a shorter version that cuts out in the middle. This is more faithful to the original. It is better. Here's the whole song with some other random things thrown in. It does not sound like the original. It is worse. Also fail solo at the end.
  17. That improv is actually the intro Megalomania. Supposedly.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLF9fxqeark
  19. I just listened to it, and there's some crap audio skipping in a lot of it. I'll see if I can't fix it some time. EDIT: Oh God, that part before the solo... I need to give my time to warm up before screaming so it doesn't sound so air-ey.
  20. New Born - Take 1 So, like I said, this was first thing in the morning. Also, I was in the car in the garage, which was FREEZING! Ok, enough excuses. This is like some really weird/bad mashup of the studio and live versions. Sort of. Also, for the long pauses, I inadvertently started singing/air drumming. P.S. Damn you Matt and your being a Spinto Tenor! We Lyrico-Leggiero Tenors can't keep up! P.P.S. Please use headphones. I'm embarrassed enough just showing you guys. EASTER EGG: You can hear me swallow at the end.
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