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Everything posted by seraphrevan

  1. Zach, some tips on using Cubase: When you export, make sure you're selecting the part you want to export on the timeline. You may have accidentally selected those 16 seconds. Also, sometimes, your computer will set your pedal to the default audio device, so it'll try to play back through your amp. This probably isn't the problem, since you probably have your amp on and plugged in while you play, anyway. Also, if I were you, see if you can record through a mic-ed up amp instead of a direct line into your computer. Recording through your computer, you lose a lot of the organic sounds from your amp. Listen to our cover of Bliss to get an idea of what I'm talking about. It just sounds weird.
  2. You have to go into Cubase, and go to "Devices" --> "Device Setup" and then click on "VST Audiosystem and change it to "RP255 ASIO" or something like that. That's all I can remember.

  3. Yeah, I read a guide, somewhere. Have you installed X-Edit, yet?

  4. Guys, I'm actually going to record my guitar parts for stuff. I just need to be reminded of what I signed up for.
  5. mfi.re? I think you're missing a bunch of letters, lol
  6. lol, some guy on another forum also got Stephenie Meyer, and posted this: Also, @Tofu, I used the lyrics from every song from all of the studio albums.
  7. According to this link, Matt writes like J.K. Rowling. http://iwl.me/s/32618206
  8. No, I play what he plays at Wembley, which is what is in HERE just before the riff, except I play it up a bit on the neck and across multiple strings. I also only play single notes, rather than octaves.
  9. Huh, the part I play during that part sounds totally different.
  10. I'll be last resort guitar player. I've actually been fiddling around with this song for the past week or so.
  11. Yeah, he does palm-muting + arpeggiated triplets, I think. I normally just play what he plays at Wembley.
  12. Yeah, I knew that. I like setting up my own presets, though, and experimenting with different settings. I actually just made a preset for "Popcorn" the other day.

  13. I go from E2 to A5, so that's around 3.5 octaves. It all sounds terrible, though.
  14. I have a major "I'm a dude and want to stick my junk in her trunk" crush on her. It's quite unhealthy.
  15. That speech was epic. Also, Amy is too hot to die.
  16. @Kirby That's because the BBC has a license fee, and all of their commercials are for their own programs, so they can afford to chunk them all together and show them at once. Still doesn't explain why BBC America, which you also have to pay to get, has commercials. Probably because you're paying your cable provider for that tier of channels, and not paying the BBC directly to access just their channels.
  17. If you get a good DivX stream, it'll be pretty close to HD, if not completely HD.
  18. Taylor, install DivX and go here: http://www.sidereel.com/Doctor_Who_%282005%29
  19. Oh wow, I would never be able to handle two subjects like that. I'm having enough trouble as it is with just one subject! Part of it is that I'm just not really trying all that hard, though.

  20. I'm doing Computer Science. What are you planning on doing?

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